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Empowerment as a key to employee motivation

RC: 114491
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NASCIMENTO, Vanessa Soares do [1], OLIVEIRA, Vitória Amanda Gomes de [2], PINHEIRO, Laís de Souza Lima [3], BARBOSA, Denise Juliana Bezerra de Pontes [4], MOURA, Kaíque Barbosa de [5], RIBEIRO, Rhubens Ewald Moura [6]

NASCIMENTO, Vanessa Soares do. Et al. Empowerment as a key to employee motivation. Revista Científica Multidisciplinar Núcleo do Conhecimento. Year 06, Ed. 09, Vol. 09, p. 108-141. September 2021. ISSN: 2448-0959, Access link:


The present study investigates the importance of empowerment in employee motivation. Through the way employees are motivated and seen by organizations, it is possible to see how they behave and how this can be the success of the company. Organizations, today, think of the management model with the achievement of objectives and do not value employees and, today, seek solutions for the management of the model with the achievement of objectives. The search sought to answer the following problem: what is the importance of empowerment for employee motivation? The objective of this article is analyzed through a bibliometric study, empowerment and its importance for employee motivation. Methodology of the type of analysis, analytical and analytical with longitudinal temporal perspective (2010-2 methodology, proven0) was used as main results if they interfere0 demonstrates that empowerment can positively within an organization and it was concluded that an organization that the employee is useful and their motivational levels, there is organizational success and also that cooperation between development power is essential. Therefore, employee empowerment provides engagement with customer problems and customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Keywords: Empowerment, Employees People management, Motivation, Organization.


As effective management integrates its organizational policy with people’s strategies, companies aim to seek and qualify professionals. For the positive, it is necessary to invest in the empowerment and mode of all employees, who can perform their functions correctly, with the achievement of results, so that it is possible to achieve organizational objectives (LACOMBE; CHU 2008).

For creative ideas to emerge, they are fundamental to what motivated them. Many of them are successful in the market, however, they will provide a motivating work environment, being the challenge for many managers. Motivation does not need to be awakened and stimulated through internal and external factors and have one that is awakened to the passage. It is finding obstacles during the motivating stimulus, as it is possible not to achieve the objective, conflict and anxiety, and, in this sense, each one will achieve the results desired by individuals (MAXIMIANO, 2012).

Overcoming such obstacles requires dedication, training, development of employees’ skills, socialization of the company’s mission and vision and seeking team integration, so that they feel an essential part of the organization. Motivating a demotivated person has become the daily challenge and the company’s success depends directly on this factor. Many managers study, in their organizational environments, which variables reflect positively or negatively on the results of the team and, identifying, isolating and mitigating the negative variable is the advance that many seek, since a motivated employee performs his function with pleasure, focus and objective (MACHADO; BIANCHI, 2008).

It is noteworthy that in order for empowerment to provide the employee with resolution and decision-making capacity, training and strategies are necessary so that the effective delegation of authority and strategic responsibilities is possible. Many companies still do not have the capacity and preparation to empower their employees, they still experience the centralized leadership of decisions and see this new method as something risky, because they do not know their teams and their potential (MORAIS, 2015).

However, in a globalized world, it is extremely important that leaders know the potential of their teams, that they invest in them, through training to make them capable of empowerment. When you have an empowered team, which reflects the certainty that its managers believe and trust in it, companies start to have motivated and committed employees with their work, with the information and with the results. Therefore, a company that believes that empowerment motivates its employees, providing itself with an opportunity for growth (RAMOS, 1990).

For an employee who lives daily with problems, internal conflicts, errors in the processes, it is easier to be able to visualize the root of the problem and its solution, when they are motivated, especially because the work environment becomes healthier and more fluid in the sockets of decisions. In addition, it is important to emphasize that all this reflects positively on the customer, promoting satisfaction and loyalty with the organization (ROSA, 2015).

It is essential, in organizations, that the spirit of team harmony is stimulated among employees, so they can achieve the desired result, and there will be no impasses that end up harming the performance and success of the team. Showing that together they are stronger and that individually they would not be able to reach the desired target sometimes takes more time, hence the need to get to know each team member, so that, when necessary, the delegations of functions are done correctly (SANTANA ; SANTOS, 2010).

With the change in the economic scenario, mass production was left aside and lean production began to be used, with this empowerment has gained strength within organizations. Delegating powers is not just transferring a function, but ownership, that is, acting as if they were the owners of the business, always looking for the best alternative to solve problems. Thus, the company promotes the qualification of the workforce and the reduction of the burden of responsibilities at higher levels, that is, delegating beyond power (FLEURY, 1980).

In the current scenario, companies that are managing to remain in the market are those that offer quality, shorter deadlines and innovations, and this is the key to success, but knowing where to use this key is what has been the difficulty of many. Within the company, there are many failures in the processes, which prevents the focus on any other factor and, for not knowing their team of employees, the manager ends up being alone in this conflicting environment (VASCONCELOS; HEMSLEY, 2003).

Providing a healthy work environment, trusting the team, investing in training and making some information accessible has still been a barrier that many companies have not tried to break. Some for not knowing the benefits that will be added to the company and for thinking that such a decision would bring disorder. In this sense, this article seeks to answer the following research problem: what is the importance of empowerment for the motivation of employees?

The present research is justified by the theoretical contribution to the studies of administration, considering that it develops an analysis on the themes of empowerment and its relationship with the motivation of employees in organizations, in addition to the theoretical justification for being a subject little discussed, thus being able to collaborate for pointing out new scientific gaps for academic works on the topic discussed here.

Research on empowerment as a key to motivation can also contribute to companies, which have seen empowerment as an enemy, where permission to use it seems to make them lose control of the entire process and leaders their authority, and they even feel their positions are threatened. However, delegating authority is empowering the team for different circumstances, having the opportunity to see a situation from different angles and make the right decision more quickly, decentralizing decision-making at the top, which can focus more attention on other areas, in new customers and strategies. Empowerment is to add values ​​and invest in the company’s success (WENDHAUSEN; BARBOSA; BORBAS, 2006).

As a practical justification, the need for the employee to be able to have a better view is highlighted, by being closer to customers, internal conflicts and errors. It is noteworthy that a supervisor who is not “on the ground” of the company and does not follow the processes and customers, will not always have the best decision for the best resolution. Empowerment is the key to solving these problems, where employees will become more confident and committed to the process and information. And through research it will be possible to know the potential of employees, which factors affect motivation and to what extent employees are committed (DIAS, 2000).

The article presents in its first topic the introduction that concludes here. The second brings the theoretical framework addressing people management, motivation and empowerment. The third describes the methodological procedures used and their specificities applied. Then, the topic of analysis of results is presented with the main inferences and analyzes about the data and information collected in the bibliometric research. Finally, the conclusion topic with a closing and suggestions for continuing the work in addition to the references used.


Every day organizations face new challenges and need to create a motivating organizational climate, people have spent more time within companies and end up creating strong bonds, but it is extremely important to know how to separate the personal from the professional so that it does not reflect negatively on the results. To obtain what is desired, the company needs to train its team, clearly show its vision, which methods should be followed, which way to go and, in case of errors, how to act (DUTRA; HIPÓLITO; SILVA, 2000).

There is a difference when we treat people as partners and we have them as collaborators grouped in a team and concerned with results, committed, with ethical behavior and who will always seek new knowledge to develop their talents and perform their activities with perfection, and, so that If this occurs, planning is necessary to create strategies that involve the entire organization, achieving humanization throughout the process (ZANELLI, 2002).

From all this flow it is important to have good communication, where administrators should seek to encourage their team daily, adding all the components of the team, regardless of the hierarchical level. The company works as a body, each one has its importance and differential and must work together with the same objective, for the success of the company. When everyone understands its importance and that it is essential, they start to perform the feedback with greater precision and responsibility, avoiding such a bottleneck in this process, and avoiding such a problem (SIQUEIRA; MENDES, 2009).

In a company, it is necessary to know its strengths and weaknesses, threats and weaknesses so that employees can be trained according to organizational needs and can plan the entire action strategy. This training must be carried out with rigidity and precision, in which the company’s objectives must be emphasized, the process for each client (since each one has different policies and requirements), which procedures must be followed, which cannot occur and, finally, , determine a period for recycling training, this is essential to maintain a partnership between employee and organization (MUNCK; MUNCK; SOUZA, 2001).

Organizations have realized that to be successful it is necessary to be attentive to employees. People management contributes to the organization achieving its goals and accomplishing its mission, creating skills and competences, causing productivity, benefiting everyone, seeking to develop quality of life at work, making the environment pleasant and without internal conflicts. The team needs to be able to change, because we live in an unstable environment and only companies that are willing to remain in the competitive market (FLEURY; FLEURY, 2002).

Investing in the team is still a challenge for many companies as they see it as a threat, but when we provide a reliable and motivating work environment we are able to awaken talents, for that the administrator can create a rewards policy, where they must be fair and with evaluation, of performance. When the company has a staff of old employees, it tends to find resistance to implement these changes, so it is essential to be aware of the entire process and its objective (TAMAYO; PASCHOAL, 2003).

For these changes to occur, activities and positions must first be designed, where they will be specified. This process is important so that there are no errors in the execution. The way companies in the past were structured is different from today, many hierarchical levels are centralized, activities were simple and repetitive, the flow of information was very rigid and not everyone had access and was not adaptable to changes and innovations (BATISTA , 2013).

The market becomes more demanding every day, forcing companies to change their organizational structure, culture, environment, the way they lead and manage, it is not enough just to put it on paper, it needs to be put into practice so that the organization does not have future problems. With globalization, the market has become even more competitive and it is essential to know your competitors, make a mapping, know where each one operates, what are their strengths and weaknesses, as customers are always looking for innovations, cost reduction and benefits. With this, retaining each one within the economic scenario we live in is the challenge that all companies are seeking to conquer (RUEDA et al., 2013).

The way companies are structured nowadays, leads employees to seek and exceed goals with entrepreneurial attitudes, without the fear of taking risks and also to seek their self-fulfillment, when they can consequently achieve absenteeism within the company decreases along with turnover. Companies are becoming more demanding when selecting a candidate and presenting more attractive job and salary plans, some are using recruitment agencies where in their databases they look for which profile fits the company’s requirement (SILVA JÚNIOR, 2001).

For such purposes to be achieved within organizations, from their staff, it is necessary to make use of the implementation and use of some people management techniques within companies, such as the development of employee motivation and satisfaction, a subject that will be discussed below.


Motivation is an internal impulse that leads to action in which motivated individuals remain in performing their tasks until they reach their goals, each person has different motives and begins to see obstacles not as problems, but barriers to be overcome. Behavior is determined by internal or external reasons where individuals will be guided to accomplish a goal (DIAS, 2000).

Employees seek to achieve the desired results, thus avoiding the undesirable and following the path of success. When an organization has reward policies and these are practiced, each one will seek to strive and always go beyond the desired. Unmotivated employees end up causing damage to the company, as they seek to do only what is necessary, there is no commitment to information, absenteeism rises and failures in the work process become routine (COIMBRA; OLIVEIRA, 2005).

Good management at work becomes a source of fulfillment and when the employee is motivated he starts to see work as a source of satisfaction and not of survival, there are some factors that can cause demotivation, such as moral harassment, high workload, low salary and unstable work environment, he does not feel safe within the company, as he may be fired at any time (KINCH; PEREIRA, 2011).

It is important to have a reliable environment within the organization, with job and salary policies, and that the employee is not seen as a machine or something disposable, but as a fundamental part of the company’s success. When he realizes that it is essential in the company, he will dedicate himself, he will accompany the whole process helping to supervise the other employees to observe and verify if they are complying with the company’s standard operating procedures (BOEHE; FREITAS; COSTA, 2005).

Motivation is also driven by human needs, every individual seeks self-fulfillment, achieve their goals, obtain professional achievements or even simple acceptance within the work group satisfies them. There are some people who always look for positions that have the power to influence other people and the environment in which they find themselves, thus making it a motivating environment where everyone seeks together to carry out the work in the right way, worrying about feedback, processes and avoiding emergence bottlenecks (BERGAMINI, 1994).

Enriching the position is to expand the tasks making the work stop being repetitive, and, through delegations, it is presumable to be able to empower the employee and increase his decision-making powers. When they are hired, it is pertinent that the positions that will be modified are redesigned, so there may be incentives, preventing resistance when implementing the modification in the company, as many employees always see changes as threats, which results in the process being blocked (FERREIRA; GIMENEZ; RAMOS, 2005).

The quality of life at work and employee satisfaction are factors that reflect on productivity, however, there are still companies that do not approve of these changes, they think that the traditional method of leading is the most efficient and that employees do not need recognition, only they must carry out their activity in the imposed way and must not have the freedom to create, innovate, have minimal knowledge of the process and access to information is scarce (VASCONCELOS, 2001).

The results achieved by the team’s motivation go far beyond just meeting deadlines and obeying procedures, the company’s success will become concrete with motivated employees, and with customer loyalty. When a company invests in employee training, it demonstrates that it trusts their potential, each one can grow and reach the goal they want and with the support of the leadership this becomes easier and less stressful (RIBEIRO, 2015).

Leading must go beyond all this thinking, building a motivated team where everyone works together to achieve the same goal, committed to the whole process is currently the sensible way to lead. Even if the company has job, career and salary plans, rewards for those who achieve good results, good communication and relationship between the team, but they do not have a leader who motivates them, who takes them beyond their limitations, this whole structure does not will be enough to motivate the entire team (SILVA; PEIXOTO; BATISTA, 2001).

Therefore, motivation makes the employee feel more autonomous in relation to their tasks, thus having an impact on their way of dealing with everyone within the company and this can help to build an empowered employee profile.

In this sense, combining employee motivational strategies with the process of empowering workers within the work environment can bring results that positively impact the organization, a topic that will be addressed below.


People have skills and knowledge that are important to the company, and for them to be used in the process, it requires training to improve, implement and improve performance, it also instructs people to make decisions and thus contribute effectively to the organization. With this, employees can have more freedom to modify something in the process, to better meet customer needs (BATISTA, 2006).

In order for this freedom to occur in the process, employees need to receive all the necessary information, know how the flow should be from start to finish, and, for that, empowerment is essential for learning by enhancing employee creativity. To compete in the market today, the company needs to be in constant innovation, seeking new strategies, investing in new technologies and making the flow of information fast and flawless (PARENTE; ROTHERMEL; VILLAÇA, 2016).

The strategic level needs to be attentive to the market, have a holistic view to stand out from the competitors, it cannot stop the process to solve all the problems of the tactical and operational levels, for this it is important to delegate authorities to the employees, so that they develop and solve day-to-day problems and, only in situations of extreme urgency, take the problem for evaluation at the strategic level (ARRUDA; ARRUDA ML, 1998).

Employees need to work with team spirit, but this requires time and investment from leaders, training is also essential for leadership, so they will drive the entire team forward by driving correctly, and without good leadership, the team ends up getting lost and not achieving the goals. Every process needs to be monitored so that the rewards are fair, when a failure occurs, the company needs to apply warnings and necessary corrections so that bottlenecks do not arise (MAGALDI; CRESCITELLI, 2008).

Failures in the process always irreparably harm customers, the loss of trust generates losses for the company, and, because they are afraid that this will happen, companies end up not seeing with good eyes the delegation of authority. However, who better than the employee who is on the front line and has greater contact with the customer, to make decisions, they know the daily needs and difficulties of each one, and many need immediate action (BORTOLUZZI; ENSSLIN; ENSSLIN, 2011).

Within the process, there must be awareness of the need for teamwork, showing the strategies in meetings, where the company intends to act, talking about the problems that have occurred so that everyone reaches the resolution of the problem, as these procedures happen, the team gains experience and empowerment increases, so the team becomes self-managing and the instructors start to adopt a passive role (CARDOSO, 2006).

The decentralization of the process results in the effectiveness, efficiency and speed of decision-making as the market demands. Trust in the employee is a positive variable that motivates them to seek new challenges and overcome barriers, influencing creativity, increasing production considerably. Some organizations still defend centralization because they do not trust the team, do not know its potential and see empowerment as risky (LACERDA; ABBAD, 2003).

That’s why it’s necessary to know your team, its strengths and weaknesses, on which the company will work to improve and develop strategies to advance against the competition. When you have an empowered team, in which there is a feeling of participating and of being an essential part of achieving the company’s objectives, there is work committed to the information and results. Therefore, believing and investing in empowerment is a promising differential for the company’s growth (ESPINDOLA; OLIVEIRA, 2009).

A work environment where there are no internal conflicts, errors in processes, stuck in decision-making or only negative reinforcements makes the environment motivating for employees. This will reflect on the relationship with customers, where there will be an increase in satisfaction and loyalty, they demand quality, shorter deadlines, innovations and faster feedback every day. With this, the manager needs to know his team, its potential and delegate authorities to achieve the goals desired by the organization (SILVA; PEIXOTO; BATISTA, 2001).

Thus, encouraging functional empowerment within organizations can be a competitive differentiator for companies. For this purpose, the bibliometric research carried out to identify the importance of such a differential with the collaborators will be pointed out in the course of this work.


This research is analytical and descriptive, with a longitudinal temporal perspective, based on a bibliometric survey. It is quantitative because it uses numerical data to show the sources of research, opinions and information that, with empowerment, employees are more confident and committed to the whole process, feeling that they are an essential part of the company, making their objectives and goals the same as those of the organization, as well, these data are analyzed and classified so that the manager can outline strategies and delegate authorities correctly (GODOY, 1995).

It explains how empowerment influences employee motivation, which variables reflect on individual and group behavior, showing the need for training to delegate authority in the company. To motivate and qualify professionals and organizations, good management is sought, where the employee will have access to information for decision-making so that the process will be decentralized for better results (GOMES; QUELHA, 2003).

The analyzes were made from a bibliometric study and research already developed on the subject, from such research questions and discussions were carried out that made it possible to propose which way to go, what is the best way to train employees, how, where and when to delegate authority, which sector has a bottleneck and lack of feedback.

After carrying out a survey in the journals E&G, RAC, RAE, RAI, RAM, RAP, RAUSP, RBADM, RCA, READ, RECADM, REGE, REGEPE, and in the SPELL and SciELO portals due to the high concentration of journals and their focus on In the business area, which covered the period from January 2010 to May 2020, the relevance of the themes empowerment and employees was verified, since each of the themes appears frequently, which can be observed in Table 2.

The survey was carried out by searching for words related to the general themes of the research (Empowerment and employees). A total of 2,858 articles were found, as shown in Table 1 below:

Table 1 – Sources of Survey

Source: Own elaboration (2021)

Of the 2858 verified articles, 21 were selected because they had a reference to some of the researched topics in their title or objective. Being selected from the following magazines according to Table 2 below:

Table 2 – Survey by Theme

Source: Own elaboration (2021)

After the selection of the relevant articles for the present research, the analysis and discussion of the data proceeded, which will be presented in the following item.


From the analysis of the collected data, according to the methodological procedures reported in the previous item, it was possible to verify that the employee theme is the one that most has discussions, empowerment is still restricted to the relationship with gender. No article was found with the study of both themes concomitantly, and of the 21 selected, only 1 approached the approach proposed by this article.

The article that came closest to the topic addressed in this study was the one entitled “Empowerment in Service Recovery: Implications in the Perception of Equity and Customer Loyalty” by Leão and Santos (2018), which shows how the process is carried out by employees service and how their actions influence the sense of equity among employees. This study presents the need to implement training and promote empowerment of bank employees so that the service happens in a similar way, since customers are loyal to some employees, and this can generate a problem.

This article focuses on empowerment as a factor to increase employee motivation, making them produce more and have more autonomy within the organization, being able to make decisions, which is similar to the article cited in the previous paragraph, which intends to use the employee empowerment so that services happen more smoothly and they can recover their services. But the focus is that empowerment increases the motivation of employees making them able to create, solve and add value to the company.

Therefore, studies that aim to discuss or verify the relationship between employee empowerment in an organization were not observed, characterizing it as an innovative research. Table 1 presents the bibliographic survey carried out.

Table 1 – Survey from 2010 to 2020

Source: Research data

In view of the data and analysis, it is highlighted that the way employees are managed within a company significantly interferes with their empowerment, and consequently affects the processes. In one of the analyzed articles, it is exposed how the employee is treated only as an economic data, that is, like any production input, there are no true and reliable data on employee satisfaction (SILVEIRA, 2019). Therefore, the statement by Siqueira and Mendes (2009) is confirmed, the company is a body, and it must work that way, so that the employee feels like a member of that body, it is necessary to be treated that way, it is necessary to understand its importance and value within the organization.

Fleury and Fleury (2002) make it clear that organizations that aim for success need to be attentive to their employees, and people management is responsible for this. It is in management that personal and collective development occurs. Therefore, there must be an organizational commitment, and this is clear in one of the articles found in the analysis. As the bond between the organization and employees becomes a commitment, the possibility of success strengthens.

Many organizations do not give “voices or ears” to their employees, they usually have tiresome meetings that are not productive as a routine, most of them start after working hours, employees due to fatigue do not pay attention to the above, they do not present their proposals, because they only want to to close in order to travel to their homes. Due to the need for training, the division of tasks must be reformulated and the qualification of employees should be encouraged to better serve the partners. Employees spend most of their time dedicating themselves to an organization, it is essential that working conditions are also highlighted so that the individual can productively develop their functions with high motivation, thus achieving their individual and collective goals (VIEIRA, 2001).

Knowledge is an excellent tool for the employee empowerment and development process, as it is currently what makes the difference in the job market. The company should see an opportunity to develop educational strategies. Corporate education can leverage an organization’s performance, in addition to encouraging people to interact with society, and become more aware citizens and contributing to the company’s organizational climate. (PAULINO et al., 2020).

Transferring knowledge within a company is part of a learning process, as there will always be a connection between existing knowledge, expanding the organization’s internal and external network of relationships. Corporate education can make it possible to increase market competitiveness, which will act through the valorization of its employees, increasing the company’s level of intelligence, making continuous learning at all hierarchical levels of the corporation (SIMIONI; COMPANHOLO, 2011) .

It is essential for an organization to ascertain concrete data on the importance of empowerment, the transformation in which it proposes and which paths should be followed. Show that a good leader becomes the key to the success of empowerment, as it is necessary that they are able to listen and change themselves and that everyone must work as a body where each one has its function and importance to achieve the company vision (DUTRA; HIPÓLITO; SILVA, 2000).

In an organizational environment where there are unmotivated employees, there is a high percentage of absenteeism, absences, delays, process failures and lack of commitment to information and customers. This research shows that motivating its employees is to earn “loyal squires”, committed to the company’s vision, with each client, their demands and intolerances, they will always be willing to sacrifice when necessary, becoming fit for the assigned work, always looking for improvements in the process, new strategies, innovations, new technologies and everything possible to increase the desired result (SILVA; MACHADO, 2007).

There are numerous benefits for each employee, when this is added to the company’s policy, a healthy organizational environment is provided, without internal conflicts, where these are the reasons for blocking and poor performance in the process. With a motivating organizational climate, employees will work as a team, have less wear and tear, and will feel safe in the company (MASCARENHAS; ZAMBALDI; VARELA, 2013).

The employees of an organization when motivated are like a structure for success, mentioning the importance of each employee is a positive reinforcement that guarantees the quality in the final result, the integral presence of the leader is essential when they are in the qualification process and their participation it can occur in several ways, being present in the routine of your team, in the team, winning everyone’s trust (TAMAYO, 2005).

As a result, failures in the process will be eliminated, the return and resolution of problems will be faster, where customer satisfaction becomes the focus, the process will be carried out successfully and will reflect on the desired result. The organization will have motivated and qualified professionals to solve any unforeseen event that may occur and the customer will be in real time aware of each step (URDAN; RODRIGUES, 1999).


The objective of this work was to show that empowerment is the key to employee motivation. As mentioned by several authors in the references researched and found during the research (Table 1, Table 2 and Table 1), allowing the employee to have a voice gives him/her autonomy in decisions, providing the company with growth. In addition, it is possible to see that organizations that value the employee, have greater financial profits.

Another point highlighted is the difficulty of leaders in delegating functions, which occurs due to lack of information, or because they think that this can harm their work due to the need for centralization of power. But what happens is the opposite, when the company shows that the employee can be useful or makes the most of their abilities, it makes them feel motivated to perform the work. As demonstrated in the literature, the result of motivated and empowered employees is the company’s success.

It is possible to consider that cooperation between team members is also a fundamental part for empowerment to occur. The union of people who have the same objective makes them seek ways and strategies for improvements and improvements, this gives strength to the company and employees, also providing security and helping in the context of organizational climate.

An important question that can be raised from this study is: how can the empowered employee impact the results of a company? The research analysis shows that due to the proximity between customer and employee, the more empowered the employee is, the more easily he can solve problems and satisfy customers, earning them loyalty.

Therefore, this study presents a theoretical contribution to the knowledge about empowerment as a key to motivation, since there are few records on the subject, within organizations it is important that they recognize and put into practice methods that cause employee empowerment. In this way, it was possible to show through this research the importance of knowing a factor that can empower people within an organization.

As a suggestion for future research, it is worth investigating through field research to find out how this happens within an organization, how a particular organization uses empowerment to motivate its employees, how it encourages this empowerment and uses it to advance success. In addition, there is a need to broaden the focus to study the relationship between empowerment and the results of an organization, which is the main gap found.


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[1] Post-Graduate MBA in People Management and Development with Coaching, Vale do Parnaíba Higher Education Center – CESVALE. Bachelor of Business Administration, Centro Universitário Santo Agostinho – UNIFSA

[2] Post-Graduate Student in Financial Administration, Bachelor in Administration – Centro Universitário Santo Agostinho- UNIFSA.

[3] Postgraduate MBA in Strategic People Management and Leadership – UNIFSA. Bachelor of Business Administration, Centro Universitário Santo Agostinho – UNIFSA.

[4] Master in Public Management (UFPI), Specialist in Public Management (UESPI) and in People Management (IFPI), Bachelor in Administration (UFPI).

[5] Graduating in Production Engineering at Centro Universitário Santo Agostinho – UNIFSA.

[6] Advisor. Master Administration – UFPR. Trained in Tutoring at EAD – UFPR. Bachelor of Business Administration – UFPR (Federal University of Paraná). MBA in Strategic Management, Innovation and Knowledge – UNIMAIS. Specialist Sergeant in Military Communications – ESA (Sargeant of Arms School / Brazilian Army).

Sent: May, 2021.

Approved: September, 2021.

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Rhubens Ewald Moura Ribeiro

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