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Authorship and Contributions

Definition of Authorship

Authorship confers credit and responsibility for published work. Authors are individuals who have made substantial intellectual contributions to a paper. Authorship should accurately reflect these contributions, and authors should understand their roles in taking responsibility for what is published.

Authorship criteria, recommended by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), include four key factors:

Substantial Contributions: This includes involvement in the conception, design, data acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of the work.
Critical Review and Drafting: Authors must contribute to drafting or critically reviewing the work for significant intellectual content.
Final Approval: Authors need to give final approval for the version of the work to be published.
Accountability: Authors must agree to accept responsibility for all aspects of the work’s accuracy and integrity and engage in answering any related questions or concerns.

Responsibilities of Authors and Corresponding Author

Authors should meet the criteria for authorship and take responsibility for the content. The corresponding author is responsible for contacting the journal, ensuring administrative requirements, and responding to editorial queries. All authors should agree on the final version of the manuscript and take public responsibility for the work.

Declaration of Author Contributions

Authors must declare their contributions to the study during submission and publication. They can include conception, design, acquisition, analysis, interpretation of data, drafting, critical review, and final approval. This declaration provides transparency about each author’s role.

Group Authorship

Recommended by ICMJE:

“When a large multi-author group has conducted the work, the group ideally should decide who will be an author before the work is started and confirm who is an author before submitting the manuscript for publication. All members of the group named as authors should meet all four criteria for authorship, including approval of the final manuscript, and they should be able to take public responsibility for the work and should have full confidence in the accuracy and integrity of the work of other group authors.”

When submitting an article on behalf of a group, corresponding authors should clearly state the group’s name and provide details about group members eligible for authorship and accountable for the work. Individuals not involved in the authorship should be distinctly listed, typically within the Acknowledgments section.

Acknowledgment of Non-Authors

Contributors should achieve acknowledgments even if they do not meet the four criteria for authorship for their specific contributions. These acknowledgments should be detailed and describe the roles of these contributors. Acknowledged individuals should obtain written permission to acknowledge contributors.

Managing Authorship Disputes

If there are any disagreements regarding authorship, the institution should carry out or conduct an investigation. The journal editor should not arbitrate authorship conflicts. Requests for author changes after submission or publication should contain explanations and signed agreements from all authors involved.

Author Fee

Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal Knowledge Core (RCMultiCore) is a gold open-access publisher. It sustains its operations through article publishing charges (APCs), making open-access availability and widespread sharing of articles viable. For further information, you can refer to the APC policy.

Data and Intellectual Property Policies

Authors retain ownership of the data and intellectual property they submit for publication. However, by having their work submitted, authors grant the journal the right to publish, reproduce, and disseminate the material. Proper citation and attribution will be left unchanged.

Copyright and License Arrangements

When the article is accepted, the authors transfer the copyright to the Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal Knowledge Core (RCMultiCore). The journal operates under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Research and Publication Ethics

Authors should adhere to research and publication ethics, including avoiding plagiarism, manipulation of data, and other forms of misconduct. Authors should disclose any conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise.

Generative AI and AI-assisted Technologies

When submitting an article or going through the process, authors who use AI should clearly explain their role in the paper, take responsibility for their output, and ensure proper attribution and citation. Authors may utilize generative AI and AI-assisted technologies only to enhance writing, overcome language barriers, and enhance content readability when writing the manuscript before the submission of the article.
In the time being, due to accountability, generative AI and AI-assisted technologies aren’t being listed as authors.

Peer Review Process

In our peer-review process, we adhere to a double-blind process, meaning that the identities of both the authors and the reviewers are kept confidential during the review. Since identities are kept undisclosed, this ensures an unbiased and impartial evaluation of the submitted work. Avoid including any information in your manuscript that could directly reveal your identity, including self-citations or any references that could potentially disclose your affiliation. By adhering to this double-blind process, we aim to maintain the integrity and fairness of our review system. Your cooperation in this regard is greatly appreciated.

Guidelines for Authors

The RCMultiCore accepts various types of submissions, including Original Articles, Review Articles, Theoretical Essays, Integrative Reviews, State of the Art papers, Bibliometric Reviews, Abstracts, Interviews, Communications, Dissertations, and Theses.

Submission and Cover Sheet

Submitted articles must be original and not under evaluation elsewhere. Authors must provide a cover sheet containing essential information: title, author(s), affiliations, contact details, type of publication, funding sources, conflict of interest declarations, and more.

Originality and Ethical Compliance

Authors must confirm originality, absence of plagiarism, and compliance with ethical standards. Empirical research involving human subjects must adhere to relevant guidelines and obtain ethical approval.

Formatting Guidelines

Articles should adhere to specific formatting guidelines, including font type, size, line spacing, margins, and paragraph formatting. The total length of the manuscript should be within defined limits.

Abstract and Keywords
Articles must include a structured abstract with objectives, problem/question, methodology, and main results. Keywords should accurately represent the content.

Illustrations and Section Numbering

Tables, figures, and other illustrations should be adequately numbered and sourced. Sections of the article should be structured logically, with clear headings.

Citations and References

Citations should be formatted according to specific guidelines, using the author-date format in-text and a standardized format for references. Direct and indirect quotations should be attributed appropriately.

Evaluation of Articles

Submitted articles go through a multi-stage evaluation process:

● Preliminary analysis by editors for relevance, structure, and adherence to guidelines.
● Technical evaluation for originality and plagiarism detection.
● Review by two anonymous reviewers using a double-blind review system.
● Reviewers evaluate relevance, clarity, methodology, contributions, and more.
● Editorial review for alignment with the journal’s scope and quality standards.