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Importance of knowledge of human anatomy to physical education

RC: 65529
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LELES, Robson Felipe dos Santos [1], STRINI, Polyanne Junqueira Silva Andresen [2], STRINI, Paulinne Junqueira Silva Andresen [3], PUTRICK, Simone Cristina [4], OLIVEIRA, Euzebio [5], DENDASCK, Carla Viana [6]

LELES, Robson Felipe Dos Santos; Importance of knowledge of human anatomy to physical education. Multidisciplinary Core scientific journal of knowledge. 9 Edition. 02 year, vol. 02. pp 21-40, December 2017. ISSN:2448-0959


Both areas of physical education and human anatomy thematic approach related to the study and workings of the human body, with commonalities demonstrated throughout the history of mankind. In this way, the purpose of this study is to evaluate the importance of knowledge of human anatomy to the physical education course. For this, a descriptive review of the literature, by means of research on electronic data bases of the Virtual Health Library (VHL), Lilacs, Medline, Scielo, Cochrane, Pepsic, Pubmed and Google Scholar. The selection of scientific articles was held over the past 10 years, contemplating the scientific production between 2006 and 2016, using terminologies registered in health sciences descriptors (DECS), the advanced search and the terms in Portuguese and English, as: "Anatomy" or "human anatomy" and "physical education" and "anatomy" or "human anatomy" and "physical education". Before the studies presented, it may be noted the importance of knowledge of anatomical structures of the human body for students and professionals of physical education. Therefore we can conclude that your real importance is underestimated, necessitating additional research able to elucidate your key role in intellectual, technical and practical training of graduates.

Keywords: Anatomy, Physical Education, Knowledge.


The physical education and the discipline of human anatomy have aspects in common throughout history, and to introduce some of these aspects that make these two areas of expertise, will be used for events in the history of art dating back to part of major events relevant to the subject that have occurred over the years.

According to Cardinot et al. (2014), the discipline of human anatomy as being of fundamental importance for the courses of physical education and physical therapy may also be considered as a prerequisite for the following disciplines of undergraduate courses.

For Piazza and Reppold Son (2011), for centuries the human anatomy see being treated, starting by the Egyptians, followed by the Mesopotamians and passing by some artists, such as Galen, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Andreas Versallius. The history of art and Anatomy are connected with each other since the period of cavemen to the present day and, when dating a few events during the history of mankind, it is noticeable how much this area of knowledge has evolved. And leaving those such events, the anatomy was forming and if making in many areas including physical education.

Justifying the development of this research, it is remarkable that it is important to publish more research would reveal the importance of the discipline of human anatomy for the physical education courses, as well as being a very needy area of studies that relationship. Taking into account this discipline of the Faculty of physical education and dance (FEFD) da Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG), there is a constant work of teachers so that students can obtain the knowledge needed for your training. The same is accomplished at the Institute of biological sciences III (ICB III), place where the lessons of physical education classes in degree mode. It is noticeable to the anatomy is of great importance to the professional life, but also is of interest to know how the students engaged in wanting to learn about this vast area of knowledge for the future be applying what had to learning.

It is important to score the need of professionals in the field who are graduating now, to have the science of the importance of a greater deepening about the human anatomy, as they are coming out of universities with limited knowledge and superficial. So, comes the requirement to extend and refine the content worked in that discipline, as well as encourage student interest and participation, encouraging the study and maintenance of knowledge, since the same goes with the whole life of a professor of Physical education, regardless of your area and place of professional performance. It is worth mentioning that those trained in a long time must also be updated about new studies and research.

This paper outlines how general goal evaluating the importance of knowledge of human anatomy to the physical education course. And specific objectives of the research points to identify the relevance of the discipline of Anatomy for the physical education course, to analyze the importance of knowledge of the human body for professionals and review the literature on the objectives established.

In this way, it is also notoriously have a historical basis in order to understand the importance of Anatomy over time and nowadays. In this regard, the review of literature brings the history of Anatomy in the world and in Brazil, the basics of anatomical science and also the introductory aspects of the physical education in order to situate the reader in the context being portrayed.



Knowledge of the anatomy is fundamental for the professional of physical education. Knowledge of this vast area and field of study led to major events in the course of human history and can be described as follows:

Second Lira and Alves (2009), the anatomy is expressed in the history since the Caveman, the Paleolithic period a time when there was not yet been developed. Thereby, the man communicated in a language that only he could understand.

The man was a great observer of the animals and the natural beauty. Through these observations could express some knowledge of Anatomy and was based on rock art, which was a means of communication and artistic expression through paintings on rocks and walls of the caves (LIRA; ADAMS, 2009).

In the Paleolithic period the man demonstrated your understanding on the female human anatomy through the statue of Venus of Willendorf, represented through the exaggeration in all parts of the body (LIRA; ADAMS, 2009).

Transiting to another period in the history of humanity arrive at the Neolithic age, where the paintings of animals recorded in the rocks and walls are replaced with human paintings, because they pass the exercise also representativeness in the universe. In the illustrations of Anatomy of man is remarkable, "he" as a generalized, universal (LIRA; ADAMS, 2009).

In Mesopotamia, the eye is the constituent part of the human body that if dialogue with the world, a fact highlighted in the paintings. In exception to the bust that remained so frontal, head, legs and feet were. The sculptures were produced did not contain many anatomical details, but these showed a rigid body (LIRA; ADAMS, 2009).

In Egypt, the Pharaohs and the gods had to your strength and your power demonstrated by disproportionate bodies carved at the time. During this period, the cult of the dead body was notable because it was thought that a body intact if would prevail and so the life would give continuity even after death. There was a great deepening by the Egyptians about Anatomy and Physiology having knowledge of bones, joints, muscles and tendons (LIRA; ADAMS, 2009).

The Theocentrism defended God be the center of the universe, but in Greece, according to Lira and Alves (2009), prevailed the Anthropocentrism being the Man the Center, having this as a reference to art, the human body takes focus. The presence of the divine was seen on the faces of sculptures, possessing them expressions of peace. How the human body was focused on Greece, the sculptures were a tense musculature bodily giving representation to the human being.

The interest of the State in Rome was based on your art that was characterized as utilitarian and the representation of power realistically carved itself faces of authorities. So that the bodies were mitificados and deified in walls of houses was used of the mural (LIRA; ADAMS, 2009).

In the middle ages, by the fact of having been transfigured, the anatomy of the body shall be prohibited. In paintings, the bodies are elongated and with features like pallor on the basis of the suffering. It was at this time that the Church pronounces the impediment of having knowledge about the human body. Facing this situation the human anatomy becomes comparisons with animal organs (LIRA; ADAMS, 2009).

According to Lira and Alves (2009), the revival is dated as being a period of great events in history, is the autonomy of science is retrieved, the body becomes object of artistic productions and the picture appears as a form of expression of identity, and there is the issue of artist scientist.

Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) was the main precursor of the Renaissance and had great representation in the area of human anatomy by presenting several features of parts of the human body. Da Vinci studied a lot about the body and the movement bringing great contributions not only to the anatomy, but for the whole world in front of your genius and discoveries (LIRA; ADAMS, 2009).

While still in the period of the Renaissance is born another genius of the art world whose name is Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni (1475-1564), "Michelangelo", born in the town of Capresse in Italy. After being discovered and start their studies in the school of Lorenzo de ' Medici in Florence where he could bring out more your knowledge, Michelangelo found that the school had great Italian artists, but also found many doctors who were who aroused the interest in anatomy through dissection sessions (CORREA et al., 2008).

As already mentioned, the dissection was prohibited in the middle ages, so only under the authorization of the Pope is that this practice could be carried out. If it were identified in some way an illegal dissection, the punishment was going from prison to the death penalty (CORREA et al., 2008).

Michelangelo with 18 years of age I got your artistic training and had great knowledge of Anatomy and used it in his works, yet your willingness to want more and more insights about this area did do dissections illegals with dead bodies of criminals were executed, among others (CORREA et al., 2008).

The dissection on humans began in the 14th century bringing many contributions to the understanding of the human body itself, but by questions of Church this practice became prohibited. However, with the passage of time, it was realized the need that the dissections were and it was necessary that they be legalized. So, at the right time, the Church revoked the who had declared formerly dissection practices and came back up with the universities as being the first to perform such a feat (CORREA et al., 2008).

The dissections were performed to obtain answers about deaths deemed suspicious. In another strand, this practice returns for this new period that rise being rebirth, bringing a new look to the human being, and also by the new ideals implanted (CORREA et al., 2008).

With the great contributions that were being placed at the time, especially by Michelangelo, who was a great forerunner of that look for human anatomy, the artists realized that to their works reach the perfection was to enter in this world anatomical. Nevertheless, the work done by the other artists was not enough, because it was necessary to examine how the human body is internally. This way the time artists began making and also participate in sessions of dissection to bring the learning to their works. So, is this time of Rebirth and especially Michelangelo born modern Anatomy (CORREA et al., 2008).

The Baroque being a trend initiated in an artistic period where the religion was going through a reform process in the works were portrayed with contorted bodies dramatization and histrionics (LIRA; ADAMS, 2009). At the Neoclassical period return to the ideals promoted by the Graeco-Roman people, where the body is seen in a realistic figure with contrast the paleness of the skin in relation to classical sculptures (LIRA; ADAMS, 2009).

With knowledge of the anatomy the painters were the direct responsible to represent the reality in their works, but with the arrival of modernism there is a break in what was already being imposed, so cinematic and photographic areas become those catches of reality. As the body no longer has the need to present themselves as real, as movements: Impressionism, Cubism, surrealism, among others to show another side of body compositions (LIRA; ADAMS, 2009).


According to Paulsen and Waschke (2012), "ανατομη" (anatome) means "cutting, slice, section, and" ανατεμνειν "(anatemnein) means" cutting, slicing, cutting ". So the anatomy being a science, she studies the body through cuts made by anatomists. When people understand some of the mysteries that the human body hides starts a knowledge about the whole.

After the dead bodies, the Anatomists can perform your work. However, given the fact of the anatomy is based on dead people, actually working with the understanding of life, which can be confusing, but the anatomy refers to this in relation to the human being. The corpses used for certain studies and work are placed just like models (PAULSEN; WASCHKE, 2012).

According to Costa, Costa and Lins (2012), despite the bodies being parts of study for the discipline of human anatomy, put in question which previously existed a whole emotional and affective relationship "of these" with the people we had. However, these issues are part of that process and of the medical life long ago, whereby in medicine already there have been positive developments and from that permitted the work ethic with corpses.

Considering the human being as a machine, and for the whole machine has the expected performance and operating your due, immediately relate the elements as follows: from a collection of cells originate the fabrics, which will become organs. So the Union of all these systems, which shall provide the body's functioning (physical education, 2012).

For the professional physical education in training within the University, while studying the anatomy of human movement discipline, and as part of the course menu it is necessary to have knowledge of the systems of the human body and to study them there is one of the methods of teaching of anatomy that includes this study called systemic or systematic Anatomy, which according to Paulsen and Waschke (2012), is responsible for organizing and sorting. This method organizes the body in each area of study.

The human body systems: Integumentary system, skeletal system, Muscular system, Circulatory System, respiratory system, Digestive System, urinary system, Genital System, nervous system, endocrine system and Sensory System ( Physical education, 2012).

In the 17th and 18th centuries, the dissections were performed to a specific audience, these were made in cold weather because they do not have knowledge of techniques that should preserve the bodies which were being dissected. There's the discovery of formaldehyde in the 19th century, which today is used and is present in several laboratories of human anatomy. This way is used for low cost and ensure a quick tissue penetration, however produces a strong odor that comes there's be a little irritating (PIAZZA; CHASSOT, 2011).

Over the 20th and 21st centuries, there were not many discoveries with great significance to human anatomy. However the advances that occurred while conservation techniques of corpses are huge, some of them are the glicerinização and the plastination invented by German physician Gunther Von Hagens. With this technique, there are anatomical parts of it on display for the entire world (PIAZZA; CHASSOT, 2011).

While still in the 20th and 21st century, had other advances with enough importance as to technology and its apparatuses which facilitated teaching and learning on the part of teachers and for students. In this way, teachers now have a greater number of tools for the teaching of Anatomy and the students jointly benefited more and more of these possibilities of being learning content with greater ease (PIAZZA; CHASSOT, 2011).

In some cases, teachers who teach the course of human anatomy have a scant training and teach class in the same way they learned at the time of students, which can, to some extent, be bad. As occurs and many changes have occurred over time, the method may not be the most appropriate and/or effective for the occasion. Other teachers examine first the situation in which they are inserted and what will be the public of their classes, and from then on, the subject of them choose which would be the method that best fits for the teaching of human anatomy (PIAZZA; CHASSOT, 2011).

With the established in the previous paragraph Coria-Sabini and Dallas (2003) say that the teachers to teach the discipline of human anatomy imagine that from the applied theory, the students immediately will be able to develop in practice and in technical aspects to your academic and/or professional performance, but frankly that's not what happens. For the development really succeed on the part of the students the classes are significant, where there may be a relationship from what is taught to what is put into practice.

Tardif (2002) expressed that all knowledge is constructed from a professor was acquired because of the whole process by which went through to get to the point of being recognized for years of work. However, you can't articulate the teaching of teacher with student learning without a conversation and where only one party is liable to be building the knowledge. So, this task should be. Professor of human anatomy should adopt strategies for what are streaming is, in a sense, understood by students and from that, students can get this technical knowledge, and develop it, becoming also of agents construction of knowledge.


Physical education is a pedagogical practice of the curricular component of basic education, which works with the elements of the body, such as: culture, Sport Games, gymnastics, dance, wrestling (COLLECTIVE of AUTHORS, 1992).

The human body-related activities in practice all the time, because it is part of your essence these activities refer to the movement, was building and making your own story. Therefore, this is characterized with a self-expression of man. In the story, the materialistic conception-dialectic says the man used the movement to give meaning to your life and when this turned out not to by modifying only the nature, but also the "nature" of himself. From that point on it was being increasingly and with the use of gestures, movements and skills was thereby ensuring your survival in nature, creating a cultural thing and significant to the history of mankind (MENESTRINA, 2005).

According to Menestrina (2005), with such characteristics, it has been seen that these movements practiced by man are the which condition your relationship with your middle, in order to satisfy and/or to solve their problems. That way PE correlates with the issues of needs and their drives, incorporating the cultural practice of society, emerge as a movement organized by humanity.

The time was demonstrating for humanity that the practice of activities related to the health and physical well-being should be gathered to your daily life more often, because that would be healthier demonstrating greater care with their own bodies (MENESTRINA, 2005).

After the movements that have arisen with modernism, in postmodernism the body refers to aesthetic standards with the purpose of being released to the world through media systems. In this way are given new parameters for human anatomy. Responsible for that body to reset existing technology, in the event the computer builds perfect bodies for dissemination and world consumption, however this body created aesthetically and technologically is unattainable (LIRA; ADAMS, 2009).

Knowing a bit about the history of Anatomy, the importance in the training of health professionals. In this context, the disciplines of human anatomy and Neuroanatomy were evaluated in order to check whether they met the needs of specific subjects of the course of physiotherapy-FURB (Regional University of Blumenau). For this, a documentary analysis of the teaching plans and menus were carried out, as well as the application of a questionnaire to students, consisting of ten questions. It was possible to complete the suitability of the contents taught, but observed a deficit in the teaching process learning of academics (LIMA; GUEDERT, 2016).

Even considering the structuring of discipline and your content, the perceptions of students of medical school about the anatomical study were evaluated, seeking a better use of the same. The study was done by applying a semi-structured questionnaire to a total of 225 academics. It was noticeable the feeling of insecurity of the students with regards to your knowledge in anatomy by learning failure. Given this, there is the need of improving the curriculum of the medical course, with emphasis on anatomy, to discipline that meets the expectations of students (REIS et al., 2013).

Whereas the perception of students in the process of teaching and learning of human anatomy, a survey was conducted for the biological sciences and nursing courses at a University in the Midwest of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, with 10 scholars from each course. Data collection occurred through depositions in semi-structured interviews with further analysis. It was concluded that the teaching of Anatomy presents various obstacles that hinder learning, including: large amount of anatomical structures and nomenclatures, need for memorization and limited association with the professional practice, availability of study hours are incompatible, among others. Given this, it is essential that teachers have a good didactic and additional tools to enhance the teaching and transmission of the content in the best way possible, ensuring the best use of the same by academics (SALBEGO et al., 2015).

In the face of the facts exposed, new methodologies can be used for teaching anatomy, especially software, technological applications and tools able to assist in the understanding of the content. In this sense, the development of an application for mobile devices and the evaluation of the student perception in order to use the same as a tool to support teaching and learning in human anatomy. Attended by 25 students of the course of physical education who built mind maps by means of tablets and smartphones with content of Anatomy and a mapping survey of the class and a reflective evaluation was applied. Thus, it was observed that Mobile Learning can be an interesting education strategy and also help the educational process following the technological evolution and the modern society (COSTA et al., 2015).

One of the professions who work with the human body, the physical education course and the need for inclusion of this content on your menu in both modes, degree and Bachelor's degree. Therefore, the menu of the Bachelor's degree in physical education from the Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG), Goiânia – Go, points out the knowledge that will be transmitted to the scholars and that need to be acquired by them in the period in which it is in force the discipline; So, is placed the anatomical and functional study of the locomotive system, Nervous System, and the Sensory System, paying attention to the muscular issues in their different contexts and the application of Anatomy in human movement. In addition, it is also made a histopathological study of Circulatory, respiratory, Urogenital, endocrine and Integumentary, giving scores of application of functional anatomy in physical education (FEFD/UFG-RESOLUTION-CEPEC No. 715, p. 10, 2005).

Analyzing the curriculum suggested flow of subjects proposed for the physical education course degree, the anatomy of the human movement is as a discipline that develops throughout the first year course. Thus the anatomy begins the first insights about this area of knowledge and gives opening to the other contents that are also linked to this area, such as physiology and biomechanics. The menu of the physical education course in Bachelor mode also brings the same features of human anatomy present in degree (FEFD/UFG-RESOLUTION-CEPEC No. 715, p. 17, 2005).

According to the findings put into your article, Cardinot et al. (2014), punctuate that most of the students agreed that in your course and for the near future in the labour market to the discipline of human anatomy is viewed and placed as important. From this, the object to be studied and worked is relevant to the discipline of Anatomy being this relevant area while curricular component of the course of physical education.


The present study consisted of a descriptive review of the literature, accomplished through research in the electronic data bases of the Virtual Health Library (VHL), Lilacs, Medline, Scielo, Cochrane, Pepsic, Pubmed and Google Scholar. The selection of scientific articles was held over the past 10 years, contemplating the scientific production between 2006 and 2016, using terminologies registered in health sciences descriptors (DECS), the advanced search and the terms in Portuguese and English, as: "Anatomy" or "human anatomy" and "physical education" and "anatomy" or "human anatomy" and "physical education". Total 1992 results were found according to the search in the databases.

Sorting of articles was made from the analysis of the titles and abstracts, and including that contained the descriptors listed and also those that addressed the specific theme of the importance of the Anatomy for the physical education course, according to the criteria of inclusion and exclusion. Then, selected articles were read in their entirety and analyzed, with that only six were used for the present analysis and 1986 had to be excluded.

Complete articles were included, free access, in Portuguese language and/or English, which included the importance of knowledge of human anatomy to scholars of the Physical education course. Additionally, repeated articles were excluded and that have not been found in the databases searched and those whose main theme involved the importance of the content of Anatomy for the physical education course or objective were aimed at development of media, digital products, teaching resources and/or educational applications and other evaluations of teaching-learning methodologies of the discipline and its working tools as cadaver parts and/or synthetic.

Were still not considered specific anatomical structures studies, exercise programs, diseases, medical conditions and those directed to other courses of the health area such as physiotherapy, medicine, nursing, among others. Articles whose notability included monitoring activities, extension projects, related disciplines, analysis of the pedagogic project of the course (PPS) and curricular guidelines, as well as in various languages, summaries, conference proceedings, dissertations, theses, books and those not available for free access also were excluded from this analysis.


According to the methodology proposed, were identified initially the amount shown in the studies presented in appendix table 01 and 01, considering the various databases searched. Even considering the inclusion of specific research related to the theme of the importance of the anatomy to physical education, there was a limited number of studies that meet the criteria for inclusion and exclusion. Of the total of studies found, only six were used for the present analysis, since most people don't answer the inclusion and exclusion criteria pre-established.

Table 1-representation of the number of articles found in the various databases according to the Decs.

DECS Database Number of Articles
"Physical education" AND "Anatomy" or "Physical Education" AND "Anatomy" VHL 172
SciELO 1
Cochrane 3
Pepsic 0
"Physical education" AND "human anatomy" or "Physical Education" AND "Human Anatomy" PubMed 541
Google Scholar 1120


In the analysis of selected articles, the level of knowledge of professionals working in the field of bodybuilding considering the knowledge of human anatomy was analyzed by means of a survey of 70 professionals from the city of Goiânia-GO and region of Vale do Aço-MG, including the level of satisfaction of these professionals with respect to the content taught in graduation. The data were collected using a questionnaire composed of 27 questions, being able to evaluate 07 them subjective satisfaction and learning in relation to the knowledge in the discipline during the graduation, and 20 objective issues, with direct application on bodybuilding to verify the level of knowledge of respondents about the proposed content. Given this, one could observe the need of a greater theoretical-practical enhancement of human anatomy and intellectual training to ensure a better development of your professional work. In addition, it was highlighted the lack of experience of those involved and the need for more inspections in the academies. So, universities and academics should get a new look and worry about the deal of this discipline, so that future active can have a good correlation of the content discussed with your work (GUIMARAES et al., 2014).

In this sense, students of physical education and physiotherapy courses evaluated the importance attributed to the discipline of human anatomy and for monitoring activities in relation to your undergraduate degree the Abeu Centro Universitário de Belford Roxo-RJ. The survey was conducted through the application of a questionnaire to 63 academics, being 39 of the course of physical education and physiotherapy 24. The same considered important discipline of human anatomy for your respective course and for your professional future. However, the frequency of students in the tutoring was low despite acknowledging the need for study of the anatomical structures (CARDINOT et al., 2014).

Despite the finding of the importance of knowledge in anatomy, circumvention and exclusion of students in the discipline of physical education courses in Degree and Baccalaureate, Methodist University Center of IPA. The study raises questions about the possible causes and the teaching methods used by the teacher, comparing the traditional method with the most innovative tools. In this sense, the present research evaluated 32 students in the year of 2011 through the use of a questionnaire applied at the beginning of the course and another at the end of the same. Thus, it was observed that a differentiated method can generate a satisfactory understanding and minimizes the exclusions and dropouts on the part of students. Thus, the use of a method of differentiated education and more attractive by the teacher, with the use of corpses and books, helped the students to have a greater acceptance and understanding of the discipline (PIAZZA; CHASSOT, 2011).

In addition, the factors that influence the rate of approval in the discipline of human anatomy were studied in order to obtain a relation between the result of entrance exams/Enem, study habits and performance in the discipline by students of courses of Education Physics, biological sciences and nutrition, Federal Institute of southern Minas Gerais. The research included the inclusion of about 129 students who have studied the discipline of human anatomy, between the years 2011 to 2013, independent of whether or not been approved anyway. A structured interview for questions with the sociodemographic indicators, study habits and professional choice was executed. With respect to the entrance exam, the note obtained by the student interviewed was granted upon request to the Rector, while the note of the Enem has been informed by the student according to the posting on the site regarding the same. The analysis pertaining to Vestibular notes/Enem defined with highest approved students in the discipline of human anatomy. However, it was not evident differentiation with respect to the hours of study and the course chosen. Given this, this work may provide information relating to entering and your lifelong academic success, encouraging the pursuit of constant training and the establishment of a quality education (SILVA-and-tree; FURTADO, 2015).

Additionally, the process of teaching human anatomy for the professional formation of physical education has been studied by means of an exploratory, interpretive approach and non-experimental, in which the data were collected by observation and verbal representations. The sample consisted of nine Human Anatomy teachers who teach for the physical education course in seven private universities in São Paulo city and metropolitan region. Through the observation of theoretical and practical classes the objective of gathering information to better understand the process of teaching about the attributes of a meaningful learning. Thus, the observed classes generated a report that summarises these issues, as well as descriptions of what has been observed in relation to the didactic-pedagogical procedures adopted by teachers. Thus, it was possible to note that the context of the discipline of human anatomy and their academic characteristics with the activity performed by the professionals of physical education are required, so that significant learning has your place. The planning of lessons and the knowledge Association academic and professional needs of the area are essential, once difficulties are observed in the assimilation of the contents and in the identification of the meaning and usefulness of what is being learned ( COSTA; RANGE; SILVA, 2010).

Even considering the information mentioned, the method of teaching human anatomy also has been the subject of studies. A descriptive-exploratory research was carried out in six higher education institutions that have the physical education course, in Degree and Bachelor's degree, in order to establish a method of teaching human anatomy, in the city of Porto Alegre-RS. A faculty member of each institution that administers this discipline and with prior experience, participated in the study. The data were collected by means of a semi-structured interview containing data that refer to the curriculum of the course and the menu of the discipline. With that, one could conclude that the institutions have enough qualified professionals to teach your content, with variations between the systemic method-method and systematic topographic. However, the discipline requires more workload and visibility in the curriculum, because the time limit restricts the study of primordial contents that are not addressed in depth (PIAZZA; REPPOLD SON, 2011).

Before the studies presented, it may be noted the importance of knowledge of anatomical structures of the human body for students and professionals of physical education. However, teaching-learning methodologies associated with constant intellectual search involved must be stimulated. In this literature review, limited works were found specifically in the area of physical education, requiring additional research able to answer questions related to the study of the human body and those related to the best didactic and educational performance of students. Pedagogical reviews, PPC, menus, teaching methodologies, among others, were found, however, were not particularly the importance of the area of Anatomy for travel and professional training.

The same when working with the movement and bodily structures aimed at the constant pursuit and maintenance of appropriate physical condition and maintaining and improving the health of the individual, ensuring a greater provision for daily activities and consequent improvement the quality of life of practitioners. From an in-depth knowledge and later acquired, the professional of physical education will be provided to your profession, as can most of the time, from a science internalized through the study, avoid that there are injuries and /ou sequels by his students through a practice unsuitable or wrong execution of movements.

In a few moments in the course of work was punctuated the misunderstanding of human anatomy. Therefore, it would be interesting and feasible if there were some reformulations to curriculum that this discipline could generate a better income and more suitable for the physical education area. However, this problem can be seen not only that because of the lack of students ' interest in wanting to get this knowledge in the future will be very important in your professional life is also on the side. So, in part, these students need to motivate more and get the key of this knowledge.


According to this study, one can conclude the importance of acquisition and maintenance of knowledge in the area of human anatomy for the training of the graduate in physical education and your everyday life and the applicability of the professional.

However, your real importance is underestimated, necessitating additional research able to elucidate your key role in intellectual, technical and practical training of graduates. Highlights that more jobs are published regarding the importance of human anatomy to physical education, since few treat this relationship and relevance. So, a more comprehensive work would be ideal to try to unite the information they have from the past until the present day to form a more complete theoretical framework.

Ditto concluded based on what was based on results and discussions the topic for work used quantitative studies indicated only by virtue of others do not meet the objectives exposed from work and/or focus in different areas or analysis of intrinsic topics the methodology. From this you see that it is still necessary to do a more comprehensive work as stated in the above paragraph and this can become a source of study for other people got aid in their future work and that from that also carry out further research and studies about the theme.


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COLLECTIVE OF AUTHORS. Teaching methodology of physical education. Ed. Cortez, 1992.

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CORRÊA, a. a. et al. Michelangelo: a contribution to the anatomy. Scientific Electronic Journal of veterinary medicine – ISSN: 1679-7353. Year VI – Number 11-July 2008-Biannual Journal.

COSTA, A. P; RANGE, AND F; SILVA, S. A. P. N. The formation of the physical education professional: teaching the discipline of human anatomy – translation: professional formation of physical education: teaching of human anatomy. J. Morphol. Sci., 2010, vol. 27, no. 2, p. 105-111.

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APPENDIX 1 – representative of the Graph number of articles found in the various databases according to the Decs

1-graphic representation of the number of articles found in the various databases according to the Decs.
1-graphic representation of the number of articles found in the various databases according to the Decs.

[1] Undergraduate degree in physical education by Universidade Federal de Goiás (2013-2016) in the process of finalization

[2] Degree in Dentistry from the Federal University of Uberlândia. Master and PhD in oral Biology with a concentration in Dental Anatomy by the Faculty of Dentistry of Piracicaba FOP/UNICAMP. Expert in human anatomy. Currently working as a teacher of the course of Medicine, human anatomy, at the Federal University of Goiás-UFG/Regional Jataí.

[3] He holds a Bachelor's degree (2003) and masters (2008) in dentistry from the Federal University of Uberlândia and PhD in human anatomy by FOP/UNICAMP. Has experience in the field of dentistry and human anatomy, with emphasis on musculoskeletal research, study of TMJ Dysfunction, electromyography and ultrasound. Extensive experience in administrative positions, coordination and member of teams of evaluators in University extension.

[4] Computer engineer, PhD student in geography, Professor at Federal University of Piaui.

[5] Biologist. Doctor of medicine/Tropical Diseases. Lecturer and researcher at the Federal University of Pará – UFPA. Researcher in the human and Environmental Toxicology Laboratory and the laboratory of oxidative stress of Tropical Medicine of the UFPA (NMT-UFPA).

[6] Theologian, doctor of Clinical Psychoanalysis. Has been operating for 15 years with Scientific Methodology (research method) in the orientation of Scientific Production of Master students and doctoral candidates. Expert in market research and searches the area of health.

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