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The effects of Investment in human resources in the public sector [1]

RC: 14524
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RESENDE, Michel Longatti de [2]

RESENDE, Michel Longatti de. The effects of Investment in human resources in the public sector. Multidisciplinary Core scientific journal of knowledge. 9 Edition. 02 year, vol. 01. pp 13-20, December 2017. ISSN:2448-0959


The purpose of this article is an analysis of the faults committed by the rulers and the importance of a Human Resources Department (HR) public institutions, with a broad concept of this selection and recruitment to the policies adopted for such procedures. This article shows the need to improve the HR sector and not merely having as purpose the personnel department. Held-if a bibliographical research considering the contributions of authors like CONSTIN (2010), SYLVIE (2001), MARCONI (2005), among others seeking to show the importance of this sector for a public agency and the need for professionalization to that If you have a satisfactory return for the population, because the financial resources are not inexhaustible and with simple measures can better effectiveness and efficiency so longed for public services.

Keywords: Hr, Administration, Public Servers.


The present work has as its theme the importance of a Human Resources Department (RHs) in public administration, their routines are basically the processing of administrative tasks, the recruitment and selection of new servers, payment and tasks benefits. In your vast majority public institutions continue to be limited to these papers and, in the midst of advanced models of a Rh, as several companies seeking a continued improvement of productivity and efficiency of your labor, public administration our country for centuries been trying to deploy a model which reconciles with our nation. Hence arises the need for further study of something important to the public and that machine is so little valued by our representatives and in some cases, are definitely abandoned.

According To Silva,

The main managerial interest is to motivate employees to achieve organizational objectives efficiently and effectively. (Smith, 2002, p. 224)

The main objective of this study is to point out the many errors that have been and are being committed in the process of choice for the occupation of public office.

To achieve the proposed objectives, used-as methodological feature, the literature search, carried out analyses of materials published in the federal government sites, printed literature and published articles in electronic journals.

The final text was based on articles, opinions and conceptions of authors like CONSTIN (2010), SYLVIE (2001), MARCONI (2005), CHIAVENATO (2003).


Labour relations in the public sector throughout our history as a nation, since the arrival of the Portuguese in our soil until the beginning of the 21st century, the public administration was present, and the evolution was natural.

Second CONSTIN, (2010, p. 149)

[…] in a brief attempt to reconstruct the lines of evolution had basically nine moments: the colonial administration; The Brazil as the seat of the Portuguese Empire; The Reign; The Old Republic; The Varguismo and the implementation of the reform of 1936; The development and the beginning of the reform of the Ministry of finance; The military regime, the statism, the modernisation and Reform of 1967; Democratisation and the return to formalism; The reform of public administration in 1995.

In more than 500 years, the models were being developed and improved so that the equal and universal service, and that access to the public sector could be reached through all that ' he wanted such a career.

In search of efficient Public Administration models, many private industrial models were being introduced as the Fordism it was industrial paradigm and the Jameson, Friedrich who was also a paradigm, however post-industrial. Different ideas in themselves, which at any given time were deployed in order to lead to a Brazilian citizen a quality of service the large mass. After all, public organizations are not isolated from society. Many of the demands in private companies such as reducing costs, delivery times and improves the quality of products and services are sought in the public sector.

In this population yearning for a more efficient state machine, the Government eventually had to revise their ideologies, focusing on citizen guidance user, that of mere spectator passes stick more and more a voice in the design and implementation of services public; the Constitution of members users in public policy decisions and constant review of costs involved in government programmes, are examples of this change of mentality.

With that, like Sylvie (2001, p. 321) argues

[…] did the proposal for results-based management, associated with the State. To allow the services meet the respondent population, without loss of quality and that don't blow the public purse, is important to a formulation and public management that decentralize the actions and implement effective programs to the concerns of that particular portion of society, in different States that lead to different needs. Thus forming the so-called Managerial Revolution.

For the Contractual Status is done to meet the market requirements and give satisfactory results are required career staff, well trained and able to devise, coordinate and evaluate public programs. This model requires more attention than the bureaucratic model in your personal structure. The idea is to bring together a core group of professionals operating generalists so they can have a larger view of the actions and consequences of their actions and services and achieve a wider range of professionals and trained for such services, and the activities of Regulation and supervision of State uniqueness.

A good example for this model are the PPPs (public-private partnerships), which are widely used in hospitals, construction of ports and highways, parks, among other government projects. One of its purposes is the anticipation of investments that would take years or decades to be held only with public funds, giving the private sector the obligation to invest its own resources to be refunded in the future

Another interesting example of partnership would be OSCIPs ** (Civil society organization non-profit). In this agreement a non-governmental organization or a partner company takes over the management and operation of a public service by resources transferred by the Government. This type of contract is very found to management of museums, public TVs, hospitals, Research Center. The contract is usually not done by lack of funding, but rather by the lack of qualified professionals in the public sector.

A few points should be noted regardless of the performance of private and public initiative: the professionalization of the contractors and public sector supervision; The contracts should avoid hiring professionals who merely comply with the avoidance of slots, but perform a choice of profile and training professionals for the activity will be carried out; focus on teamwork and a sense of activity for the public good; promote training and improvement courses for servers and workers and invest in technology and improvements in quality of products and services.

Several companies, despite their diversity of goals and objectives and mainly the sector of activity in which the group works require configuration and the knowledge of human resources. Some companies need to invest more, companies of technologies such as google, apple, microsoft, they need get talents every second, and so investing industry HR heavy. Other need not invest high figures in HR, as a company, construction jobs, finally areas that the demands are not to search for talent, but rather to fill vacancies with preset profiles. But in none of them, businesses or public agencies can afford to wipe out your human resources department.

HR planning should identify the practice scenario, map skills and knowledge of its employees, find gaps between where you are and where you can arrive and schedule training for its members.

The public sector is still outdated compared to private companies, only recently, some States and the Federal Government outline any attempt at structuring in this sector and survey of professional numbers needed in each activity. Unfortunately still predominates in most of municipalities, States and the federal Government the mixture of patronage with the positions of trusts, based on political compromise and an emergency demands and lead your people management as should, resulting in an accumulation of positions for the same function, and a budget deficit that only covers spending on personnel, lacking investments and quality services.

As stated by Nelson Marconi (2005, p. 138)

the hiring of new employees is one of the main alternatives to get professionals with the ideal profile, quantitative and qualitative, to take pictures in public agencies, constituting the entrance door, often permanent, in the service public. For this reason, such a process must be performed in order.

Based on this review, the process of workforce planning needs to be thorough and analyze all the variables such as profile, training, technical knowledge of the function that will exercise and should be defined with clarity the powers that work you will provide. Not the pure fact or sponsorship policy statement, because the public functions should be considered priorities by the rulers, avoiding a bump and the scrapping of government agencies.

The provision of human resources must consist in the recruitment and selection process, involving a study of professional profile to be hired, disclose enough channels to professionals who are looking to hire, perform a suitability of the amount of employees of existing demand, prepare by the sector responsible for the integration of new employees.

On your selection and recruitment public administration have their well-defined ways with legal basis and very specific and detailed, giving in three types of access:

  • Access to public office, made by public competition, ensuring impessoabilidade and advertising in application of evidence, analysis of securities and any practical evidence;
  • Access to temporary positions, by means of the simplified selection process, provided the impessoabilidade and advertising of facts, generally replacing the temporary lack of professionals in the institution;
  • Access to positions of trust, which is usually done by direct appointment by the holder of the organ or Chief Executive.

The job description model and the design of encarreiramento in the public sector affect the type of contest. Nunberg (1998) describes two types of recruitment systems adopted in industrialized countries: "The rigid hierarchical systems of reduced access, with limited mobility interclasses and interógãos; and the more open systems, with indirect access, greater vertical and horizontal mobility and more flexible admission mechanisms ".

Since the Constitution of 88, Brazil adopts a clear position. Thus avoiding the diversion of function, which surrendered to the Government several previous processes. Currently an employee can only move up in position only if you are in the description of the vacancy in the competition notice, which should be pretty clear where the new employee may need to rise without professional who needs to make new competitions to hierarchical levels higher.

In the public sector training is performed by human resources units of each organ and by central agencies such as schools or centers of Government Preparations, from courses correlated to area of operation of the server.

On performance evaluation of many institutions of public power server are endowed by pay bonuses. In time the server is evaluated by your immediate leadership or department heads, evaluating criteria such as performance, timeliness, productivity, goals reached, and when there is a satisfactory analysis of the server is added to an increase salaries as an incentive to the proper functioning and quality of professional service in public.

To the public server, according to the adopted model proposed in the master plan started in the Decade of 90, would be reserved for exclusive State activities and for the strategic core, some attention-grabbing measures, to show an effort to adopt the public machine efficiency. Measures have been taken as evidential stage increase to 36 months, the requirement of performance evaluation for stability and the possibility of resignation from the server for performance failure. In the same vein there is possibility to give the employee an award for productivity with concrete instrument to promote meritocracy.

However, the most significant changes to the public server came in the form of approach to remuneration of the public sector with the private sector, attracting talent and a portion of pay brought about with the evaluation of performance, as a good example of these measures are the Finance analyst position and control, which combines the Organization, performance and professional review for the remuneration of the professional public.

The improvement of professionals in public career has also given by conducting procurement not annual, with the replacement of limited availability and surplus four years not the validity of the contest. Which generates a very large competition at each position of the public administration and therefore, in theory, more qualified staff and prepared for the new career.

However in PT management of the federal Government, the personnel policy was modified. He came in against the efforts undertaken on the previous management. Was no longer interesting to strengthen the strategic core, with annual competitions and a remuneration policy that seek closer public and private salaries, and on the contrary there has been an increase in the number of careers, not noting the consistency and simplicity on human resource management.

For Constin (2010),

with the worsening economic crisis starting in 2009, the correlation of wages and hiring in large numbers made – if a tax problem. The personal account of the federal Government grew a lot and, despite the importance of progress on professionalisation, when the budget is largely committed to civil service costs the country does not have how to grow.

The salaries have been corrected by corporate pressures and without good attraction strategies and frameworks adopted – if the policy of decrease between the highest and the lowest remuneration, to social justice intracorpori. As a result, over the years the talent looking for the State have been decreasing due to the private sector to have a better remuneration and conditions for growth. The master plan was abandoned, with an increase in civil service, reductions in wage increases giving an unfavorable tax scenario.


The evolution in public machine passes mainly through escape of patronage, which is still rooted in the three powers, fiscal and economic policies need to be taken to the appreciation of the public server and prioritize the return that its activities professionals give to society as a whole. The deal the public good must be with greater zeal as possible, since it is not an inexhaustible source of resources. Attitudes like the consolidation of professionalisation in the federal executive and specially obtained States, combined with a constant search to make intelligent partnerships and immune to pork barrel with non-governmental organizations should be implemented in public policies. The prioritization of investment in human resources and the monitoring of possible returns for public administration are some measures raised in this article, as well as the importance of having good and qualified servers in public machine achieve the long-dreamed effectiveness and administrative efficiency.


COSTIN, Claudia.  Public administration. Oxford: Elsevier, 2010.

SILVA, Reinaldo. of. Theories of administration. São Paulo: Pearson Pretince Hall, 2003.

SYLVIE, Trosa. Public management by results: when the State commits itself. Rio de Janeiro: Revan, 2001.

MARCONI, Nelson. The evolution of the profile of the workforce and of remuneration in the public and private sectors throughout the 1990. Brasilia: Enap, 2005.

FREIRE, p. pedagogy of autonomy: knowledge necessary for educational practice. São Paulo: Peace and Earth, 1997.           

CHIAVANETO, Neena; Introduction to the general theory of administration. Oxford: Elsevier, 2003.

NUNBERG, Barbara. Human resources management in the public sector: lessons for reform in developed countries. Brasilia: ENAP, 1998.

Source: FEDERAL PLATEAU, accessed at day 30 June 2016 the 21:30 and available at:

[1] Scientific paper presented at Universidade Cândido Mendes-UCAM, as final project in Post-public administration degree.

[2] Degree in biomedicine by UNIFENAS LAW SCHOOL, federal public server-UFSJ graduate student of public administration by UCAMPROMINAS.

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