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The quality of care with the use of information technology in the professional school Doutor José Alves da Silveira in Quixeramobim – Ceará

RC: 108434
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DOI: 10.32749/



SALDANHA, Evanginaldo Silva [1], PEREIRA, Amanda Conrado [2]

SALDANHA, Evanginaldo Silva. PEREIRA, Amanda Conrado. The quality of care with the use of information technology in the professional school Doutor José Alves da Silveira in Quixeramobim – Ceará. Revista Científica Multidisciplinar Núcleo do Conhecimento. Year. 06, Ed. 12, Vol. 12, pp. 05-28. December 2021. ISSN: 2448-0959, Access link:, DOI: 10:32749/


Over the years the quality of care in institutional organizations has been seen as a need for improvement and full improvement for citizens to enjoy the services provided with zeal, strife for efficiency and effectiveness, structuring elements for an administration focused not only on theories, but also on results. In this context, in order to reduce the impasses arising from the quality of care, the research question arose: What influence do information technologies have to boost the quality of care at the Professional School Doutor José Alves da Silveira? This article highlights the importance of the role of quality of care with the use of information technology at the Professional School Doutor José Alves da Silveira in Quixeramobim Ceará, with the objective of describing the processes related to quality management in care from the implementation of information technologies, analyzing the changes promoted in the quality of care from the accused speech of teachers and comparing the previous and current situation of the quality of care through the analysis of the data extracted in the above mentioned objectives. To meet the purposes of this study, the methods and techniques used were exploratory research with a qualitative approach, using the interview method and, research instrument, the questionnaire, with five open questions sent to twelve class directors through the google form. The participant observation method was also used, which aims to capture the meanings and subjective experiences of those who intervene in the process of social interaction. The interviewees were chosen for convenience and sampling using the saturation technique. The results collected were compared by the teachers’ statements, perceiving the similarities in the answers. It is concluded that the quality of care combined with information technologies were satisfactory, in improving the services provided to users increasing the level of satisfaction and agility, in the way of perceiving the processes of technological innovation to make the organization an interactive space with more dialogue, interaction and agility in the flow of processes.

Keywords: Quality of care; Information technology; Users; Services provided.


The research addresses the theme, the quality of care with the use of information technology at the Professional School Doutor José Alves da Silveira in Quixeramobim – Ceará. The theme awakens attention by the importance it has in the public service and that combined with information technology provides opportunities for users or the school community to be better served and by communication tools to get feedback on the quality of the services provided. In this context, public institutions have sought new ways to improve the quality of care, such as: to give greater importance to the suggestions from users and employees. When it comes to the school reality, it is the teachers who are directly linked to the user/student’s care and, therefore, will be able to perceive how this public receives the service provided.

Given the reality described, the quality of the provision of public services has been given as basic prerequisites for a good service to users. The perception in the way of perceiving the organization with its guidelines, the criteria of good service to customers realizing their importance within the organizational context, makes there improvement in the services provided (MARQUES, 1997)

When we try to measure the degree of user satisfaction we can receive both a positive and negative response, which requires modifications so that the system is appropriate to those who use it (LAS CASAS, 2001). It is perceived that today many public institutions divide their efforts or leave aside situations that do not exist, particularly within the public service and some actions would be carried out more simply and more quickly. Thus Denton (1990) says that the organization needs a dedicated group with an adequate profile to provide a service with quality that satisfies users, being essential characteristics in the provision of these services.

To this end, we propose an approach to the issue focusing on the quality of care in the public sector, with the use of information technologies making everyday school processes more practical and problem-effective. It is noticed that in most educational institutions, the quality of care does not meet the need that the school community of teachers and students expect.

Faced with this perceived reality, the question arises: What influence do information technologies have to boost the quality of care at the Professional School Doutor José Alves da Silveira? It is known that the user represents a fundamental piece, since his suggestion is beneficial in favor of the growth of the institution. Therefore, it is necessary that institutions promote beneficial actions for good care enabling new forms of interaction and permanent dialogue.

The general objective of the research is to analyze the quality of care at the Professional School Professional School Doutor José Alves da Silveira in the municipality of Quixeramobim, Ceará, specifically that care related to the use of information technologies. In relation to specific objectives; describe the processes related to quality management in the care of the Professional School Doutor José Alves da Silveira from the implementation of information technologies with observational analysis, analyze the changes promoted in the quality of care from the speech accused of teachers by interviews, compare the previous and current situation of the quality of care through the analysis of the data extracted in the previous objectives.

The work will address three topics that discuss: the quality of service, quality of service with the use of information technologies and quality of service having as an end customer users. The methods and techniques used were exploratory research with a qualitative approach, using participant interview and observation as the method and the research instrument the questionnaire, with the analysis and discussion of the collected results and final considerations.



According to Kotler (2006, p. 145) “quality is the totality of the attributes and characteristics of a product or service that affects its ability to meet declared or implicit needs.” Paladini (2008, p. 16) “quality is a set of characteristics, properties, attributes, or elements that make up goods and services”. It is perceived that the quality of services in the perception of users is tied to the quality of care.

It is emphasized the importance of perceiving that priority elements such as cordiality, courtesy, corroborate for the realization of real attributes within the organization. These attributes are linked to what Paladini (2008) confirms as characteristics linked to goods and services and that can guarantee quality service.

To ensure satisfaction in the consumption of products and services offered by the institution it is necessary to understand what users need. According to Godri (1994, p. 59) “Care is synonymous with empathy and attention”.Therefore, users in this service must be respected in their preferences. For Godri (1994) the quality of care is made from interactions with the team of collaborators, they are able to relate to users, that is, in the usefulness of the product being offered. The importance of quality lies in the need for the institution to remain firm, establishing the priorities of the moment as: willingness to be in tune with users or customers seeking to achieve satisfaction.

Given the quality of care we have the perception that we need to generate satisfaction among users of the services provided. For Kotler and Keller (2006, p. 142) “satisfaction is the feeling of pleasure or disappointment resulting from the comparison between the performance or perceived outcome of a product and the expectations of the buyer.” It is perceived that the level of satisfaction derived from the performance for the services provided goes beyond the expectations of the client.

It should be considered that satisfaction can generate in the client the base of the organization and to achieve success it is necessary to offer quality in the service provided. As Rocha and Christensen (1999, p. 90) point out, “customer satisfaction is seen as the organization’s ultimate purpose and as the only way it can survive in the long run.”

The decision of the user to have a good relationship with the institution or not, may be linked to elements such as: exceeding expectations, ability of the institution to make the client feel special, because “the company must measure satisfaction regularly because the key to retaining customers is to satisfy them” (KOTLER and KELLER, 2006, p. 144). On the other hand, institutions adopt strategic positions of partnership with customers, which goes beyond a service provided that guarantees a satisfactory result, because according to Denton (1990, p. 21) “customer dissatisfaction produces real touches and this is a fact that companies can rarely afford to ignore”.


The concept of Information and Communication Technology (ITCs) was initiated in the United Kingdom in the late 1990s as a proposal for a school curriculum and recognized by the world from the internet revolution. This reality refers mainly to technologies aimed at the adequacy of software, hardware and mobile phones. (ALMEIDA, 2019).

Also according to Almeida (2019), when it comes to technology is the union of two words originated from Greek, “techno” is the technique, craft or art and “logia” study. It is related to scientific, artistic and technical knowledge, with applicability in the operation of machines with functions and methods that can generate knowledge.

Given the reality described, it is worth mentioning that even with the advancement of technology, the dynamics of processes influenced by digital media, has been increasingly efficient and sometimes competitive the use of these means by companies (LAURINDO, 2002).

Information and communication technology can be seen as a strategic resource that according to Spinola and Pessôa (1997) says that information is an instrument that makes it feasible for an organization, through it we can obtain resources to decide the actions that are effective, being necessary that there is a way to obtain information in the legal aspects, scientific, economic, political and administrative.

The information is able to influence the organization’s business, becoming the basis for competition. With the vision of information technology in organizations we can achieve success; because the more the valorization of the use of information to generate knowledge and applicability, new opportunities for generating financial resources that generate goods and services may arise (SWEENEY, 1989).

Porter (1991) highlights the importance of formulating the strategy in the organization’s relationship to the environment. For Oliveira (1995) it points as an action to generate results, represented by its objectives, goals and challenges. Moura (1999) establishes that these strategies relate to a set of decisions taken in order to define the direction to follow to become familiar with the environment.

It is noteworthy that these strategies in the view of the authors mentioned present a scope in decision-making before the organizational environment, because through it arise the most urgent demands or needs of the institution, which will culminate in the quality of care. The more the organization has its actions well planned, the more users or customers of the services provided will feel assisted.

Campos and Teixeira (2004) analyzed information and communication technology ITCs as a junction between computers and their programs, such as software, public or private electronic communication network. For Marcovitch (1996) highlights the ITCs as indispensable elements that reinforce the dynamics of organizations and make processes more agile.

According to Oliveira (2005) Information and Communication Technology has contributed satisfactorily to facilitate the inclusion of information technology, integrating internal sectors, from customers and suppliers, reaching the technologies of wireless networks, telemedicine, electronic medical records, education and health. Laurindo (2002) states that this phenomenon generates efficiency and new forms of value in companies, reduces costs companies gain new markets and contributes at the same time to sustainability.

In relation to the educational institution mentioned, the quality of care combined with information and communication technologies was cohesive, there is the Student Management System (SIGA) that aims to make systematic daily monitoring in real time of infrequency, delays and justifications for further feedback by management and class directors who are responsible for supporting, accompany the student in order to ensure the permanence in the school, reducing the rates of dropout, monitor the quantitative and qualitative performance of the class throughout the school periods, build partnerships with students and classroom leaders, parents and with school management, promote an environment that facilitates personal, cognitive and social development.

We also have the Management and Automation System that automatically controls operating systems through electronic devices connected to the Internet. This system controls the release of rooms, both for the departure time for morning and afternoon snacks, as well as for lunch, since the organization operates in full mode. For Hill (1993) the maintenance services of the systems have the power to boost the processes making it meaningful. Given this reality in the institution, it is perceived that services become more agile, teachers and the school community begin to follow the demands with more quality and the services operationalized by the automation system such as monitoring and managing the student before the most productive tools.


When it comes to the quality of the service, leaving the users for the final customer, it is the idea that the actions performed within the organization can condition adverse situations, depending on how the service is received. It is understood that the quality aimed at users or customers, must meet their anides, so the organization needs to know the requirements for a good service. “If the product or material sold is of poor quality, there is really no service that can give satisfaction to the consumer. Maintaining or repairing a poor quality appliance or product is not to ensure a service, it is to repair an injury” (COBRA, 1997, p. 222).

Therefore, for an organization to perform well, met by the level of user satisfaction, with regard to quality products or services, the organizational marketing philosophy is essential, i.e. actions developed by organizations in decision making. The concept of internal quality, when the institution cares about the quality of the product and external quality, when the institution is concerned with the provision of the service to users.

Some actions or commandments are indispensable in improving customer service:

Atenda bem todas as pessoas superando uma eventual má impressão inicial que o cliente, porventura tenha causado: sorria. Seja cortês e paciente utilizando sempre o tratamento senhor e senhora. Atenda de imediato o cliente, não deixe o cliente esperando, aja com rapidez. Dê atenção ao cliente como uma pessoa importante que está a nossa frente conversando. Mostre boa vontade, o cliente precisa ver em nós o interesse em satisfazê-lo. Procure entender como ele se sente e como gostaria de ser tratado. Preste orientação segura, primeiro identificar a necessidade do cliente e depois, de forma segura, dar as devidas orientações. Se não souber orientá-lo, buscar solução com alguém que conheça o assunto. Utilize o vocabulário do cotidiano, devem ser utilizadas palavras de fácil compreensão evitando gírias. Não dê ordens; o cliente não gosta de ser mandado. Em vez de entre na fila diga por favor, aguarde na fila. Não discuta com o cliente, de que adianta ganhar a discussão e perder o cliente? Não encarar as reclamações do cliente como uma crítica pessoal a você. Ouvir o cliente irritado sem interrompê-lo, se assim ele não se acalmar, encaminhar ao gerente do setor responsável. Fale a verdade tratando o cliente com honestidade, mesmo não sendo agradável, é melhor assumir uma eventual falha do que dar ao cliente a impressão de que está escondendo informações ou omitindo problemas. Crie e sugira soluções, buscar com sua equipe soluções criativas para a melhoria do atendimento, lembre-se: você é o ouvido da empresa (WALKER, 1991, p. 122)

According to Walker (1991) the organization should be open to dialogue, always with the participation of its peers, organization and customers, so that verbal communication comes to flow and the level of satisfaction is successfully achieved by users.

Communication will become effective if customers along with the organization devote themselves daily to improvement procedures. Kotler and Armstrong (2000, p. 133) say that “consumer behavior is influenced by four sets of consumer characteristics: cultural, social, personal, and psychological.”

It is perceived that the investment directed to clients ensures decision making, reflecting significant practices that awaken values in the search for ideals to what is offered; the success and future of the organization is the attendant, who by serving customers being well treated, will take a good impression of the organization generating significant results in the business.

No negócio, o atendimento ao cliente é um dos aspectos mais importantes, sendo que o cliente é o principal objetivo do negócio, […] que todo negócio deve ser voltado ao cliente, sendo que só permanecerá se o cliente estiver disposto a continuar comprando o produto/serviço (CHIAVENATO, 2005, p. 209)

It is observed that it is essential to use different communication channels in organizations, in which customers are served in the best possible way; that there is satisfaction generated by users, quality in care linked to the training of attendants so that products and services are effective for generating income in society. On the other hand, it is an interactional process that according to France (2007) are social acts with shared actions and relationships between the subjects. The operational ones present a vast number of tasks that depend on the area of operation of the clients.


 The research was carried out at the State School of Professional Education Doutor José Alves da Silveira, located in the city of Quixeramobim – Ceará, year 2020, an institution composed of a target audience of 528 students and 31 teachers. The institution offers the modality of comprehensive high school with coverage of six vocational courses: Agribusiness, Buildings, Logistics, Administration, Nutrition and Dietetics and Informatics.

The qualitative approach was used as a subjective part for detailed interpretation of the variables related to the phenomena studied. According to Gil (1991) qualitative research aims to interpret the subjective reality of the subject, taking as an approach the applicability of the inductive method with description of the phenomena collected.

The research was of an applied nature, for Joye (2014, p. 45) “applied research aims to generate knowledge for practical application to the solution of specific problems”. The nature of the research in question will be of the type applied, because it will start from a specific problem to then try to answer the question at the end of the research with scientific data, real in concrete situations.

As for the objectives, the research was exploratory and descriptive. Joye (2014) points out that exploratory research has a bibliographic approach, using the interview technique.

According to Joye (2014) descriptive research makes a descriptive analysis of the population or phenomenon surveyed, the techniques of the questionnaire, systematic observation and data collection are inserted.

As for the research method, the participant observation method was used, which according to Anguera (1985) is a technique of social investigation in which the researcher divides the interests, activities, occasions, within a situational context, in which he is induced to approach a group of people to collect relevant and subjective data linked to the experiences shared through social interactions.

The field search method is also used. This is presented by some authors as being the one that seeks an investigation based on renowned authors, besides being a research that bases on the search for reliable results. For Fonseca (2002) the field research is characterized by the survey of data collected from people for analysis and interpretation of facts and phenomena researched. The technique used was the interview using an instrument used in the questionnaire, with five open questions. Therefore, according to Marconi and Lakatos (2011) the questionnaire is an instrument that collects data based on a list of questions that may include open, closed multiple choice questions that can be answered in writing and without the presence of people being surveyed.

Twelve teachers of class principals of each year of high school were interviewed according to the descriptive table below. The collected results were submitted by google form. The teachers were given the Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido[3] for the interviewee to be aware of their free participation and confidentiality in the research.

Table 01- Code of the interviewees and area of activity 

Teachers 2 and 8 BIOLOGY
Teachers 3, 4, and 12 PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE
Teachers 5 ENGLISH
Teachers 10 SPANISH
Teachers 11 PHYSICS

Source: the author of the research

The interviewees were chosen for convenience, and sampling using the saturation technique. In total there were twelve teachers class directors.

According to Turato (2008, p. 17):

Amostragem por saturação é uma ferramenta conceitual freqüentemente empregada nos relatórios de investigações qualitativas em diferentes áreas no campo da Saúde, entre outras. É usada para estabelecer ou fechar o tamanho final de uma amostra em estudo, interrompendo a captação de novos componentes.

The choice of these teachers is due, because they are responsible directly linked to students, managers and parents who know the daily school and are at the base in facing the challenges, especially those based on the monitoring of infrequent school performance within the school institution Doutor José Alves da Silveira Professional School.

The questionnaire was sent through the google form to collect the data, for further analysis and discussion.


From the observations it was possible to proceed with a descriptive analysis of the quality management processes and from the interviews based on the teachers’ speech. The data will be reported below:


Based on participant observation, it was possible to identify some key points of quality management processes: use of technologies, care for the school community.

In relation to technologies, the school has computers in learning environments: Laboratory of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics, Center of Multimedia, room of managers and teachers. It is worth mentioning the use mainly in the Laboratories of Languages and Informatics, these being the most used for the issue of practical classes of the Course of Informatics and the course of Buildings in programs involving disciplines of Technical Design and the use of Cad, tool that makes projects of constructions in 3D. On the other hand, a problem was observed: overcrowded classrooms with forty-five students, often preventing classes and the quality of student care in these environments from being given significantly.

Televisions were also found in each of the twelve classrooms, allowing the hdmi cable connection directly from the notebook connected to the TV or with the use of USB for inserting USB sticks, facilitating the work of teachers whether in display of recorded classes, or slides of classes. A challenge found was that some televisions did not work well, hindering the quality of care when presenting new pedagogical methodologies to the student by teachers.

In relation to information and communication technology tools, the following are in operation in the institution: the Online Student, Online Teacher and the Integrated School Management System (SIGE), both made available by the Government of the State of Ceará through the Department of Education and The Student Management Systems (SIGA), created by the students of the computer course of the institution.

In the online student the student enters with a password that is the number of his/her registration and has access to his/her entire school life, from grades and infrequencies. In the online teacher, the teacher enters with his registration data of Registration of Individuals (CPF)[5] and password and has all the control of his functional life, stocking, school calendar, class schedule, classes inserted in which the teacher is crowded in the respective discipline. It also offers a range of readings, videos and announcements of varied courses within the context of education.

The Integrated School Management System (SIGE) monitors actions such as: the National High School Exam; related to the follow-up of teachers; capacity; Class Director or responsible teacher who does the pedagogical accompaniment of the class. There is also the tab of the collegiate bodies – student association and school councils, school feeding, outsourced, Youth and Adult Education Center – (CEJA).

The Student Management System (SIGA) that works at the school reception aims to monitor inputs and outputs, such as the infrequency of students for further feedback from school management and with the results generated through computerized reports are delivered weekly to each Class Principal Teacher and school coordinators responsible for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades of high school for the necessary interventions with parents and in the most critical cases in the planning meetings of the areas of Languages, Humanities, Mathematics and Nature Sciences make adjustments with families.

Before this system was created, the control of entry and exit, delays of students in the classes and their respective justification were done manually, a factor that required time, as a consequence, the students ended up arriving late for the first classes. If it were necessary to take a report of a student X or Y it would be necessary to flip through the pages of the handout a good time to look for on which days those students were most absent and still filter out the justifications and more worrying cases of absences call the family to attend school and talk to management.

The Professional School Doutor José da Silveira also used some tools autonomously, such as the Virtual Learning Environment (AVA) for the application of tests in virtual format, participation in discussion forums, activity attachments, videos, etc.

Another example is Rádio Escola[4], a technology managed by the student guild and with the support of management aims to make the space more dynamic and interactive in break times, with selection of songs, spaces to listen to classmates and dissemination of projects.

It was also created the Automation system or automatic, which combined with information technologies through programs or software makes the management of the time of descent for snack, lunch and release of rooms at the end of the ninth class. There is an internet connection and the classrooms, in each room there is a light that lights up according to a short space of time, each class is released and then goes off, this cycle goes through to the last room. It is noteworthy that part of this system was developed by the students themselves in the computer area with the guidance of teachers of information technology.

Finally, it is worth noting that in the Covid 19 Pandemic period in which schools have been in remote classes since March 2020, teachers, students and the school community had to adapt to new technological tools, in a virtual format: classes by Google Meet and Google Classroom that require managers and teachers to pay greater attention to the quality of care.


 Below will be presented the interview points and their respective discussions based on the interviewees’ statements.


The (Teachers 02 and 09) agree with the (Teachers 10,11 and 12) when they affirm the quality in the human aspect, in the sense of being treated (a), in the speech of the teachers say, “I feel this way and realize that the rest of the school community receives the same treatment”, quality in the bureaucratic aspect with agility in the attendance and requests, quality in the creation of systems for the improvement of the services provided by the school and cites as an example: monitoring system of missing students who arrive late and this follow-up is made available to each teacher. And that the school has prioritized the student moving in his favor, all efforts focused on actions aimed at a quality care for the student.

It corroborates what Chiavenato (2007) says that the customer is indispensable for the company to remain in the market, points out that customer service is one of the aspects of significance. Bogman (2002) reaffirms that through the quality of the service provided by the organization is that the relationships will be established in order to serve customers in the best possible way.


When asked about the technologies employed at school to improve the quality of student service nine out of twelve respondents mentioned: Google Meet, Google Classroom, Google Drive, Google Forms, Canva, Inshot, Midomo, Kahoot, Quiz, social networks such as Facebook, Instagram and apps such as WhatsApp, so reaffirms Las Casas (2006, p. 45) “technology assists the process in providing control of gigantic operations, with global structures, while maintaining close contact with the customer, through the loyalty process, possible only with sophisticated technology.”

They affirmed that these technological tools enable and promote the expansion of knowledge, besides providing greater interaction between students and teachers bringing dynamism to classes. In the record of the speech of Teachers 08 says that “it is notorious that we were taken by surprise in this period of the pandemic, but I always understood teaching as a box of surprises, because everything is transformed, changes are fundamental to the progress of any instance”. Also according to Las Casas (2006), the feasibility of expanding knowledge through technology made customers improve and the specific needs of organizations through interactive relationships.

The (Teachers 1, 10 and 12) state that the School Attendance System and students’ discipline records show the mirror of each class, as well as each student, which is an essential support for the proper progress of the processes. And that these infrequency recording systems allow: to monitor when the student misses or arrives late, misses some class, needs to leave early (Teachers 10). They also corroborate that the systems that allow the posting of classes promote a space of learning, through which the entire school community can follow the events. For Alba (2006), new technologies open possibilities to generate new forms of communication, interaction and socialization in educational contexts.


The perception of teachers about this item is satisfactory (Teachers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10) because the feedback has been positive, in the moments of care in the face of actions together with the participants of the processes, conversations with the students, in the meetings of parents with managers (Teachers 12). On the other hand, (Teachers 6) mentions that: “even having the use of sensitivity and common sense to deal with the community, we often have no return”.

Teachers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 believe that a weekly report on demands would be more efficient. This report would be made available to the school community with the aim of increasing public participation in activities.

Moreover, the (Teachers 3, 5, 7) state that it is necessary to know the school reality to change, also change to perceive, and it is necessary to perceive to transform. The care of the family/educating segments is based on the principles of respect, dedication and responsibility, because welcoming the other goes far beyond receiving data. In the meantime Paro (2017) focuses on the democratic management of the school as a necessary basis for this reality to be intensified, especially when it comes to the quality of care seen by users or the school community. On the other hand, Hora (2010) makes a relationship between this democratic management and the sharing of decision-making, such as the greater prominence and autonomy of students, family members and the community in general.

To improve this feedback from the school community, the interviewees affirm that there needs to be some system in which the Class Principal teacher had access and was fed by the student monitoring program, the work to the satisfaction, some service instrumental that would expedite some demands (Teachers 2).

Services would improve even more if human capital increased in the operationalization of processes. They suggest an ombudsman so that the school community can make suggestions or any complaints, without having to expose themselves (Teachers 4). They bet on collective dialogues, because no matter how much it already happens, it can always be improved, students among students, teachers among teachers, families with families (Teachers 9). In relation to human capital, carvalho e Souza stands out 1999, p. 75) that says that “it is the capacity, knowledge, skill, creativity and individual experiences of employees and managers capable of being proactive and offering a level of satisfaction to employees”.

Finally, he points out, that it would be interesting that the care of students, parents and the school community is more effective, which is often prevented by the time of those involved in care (Teachers 10, 11, 12).


In the teachers’ speech it was possible to identify the following suggestions for improvement for the quality of school care: the platform or online environment of the Department of Education of Ceará, attached to Google classroom for parents to monitor the performance of their children; that employees could take a Human Relations course; make meetings with parents and guardians more constant; try to bring the family closer in a more systematic way not leaving only for specific moments. These emphasize the importance of seeking to establish contacts more frequently and not only in special situations, thus generating greater fidelity with the school community, leaving it informed of school actions.

They reaffirm that the school could have a WhatsApp number to make available to the community in order to ask questions and implement an ombudsman system, in the most offers a quality service. Thus, given the functionalities presented, it is what Antunes (2010, p. 47) emphasizes: “the public ombudsman is considered one of the instruments of citizen participation and the possibility of social control, directly, in public administration, to the extent that it allows society to express its needs”.

On the other hand, (Teachers 5) reiterates that it does not perceive a priori limitations, only the lack of a greater number of personnel to operationalize. The (Teachers 10,11, 12) emphasized that the trainings, implementation of applications that are software for electronic devices that help users to perform certain tasks of pedagogical nature, improvement of those that already exist, workshops with students so that they can also have knowledge of how to address these services so that they are more streamlined. For Alcântara (2011) these new mobile technologies, in addition to computational resources, enable internet access and establish a rapid and growing expansion, both in the interest of mobility, easy access to information and interpersonal connection.


From the analysis of the interviews it is possible to perceive an intrinsic relationship between the quality of care and information technologies, which are indispensable for the functioning of the school institution. This fact demonstrates a greater integration of teachers with changes in the quality of care. This finding corroborates Oliveira’s (1995) thinking when he states that institutions currently require more autonomous, participatory and flexible professionals to learn new technologies.

Given the technologies implemented, there was a significant advance, especially in relation to the use of technologies more frequently, even in relation to teachers and students who had difficulties in using them, because the range of technological tools used as the Virtual Learning Environment (AVA) already gave technical and pedagogical support so that teachers could perform online tests, activities to strengthen learning.

In view of this, it reinforces that the tools that existed will only tend to add with others available, be it facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp etc. to improve the students’ learning and facilitate the pedagogical methodology of teachers culminating in a better quality service. Another change to be highlighted was the implementation of school management monitoring systems such as the Student Management System and the Automation System or internet connection for the release of rooms for snacks, these systems have made the flow of students’ entry and exit processes agile.

With this monitoring it is possible to make decisions in real time, give feedback to school management and student leaders and optimize the time of employees who previously did this work manually.

The pandemic of covid 19, according to the speech of the teachers interviewed, brought the possibility of reinventing themselves regarding the use of information and communication technologies: they had to learn to use new tools to teach remote classes, some made available by the Department of Education of the State of Ceará, such as Google Classroom, Google Meet, the latter as one of the most used at the moment, in view of an approximation of teachers with the students even virtually.

In order to generate dialogue, information technologies favored the exchange of experiences and learnings, such as listening to students in relation to the situations experienced in the daily school, both in the emotional issue, as well as the difficulties presented in the contents taught by the teachers, providing an interactional relationship evidenced by France (2007).

We also analyzed what could be implemented to improve feedback between teachers and the school community, in the interviewees’ speech, the Teacher Class Principal was highlighted as indispensable to manage the follow-up to students in relation to the teaching and learning process. As Hill (1993) states, the services that maintain the systems can generate potential and produce positive effects. On the other hand, the teachers perceived the need for greater representation of parents, in moments of individual dialogues, in meetings with managers and cite the need for an ombudsman to be heard in the face of complaints or problems that may arise.

In view of this action, the institution carries out the circles of dialogues or a moment of listening to the student, with the classes to analyze bimonthly the school performance, as well as moments of individual self-assessment where the students expose their anxieties and how is their learning and what to do to improve, the evaluation of how each class is by the performance index of each room that is obtained by the number of approved and satisfactory frequency in all disciplines. An urn is also made available in the institution where the school community exposes the suggestions and criticisms, managers do a screening, then are taken to collective planning for possible interventions.


The present study allowed an analysis of the quality of care with the use of information technologies at the Professional School Doutor José Alves da Silveira in Quixeramobim – Ceará, a perception that meets the importance of providing services to users and with the quality optimized by technology, feedback with customers becomes viable and easy to interact with for solving problems and challenges faced.

The proposed theme is extremely relevant, because when dealing with the quality of care combined with information technologies, brings to users, in this case the school community the integrated and articulated approach with all sectors of the institution that must work harmoniously to succeed in what is done or will do.

Through qualitative research, it was possible to highlight from the point of view of teachers, the quality of care as a relevant aspect for the client’s return to the institution and satisfaction to the services provided.

As specific objectives, the research sought to describe the processes related to quality management in the care of the Professional School Doutor José Alves da Silveira from the implementation of information technologies with observational analysis, analyze the changes promoted in the quality of care from the speech of teachers by interviews and compare the previous and current situation of the quality of care through the analysis of the data extracted in the objectives Previous.

To achieve the specific objectives of the research, we used the interview method and participant observation, as well as the saturation technique, used to prove that the institution mentioned has a management that excels in the quality of care and meets the perspectives of the school community described in the processes of quality management of care from information technologies.

With this facilitated organizational processes, making more agile and productive generating satisfaction to users. Through a comparison of how it was before and after, the trend of growth and technological innovation was perceived. Before, manual services were used in the service and from then on more dynamic, thus culminating in the interviewees’ speech.

In relation to the changes promoted in the quality of care by the interviewees’ speech, it was noticed that the quality of care provided in the school institution is satisfactory and that the school has evolved in order to apply aspects aimed at generating results, systematically following the evolution of students, school and network.

Still in the aspect of the quality of care combined with information technologies, the institution has had a whole set of technological tools aimed at this improvement, from the instruments created in the school itself as the Virtual Learning Environment and those currently used because of remote classes, teachers have frequently used Google Classroom and Google Meet.

Another important point that is worth mentioning is the investment in the qualification of teachers because of this period of remote classes, one perceives how much learning they have acquired and experiences shared with other teachers. It was also noticed the importance that teachers and the school community gave in relation to logistics in care making technology management systems more agile and dynamic, reducing the bureaucracy of roles and making the service with more quality.

It was noticed that the demands arising from the institution, that is, to monitor infrequency, delays and sometimes an employee only in attendance could not do it with agility. To solve this impasse, the management of the institution decided to place a readapted teacher in which he does all the follow-up with a shift manager who in this case can be one of the school coordinators, or course coordinators.

With this partnership the results have improved significantly, as the reports of the Monitoring Systems are generated and delivered to the director general, school and course coordinators as well as to the class-principal teachers to make the interventions together with students and families.

Regarding the research question: What influence do information technologies have to boost the quality of care at the Professional School Doutor José Alves da Silveira? It is perceived, therefore, that the issue addressed within the Administration, in terms of the quality of care combined with information technologies, the study brought good results, in the shared management among all those who make the school community, managers, teachers, students and parents of students who could improve the service with the use of various technological instruments, computer programs generating efficiency and effectiveness in the results.

On the other hand, teachers were able to become aware of the need for greater transparency and objectivity in problem solving, with management practices consolidated in results. For the future, it is possible to review postures that will still need adjustments inserted in the quality of care, through future research to deepen the theme so that other analyses can be made and perceive through the proposed actions improvement in the management of the quality of this care, in the view of teachers and the school community, to have an institution consolidated in values, with mission and vision of its ideals, an organization that glimpses the valorization of citizens, by the use of information technologies and full satisfaction of the services offered to its users.


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3. Free and Informed Consent Form.

4. Radio School.

5. Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas – CPF is Registration of Individuals in Brasil.

[1] Master’s degree in Education Sciences from the Inter-American University in Asunción Py, specialist in Mathematics and Physics from the Regional University of Cariri, specialist in School Management from Kurius College, graduated in Pedagogy and Mathematics from Vale do Acaraú State University and bachelor’s degree in Public Administration from the State University of Ceará. ORCID: 0000-0001-7423-3438.

[2] Guidance counselor. ORCID: 0000-0002-9119-0924.

Submitted: October, 2021.

Approved: December, 2021.

4.8/5 - (10 votes)
Evanginaldo Silva Saldanha

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