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Benefits of systematization of nursing care for patients and nursing

RC: 60212
151 Readings
4.7/5 - (12 votes)
DOI: 10.32749/



SANTOS, Genilson Gaudêncio dos [1], FILHO, José Jefferson da Silva Nascimento [2]

SANTOS, Genilson Gaudêncio dos. FILHO, José Jefferson da Silva Nascimento. Benefits of the systematization of nursing care for patient and for nursing. Revista Científica Multidisciplinar Núcleo do Conhecimento. Year 05, Ed. 08, Vol. 07, pp. 16-28. August 2020. ISSN: 2448-0959, Access link:, DOI: 10.32749/


The Systematization of Nursing Care is an organized way of caring and achieving quality in the care offered. This study aims to report the relevance of SNC to nursing, identifying its benefits for nursing and the client. This is a literature review. The research was developed from consultation in books, journals and scientific articles available on the Internet and in the databases; LILACS and SCIELO. For data collection, the following keywords were used: SNC , care and nursing process. The data were grouped and organized for simple descriptive statistical treatment. 100% of the authors believe in the benefits of SNC as a defining strategy of the nurse’s space/field of action justifying the existence of such a professional in the multidisciplinary team. 60% state that SNC brings the consolidation of nursing science, recognition and valorization of the nursing professional. 40% say they organize nursing care/care. 100% believe it brings benefits to the client, such as: individualized, organized, humanized care, detects early diagnoses, nursing care done correctly, reduces infection and hospitalized clients stay. Although it is already regulated by resolution COFEN 358/09 and is a requirement of the Federal Nursing Council to SAE is not yet being used nor is it part of the work of many nurses and health institutions in the country, but the neglect of SAE is the main reason for the omission, disorganization and lack of confidence of nursing actions.

Keywords: SNC , care, nursing process.


Nursing as a science of human care now more than ever is able and interested in achieving quality care. The Systematization of Nursing Care (SNC) is an organized way of caring and achieving quality in the care offered. Thus, the professional nurse who is granted the right to care, should make use of the SNC methodology to develop in the best way and apply in the care of their technical-scientific knowledge in order to achieve quality and efficiency in customer care.

Since the 1980s, planning for nursing care has been a legal imposition. Since 2002, SNC has become a legal requirement of the Federal Nursing Council (FNC) through resolution No. 272/2002 repealed by FNC resolution 358/2009, which provides for SNC and the implementation of the Nursing Process (NP) in public or private environments, in which nursing professional care occurs, determines SNC as a private activity of nurses that aims to identify health/disease situations and contribute to the direction of care for the individual and collectivity aimed at promoting, preventing and recovering health.

Then, SNC and the Nursing Process are the object of research, both in the academy and in the health work environments, with the objective of improving the scientific knowledge of nursing care/care, providing individualized care and ensuring the autonomy of nurses (BACKES et. al, 2008).

Starting from the concept of what is science or scientific knowledge we know that all science is endorsed with a systematized and methodical process, that is, a framework of knowledge on which its practice is based.

According to Lunarde Filho (1997) much of the nursing care or care is not recorded or documented in any way and this is regrettable. So that this service cannot be statistically described. This care or care cannot serve for the visibility of nurses and the profession.

Although it is already regulated by resolution FNC 358/09 and is a requirement of the Federal Nursing Council to SNC is not yet being used nor is it part of the work of many nurses and health institutions in the country, but the neglect of THE is the main reason for the omission, disorganization and lack of confidence of nursing actions.

The choice of this work that aimed to identify the benefits of SNC for nursing and for the patient/client assumes that nursing should use the SNC methodology already regulated by FNC resolution 358/2009 to be consolidated as a discipline/science and offer more human esa care to the patient/client.

SNC is the pinnacle of the profession. As Horta (1979) said with the nursing process, now understood as being a method of implementing THE in practice, the profession has reached its consolidation. Besides being an organized/systematized and humane way of caring.

The present study reveals that there is a scarcity of works that address the theme of SNC on the perspective of the benefits brought by this methodology. In relation to publications in the form of scientific articles on the theme of SNC, we can affirm that there were numerous findings, however, most of them dealt with the difficulties encountered by professionals in implementing this methodology in health services, so they were excluded from this study whose intention was to bring its benefits.

There is an extreme need for literature that addresses the benefits of SNC, since this methodology is a positive bilateral ly when considering the nursing profession and the receiving person of nursing care and care. Regarding the relevance and benefits of SNC 100% of the authors, researched believe in the benefits of applying the SNC methodology for both nursing and the client.

The SNC shows its relevance in the following aspects: it brings the consolidation of nursing science, autonomy, greater recognition and appreciation of the nursing professional, offers individualized and organized care, more humanized care, detects early diagnoses, ensures that nursing care is done correctly, reduces infections in hospitalized clients and reduces the client’s duration/stay in the hospital.


This is a literature review, that is, existing research that was compiled in a single document thus constructing a bibliographic research, which according to Gil (2002), develops from theoretical material, documents, scientific articles, etc. Already elaborated, which serve as a basis for guidance to the work being developed, because it gives the researcher a greater scope of the researched theme, enabling the validation of the study.

According to Rossi Júnior (1990), bibliographic research is one that develops from the attempt to solve the problem (hypothesis), through the theoretical references found in books, magazines and related literature.

The research was developed from consultation in books, journals and scientific articles available on the Internet and in the databases; LILACS and SCIELO, using the keywords: SNC, care and nursing process.

The research followed the following steps: collection of the material for literature review; reading the relevant material; selection of material relevant to the theme; preparation of the work; results and discussion.

After the research, they were interpreted and analyzed, being grouped and organized for simple descriptive statistical treatment, and were exposed in text, graphic and table form.


The results were interpreted and discussed from the information extracted from the selected papers.

Graph 1 – Virtual sources of publications of scientific articles on the systematization of nursing care – (SNC)

Source. Article: Benefits of the Systematization of Nursing Care for the Patient and for Nursing. Year: 2020.

Graph 1 shows the virtual sources of publications of scientific articles related to SNC. The study found and/or separated for the study 15 scientific articles in lilacs and scielo databases. Most of these were selected in the SCIELO database, totaling 12 articles, which corresponds to 80% of the total surveyed. In the LILACS database, 03 articles were selected, corresponding to 20% of the total articles surveyed.

Table 1 – Types of journals of publications related to concepts about SNC and nursing process.

Journals No, no, no, no, no, Journals (%)
Books 09 34,6%
Master’s Thesis 01 3,85%
Undergraduate TCC 01 3,85%
Latino-am Magazine. Nursing 02 7,7%
Nursing Journal of the Midwest of Minas Gerais 01 3,85%
Environment and Health Education Magazine 01 3,85%
Brazilian Nursing Congress 01 3,85%
Revista Cogitare Enfermagem 01 3,85%
Science Care and Health Magazine 01 3,85%
Journal Text Context Nursing 02 7,7%
Current Nursing Journal 01 3,85%
Brazilian Journal of Nursing 05 19,2%
Total 26 100%

Source. Article: Benefits of the Systematization of Nursing Care for the Patient and for Nursing. Year: 2020.

Table 1 shows the types of journals of the researched publications related to concepts about SNC and NP that were selected for the study. Twenty-six literatures were selected and separated for the study: books, master’s thesis, undergraduate CCW and scientific articles.

Most of the literature used in the study was found in the form of scientific articles in several journals that make up 57.7% of the total literature analyzed and researched. A Master’s thesis corresponding to 3.85% was used in the study. An undergraduate CCW corresponding to 3.85% of the sample of academic papers analyzed.

Thus, the advance in the published literature in relation to SNC resumes more to scientific articles, since the undergraduate CCW were in the minority. The respective indexes may perhaps reflect the lack of interest of the students in this theme or even the lack of knowledge and basis on the theme object of study of this work.

The lack of mastery of the SNC  subject of academy students is the main reason for the scarcity of works involving the theme of SNC but this would be the subject of another approach/study.

Graph 2 – Benefits of SNC for nursing. Results on the benefits of SNC for nursing.

Source. Article: Benefits of the Systematization of Nursing Care for the Patient and for Nursing. Year: 2020.

Graph 2 shows the results related to academic studies on the benefits of SNC for Nursing. On the relevance of SNC for nursing, 100% of the authors believe in the benefits of the methodology. The example of Hermida (2004) when she states that nursing should privilege its specific-own actions with the client and act as a partner of other professionals, not only as support for medical and administrative-bureaucratic actions, but sharing their knowledge in meeting the patient’s needs. For Grando (2005) the use of a care system that specifies both quantitatively and qualitatively the role of nurses serves to justify the existence of such a professional in health services.

The SNC proved to be effective in all aspects involving the nursing profession, because 60% of the articles analyzed state that THE brings benefits to the profession, such as:

  • Consolidation of nursing science
  • Autonomy
  • Greater recognition of the nursing professional
  • Valuing the nursing professional
  • Safety for the nurse and the patient/client

As Horta (1979) said with the EP, now understood as being a method of implementing in practice the SNC, the profession reached its consolidation. Lunardi Filho (1997) agrees when he states that non-systematized nursing practice devalues the profession, contributing to its stagnation. Tannure and Gonçalves (2008) says that autonomy in the nursing profession will only be acquired when the entire class begins to use the scientific methodology presented by SNC, in accordance with its actions – that is, when the application of the nursing process system is in practice. 40% of the authors state that SNC organizes nursing care actions. Like Dell ́Acqua and Miyadahira (2002) when it says that SNC is a way to organize assistance. The same stated Castilho et al (2009) is a dynamic of systematized and interrelated actions, which enables the organization of nursing care.

Figure 3 – SNC benefits for the customer. Results on the benefits of SNC  for the customer.

Source. Article: Benefits of the Systematization of Nursing Care for the Patient and for Nursing. Year: 2020.

Graph 3 shows the results for SNC’s benefits to the Customer. 100% of the authors believe that SNC brings benefits to the client. 38.4% ensure that with the use of the SNC methodology, nursing care is done correctly, as said, Alfafo-Lefevre (2000) the method contained in the Nursing Process (NP) used by the SNC uses a detailed and detailed form that assists in communication and is capable of preventing iatrogenic and omissions.

We understand that these documents produced by SNC can serve as a further consultation for any audits in order to provide patient/client safety. They can also serve as a basis for further studies in nursing.

Santos (2009) agreed with Alfaro-Lefevre when he said that with SNC it is possible to ensure that nursing care is done correctly.

26.9% of the authors state that SNC offers individualized and organized assistance such as Dell ́Acqua and Miyadahira (200) when it says that SNC is a method for organizing and providing care in the area, or designating how to organize care. 19.2% say that SNC is able to detect early diagnoses. 15.5% state that the SNC methodology reduces infections in hospitalized patients/clients, the duration/stay of the client patient in the hospital, offers more humanized care such as Santos (2009) can be affirmed by reducing infections and the length of the client’s stay in health institutions.

Castilho et al (2009) affirm that the methodology represents an ethical and humanized nursing approach, aimed at problem solving, meeting the needs of health care and nursing of a person.

Thus, SNC is a beneficial work methodology that increases the quality of nursing care for the client, bringing numerous benefits to it, as mentioned above and in line with Graph 3.


There is a scarcity of works that address the theme of SNC on the perspective of the benefits brought by this methodology. In relation to publications in the form of scientific articles on the theme of SNC , we can affirm that there were numerous findings, however, most dealt with the difficulties encountered by professionals in implementing this methodology in the services, so they were excluded from this study whose intention was to bring its benefits.

There is an extreme need for literature that will address the benefits of SNC , since this methodology is a positive bilateral ly when considering the profession (nursing) and the person receiving care/care (patient).

Regarding the relevance of SNC 100% of researchers believe in the benefits of care methodology for both nursing and the client. The SNC shows its relevance in the following aspects: Brings the consolidation of nursing science, autonomy, greater recognition and appreciation of the nursing professional, offers individualized and organized care, humanized care, detects early diagnoses, ensures that nursing care is done correctly, reduces infections in hospitalized clients and reduces the client’s duration/stay in the hospital.

It is very important that nursing is the resolution of the client’s health problems, which gives priority to their specific actions specific to their field of knowledge acting in the nursing diagnosis.

But for this it is necessary that the SNC be implemented so that within the scientific criteria available to the nurse can know the diagnoses of diseases affected by the clients and can deliberate with autonomy on the care and care of each individual (patient) on their responsibility.

It is true that with the application of SNC, nurses are able to identify the basic human needs of the client, visualizing it holistically and thus establishing through clinical judgment the needs to be prioritized.

Through SNC, better care can be offered since it organizes care and even more it delimits the field of action of nurses and can deliberate on the prescription of care and take part in decision-making among the multidisciplinary team.

Nursing is the profession that most characterizes care, SNC is the very offer to the patient of this systematized and organized care with scientific and methodical basis, allowing care to be delegated by other professionals hurts and compromises the care of the profession. Future professionals should develop care, but not a random care and without goals, a systematized and organized care.

Despite the adoption of methods and criteria that guide the orientation of nursing professionals regarding the implementation and use of the SNC methodology, it can be used in numerous ways and performed from different perspectives, always aiming at the quality of nursing actions and the efficiency of the care provided.

The SNC is undoubtedly an organized form of care while also organizing the service of the nursing team under nursing management, gives direction to actions, specificity, scientificity and is still an instrument for evaluating nursing work. The organization and direction of nursing actions become remarkable characteristics of SNC, which since 2002 is a legal requirement according to FNC Resolution 272/2002. Repealed by FNC resolution 358/2009.

The SNC methodology has really been defining who the nurse is, who is the nursing technician and their attributions as well as the other professionals of the multidisciplinary team.

Without the application of the SNC methodology, we cannot have quantitative and qualitative scientific support of a professional care provided to the patient/client thus making such care unfeasible or decharacterizing it as a profession and we will continue to experience a chaos in nursing. Without the SNC methodology, we will always have a disjointed nursing: nurses without performing what is their responsibility, that is, the Nursing Prescription (prescription of care) which, if the nurse does not, is mischaracterizing the profession itself as a science/discipline that is the provider of care. And the nursing nursing technician basing his actions and practice on medical prescriptions and not nursing, in the end we will have a nursing always as support of medical and/or administrative-bureaucratic actions of the services, summarizing the nursing notes in succinct descriptions of a work shift.

The implementation of a scientifically based work methodology enables the systematization of care, which consists of using a methodology for carrying out an organized and consequently effective work. And the result of this is undoubtedly the consolidation of the profession and visibility of the actions or care provided by the nurse.

According to the reality of each institution, the nurse is responsible for creating, implementing and implementing the SNC. It is the nurse who formulates this printed document in the best way always aiming at the quality of the nursing actions provided to the client.

The systematization of care also provides resources for the development of technical-scientific knowledge that characterizes nursing as a science of its own and specific knowledge.

The SNC makes use of a holistic view and, therefore, gives more humanization to the recipient of its actions, observing the patient fully and not only the pathology that affects him, ensuring that the care is articulated directly to the person or patient and no longer to the disease.

The true role of nursing is care, but, not a random care and without goals, it is an organized way of caring, because it confers a systematized and organized care leaving behind the random practice of care, where it is not possible to achieve concrete objectives.


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[1] Postgraduate in Occupational Nursing from Cândido Mendes University – UCAM; Postgraduate in Emergency And Emergency Nursing from the Integrated Faculty of Araguatins – FAIARA; Graduated in Nursing from UNESC.

[2] Graduated in Medicine from the Faculty of Medicine New Hope – FAMENE.

Submitted: August, 2020.

Approved: August, 2020.

4.7/5 - (12 votes)
Genilson Gaudêncio Dos Santos

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