RABELO, Wilian Fonseca [1], AMARO, Diogo Alves [2]
RABELO, Wilian Fonseca; AMARO, Diogo Alves. Benefit of Futsal in school physical education. Benefit of Futsal in school physical education. Multidisciplinary Core Scientific Knowledge magazine, Year 01, vol. 10, pp. 135-150, November 2016. ISSN:2448-0959
The present work presents a brief discussion on practice of Futsal in school physical education. To this end, a literary review that had focused on investigating what are the benefits of futsal applied in school physical education, as well as showing the futsal team not only as a competitive sport, but for the purpose of sport bring many improvements. Are great additions that futsal back and makes the student has interest to participate, aiming at a pedagogical development yet this school discipline required. There is, still, here, the futsal as a tool to promote socialization, values, and, above all, health. Research shows different studies on the pedagogy and methodology, including traditional forms. Through these analysis, the importance of encouraging the sport, because it should cover the physical education class for dealing with the sport has enormous benefits in the development of young people. At school, the main goal when it comes to sports, must be to form citizens and not athletes, and professionals in the industry must pay attention to that.
Keywords: indoor soccer, school physical education, physical education, Socialization, benefits of futsal.
The law and Policy Bases (LDB) in § 3 of art. 26, determines that physical education be added to the school's pedagogical proposal as an indispensable basic education curriculum, namely, physical education is part of the curriculum of basic education as prepared in the law of guidelines and bases national education LDB No. 9,394/96. According to the Art. 26 of the said law, the curricula of elementary and high schools need to have a common support, to be completed in each school system and school network, varied by one party, determined by regional and local attributes of society, culture, economy and clientele.
Football is a collective sport played in two teams with 11 players on each. To your origin is of the most distant and uncertain. Several are the locations and periods in which the Futsal team. Remain many versions and causes the emergence of football, but the truth is that almost all ancient civilizations recorded ball games, and who were precursors of the contemporary football.
In Brazil, the arrival of football as a sport was in 1894, when Charles Miller, student and son of British rooted in Sao Paulo, came from their courses in England with two soccer balls, a rule book and a set of uniforms, in addition to the information addresses of the game purchased at "Banister Court School. He was the promoter of this sports learning in the State of São Paulo, as well as the customs relating to your practice. Miller had the assistance of two individuals: the German teacher Hans Noibiling who, in São Paulo, founded the Holy Roman Emperor, today named Pines; and Oscar Cox, Carpenter who studied in Switzerland, whose action has accepted the introduction of football in Rio de Janeiro.
Through the practice of sports, children are subjected at real situations of interpersonal coexistence, respect the rules of futsal, respect others, situations of loss and gain of the game, IE allows the child to develop emotionally.
The current study aims to reflect on the seriousness of the introduction of futsal in school set demonstrating just how the sport provides for the design and your great importance to the full increase of the child respecting the personality of the practitioners, leading to them core values to life.
So, as the value for the teacher, while organizer of theoretical and practical lessons, one should think about, approach for students together to participate and feel important in school, and develop maturity, respect others, and better coexistence, what should the strengthening of physical education classes.
The preference of this subject took place by identifying with the sport and apprehension to see that futsal, in many schools, has been instructed just as game where what prevails is the play ball, leaving aside the importance of social-historical knowledge Sport, leaving only the interest in technical knowledge. Futsal, as well as other sports, not only in the increase of the technical and tactical elements of motor skills of the individual as motor coordination, laterality, agility, reaction speed, etc., but also in the knowledge of importance that emphasize the collective over the individual, solidarity, human respect, building, gradually criticism and autonomy of the students. The sport achieved in school has many values and benefits that can help the student.
This study constitutes a literary review, which seeks to understand the benefits of the practice of futsal, providing grants for practice-later, based on information obtained in literary study.
The search was for articles and books that reflect the theme, in order to show the benefits of the practice of futsal, valuing, above all, the practice of sport. Here are used as keywords Futsal, school physical education, physical education, Socialization, Benefits.
Based on information obtained in these sources, then with the argument, which was divided into three topics: benefits of futsal, futsal practice benefits on socialization-in social life of the child, and the benefits of futsal in the health student.
The research was developed from August to November 2016.
The sport today is present both in school life and outside of it, and children, even during breaks, school entry and an appointment to another – change of discipline/field, clash with the game. Often, the game is "reinvented" for them and has its own rules, being practiced in small spaces and with rotating material, such as paper balls, half, cans, bottle caps, and, although they have rules adapted to the space and the number of players in your essence, have marked characteristics compared to the official sport, have the goal, basket, the pitching and defense.
At school, the sport has clear performance in teaching-learning methodology, not only as part of physical education, but also as extra-curricular activity that, by means of motivation that the children show for this or that mode, ensures the teacher working together, the technical and tactical aspects of the game and the egalitarian issues, such as individualism, cooperation, team spirit, respect, leadership, criticism, justice, etc.
The reactions of the human being, added to their natural abilities, can be worked through education, primarily in Physical education class. (7). The exercises given in the classrooms, especially collective games are key parts that facilitate the development of the students.
One of the main targets of physical education is a wake-up call to the charm of learning; Increase the ability to invent and recreate circumstances of learning; expand the communication capacity; Beware motor difficulties, learning disabilities, emotional and relational; Boost self-confidence and promote socialization; Prevent relational difficulties of learning and development; Play a therapeutic exercise in the event of difficulties learning and relational development housed; cause a more profitable structure of originality; Excite positive attitudes in front of you, each other and the world.
We can understand, therefore, that, in school, the lessons of this subject must not focus only on the physical aspects; It should also pay attention to the movements, so that you can go beyond the goal of performance physical stimuli and therefore need to adopt the perspective and expectation formation of citizens, looking more cooperative and participatory behaviour.
The amounts reached across the sport, as the collaboration, the acceptance of authority, internalization of the rules, discipline, the overcoming of oneself and the initiative, make up various forms of positive behaviors, and integrators constructive, that are present in the code of values that every one admits to himself and way of living.
We observe in school physical education that, from the sports, you can improve the development of students. Futsal is considered one of the most popular sports and most beloved among students of various series and ages. Being very easy to play, because it can be played in several ways with a number of people.
Today today the futsal is the sport that attracts a large number of people in Brazil. Worldwide, there are dozens of countries in which Futsal is practiced as sport. In Spain, in Portugal, in Paraguay, in Italy and in Russia the same has great prestige:
Trust that appeared of the floodplain that naked they began to be accommodated to the basketball courts and shy in the 30 salons in Uruguay. In Brazil was suggestively enclosed by the middle of the YMCA (A.C.M.), in São Paulo from the years 1948/49, the affection was such that after reached the importance popular and became an official sport. In the decades of 60 and 70, Futsal started to be regulated and be recognized in the continent. In the end, came up with the International Federation of soccer (FIFUSA), in Rio de Janeiro, today working included in International Football Federation (FIFA).
The view of sport is currently limited, as refer to the same by the bias of the exercise and athletics competitions. Before that, ' as a misconception that the sport is presented the child only with simply game. The child retains an affinity with the sport much more affectionate and enjoyable than efficient and objective. I.e. Futsal can pass various values for students in physical education, among these values are the cultural values, since the futsal is a cultural sport of our parents.
On presentation of the sport in physical education, there is the presentation of various bodily activities and sports practices that will stimulate directly affective, cognitive and psychomotor aspects of a child. Showing that, in the presence, the most appropriate thing to do, is enjoy the movement as a means to stimulate creativity and expression for the child.
Physical education continues confirming your function to collaborate in the development of children as a whole, preparing a place very Rico to altercations and cogitations of various conflicts between amounts that live at school. Remains open to seriousness of the tutor in this development that Fireworks should knowingly admit and be a counselor in the performance increase of characters, serving as a copy and how much reference dialog.
The teacher is largely responsible, he is essential in the practice of Futsal. In his lectures, he has to innovate and do these have a relevance for your student. Each student has his limitations, each has its limits, and the teacher has to respect them. And seek to serve them differently, but everyone can have the same.
In addition to physical activity, futsal, promotes various benefits to the student's personal and social maturation.
Soon, it is understood that discipline can exert a very positive force to encourage the action, thought and knowledge, in the cognitive, social and affective bodies, that is, in various aspects of life of the child. The individual, fully developed through the practice of physical activity, can lead a more active lifestyle, productive and healthy, because it presents a full relationship, recommended and secure harmony between body, mind and spirit.
Exercising futsal, the child exercises, combat the sedentary lifestyle and socialize with the other. Exercising, sport stimulates-if size goal (know-how), still working the conceptual extensions (know) and attitudinal (be). Bringing as central objective to practice the sport, the size of the goals comes in the skin so that all the children gather around and practice sports among various types of game and games, so that they can expand the foundations the foundations of all sports. Conceptual extension must be something else, addressing the biography of sport in subject and your implementation correctly before learning in class. Finally, we will need to work the atitudinal dimension, which meets the choices adopted by the children, their moral and ethical values, respect for teachers and parents, among others.
The motivational factor of the students must be worked; Futsal, with physical education, is part of one of the sports that contributes directly in the motivational factor, in addition to the benefits and growth of agilidades of individuals that are part of the social environment. Thus, futsal, within the school, the student develops parameters different from the futsal outside the school environment. It is understood that Futsal is part of brazilian culture and that most students like to practice the sport, however, the school futsal is intended to create athletes and Yes form citizens.
For Kings:
Futsal is a great tool to be exploited by teachers in school physical education classes, taking into account that enables the exploration of many abilities as much as physical cognitive according to the objectives to be taught. Most of the time the game is started at the school in a phase of life in which the child is experiencing numerous changes both biological as psychological and social. Therefore, it is extremely important and it is up to the Physical education teacher to stay tuned with the mode by which the sport is being taught to children in the school environment.
It is up to the physical education teacher to select the content that actually will help in the objectives proposed, because the professional has to give attention to the content, since it ends up being a model for that student.
The school physical education has a space and time for a significant knowledge to the students. Physical education professionals have to demonstrate to his students the odds of fitness sports rules, so that everyone can participate in this human process. "It's the education that must define the sport and the sport not be the main element of educacionalidade, if the strength is in pedagogical educational action and not in sports".
According To Soares:
The Physical education teacher, in his lectures, should not intervene only in the teaching and learning process of futsal only with the single goal of teaching technique, but must prove capable of working all aspects involving the practice of futsal in the school environment and that will be of extreme importance to the comprehensive development of children and adolescents, and can develop cognitive skills, motor skills, psychological and social.
In other words, interdisciplinarity must be addressed in the lessons of discipline, so that the concept of "single class" exercise.
Futsal in school physical education classes has a very important role which is to develop citizens and not create athletes. The school physical education has the duty to work and develop motor skills, cognitive and affective student, so is the futsal, too, has a large central objective, which is to develop the student's total, perfecting a citizen able to relate with a half in which he lives.
Futsal, accordingly, has a goal in his lectures in schools, and the role that the teacher must exercise within the content of their classes should work the integration and cooperation between student and professor, but, for that to happen, the teacher should promote activities of playful form. With that, so, the teacher has a key role to go preparing your student for a healthy competition, in which must be predominant part respect and consideration for your opponent.
The young and adolescents require activities that enable them to full development, that is, the motivation to learn and to interact. Since elementary school, the school organizes students to act in society, working the body and mind through activities that involve the sport and leisure. The educator in your class assists the student to expand outside of school, socialize, that's very helpful for the person to have a coexistence in society. However, the indiscipline comes the methodology of teaching and learning and has placed teachers in difficult situations.
It is worth mentioning that it's not the fact of indiscipline cause great impact that makes relevant theory, on the contrary, the quantity of works considering is problematic is still small. (18). This fact contributes to make the approach to the topic, since, to give sources for the critical studies and practice still find their limits in the amount of material available.
Another question on the subject, especially in the context of schools, being of utmost importance the need to approach it and rethink new practices that go against it, is the discipline.
According To Scott:
The problem of indiscipline in school in General, regardless of the socioeconomic status of the population involved. In this sense, it is necessary, a partnership between the school and family to try to ease the situation. For this, we must consider that the rules established at home cannot oscillate, there has to be a constant, so that the child organize at school, otherwise the same shall be forfeit in the school environment, thus encouraging acts of indiscipline.
Even in this sense, "without clear boundaries, firm the child is insecure, both physically and emotionally, feeling helpless and even abandoned".
These aspects of bad routing of issues involving the indiscipline of educating, point to an inadequate family dynamics, which undermines the development of the child. The child should have a routine and limits. "The boundaries are very important in education, because they directly affect the development of personality, putting the behavior of children and facilitating your socialization". This indicates that "children need to acquire rules imply values and forms of conduct and these can only come from their educators, parents or teachers"
Understanding how Futsal can be developed by teachers, pedagogical activities objective was possible from available research in books, journals and websites, which bring about Futsal history results, proposal citizen training of the student from the discipline of school education, opportunities to develop skills and competencies related to flexibility, laterality, psychomotor development and socialization.
"The educator should work with the student to help increase and improve motor, cognitive and affective potential of student". As they develop under these three aspects in a mutual exchange of influences and any change in one of these reflect in the other. Here, then, is the responsibility of the professionals of physical education, expand their practices and actions, so that they can work real facts of life of students, so that they learn to resolve daily situations.
One of the alternatives, and that is growing around the world, is the use of sport for training and rescue of human values. However it is necessary to clarify that this is sport as an element of social interaction, exchange of knowledge, extending possibilities of coexistence and educational instrument able to reduce antisocial behavior, this sport known as "Educational Sport".
Teachers show us the importance of sport in the school for the day to day social life of each student, showing that the practice of sport outweigh the difficulties encountered and the appearing in your daily life. Through the teaching of sport the student can learn to deal with their own personal difficulties.
The sport is, perhaps, the content that best meets the specifications for the work of the school physical education wear the large repertoire of possibilities and goals that are associated with this content, and if what is expected is the school keep your social function that is take child and young people of the street by entering them the interest and the possibility to dedicate your time in physical education classes and leisure time for sports in General.
It appears, then, that the sport is fundamental for the child to develop as a citizen. The teacher can, it is assumed, taking children from the streets to the practice of the sport, and at the same time, to get them off the streets, away from drugs and crime.
Through the futsal and other physical activities, worked in the school environment, are improvements in various aspects such as: the knowledge, perceptions, and temporal space students are present, and empowering several mental processes In addition to physical and motor skills, awareness and always worked in physical education classes, always keeping in mind the particular group of schoolgirls and apprehension. (7)
Physical activity, i.e. the practice futsal, helps in the increase of the student and in the reduction of various future risks, as well as play important psychosocial effects. Several other positive extensions are included for physical activity, including the increase in lean body mass, body fat reduction, development of effective levels of cardiorespiratory muscular endurance and strength isometric, in addition the important effects of socialization. (23)
Second OLIANI:
The existing cultural delay in our country is so big that futsal is still seen by some only with a form of recreation, so that this sport is not noted as an important educational tool on influence of eye-coordination (pedal ability to co-ordinate moves 14 pedals with perceptive-visual references) and that can also work as well the laterality of the student, both in fine motor skills (ability to use small muscle groups producing delicate movements and specific) as in thick motor skills (ability to use large muscle groups producing movements such as balance and locomotion).
The school physical education is closely included with the Psychomotricity, having direct influence on the acquisition of motor skills. The motor development should be encouraged from the earliest years in school, and the Physical education teacher should be aware that your paper goes beyond promoting activities that develop the physical side. Their actions can and should develop the child of an integral way, favouring thus the learning in all other disciplines.
Physical activities submit large muscle groups to good health as: aerobic capacity, flexibility, Muscular endurance and balance. People who play soccer have Muscular endurance in and aerobics; the body mass indexes are also more favourable to physical health, because they are furthest from the overweight.
Therefore, the development of muscular endurance and cardiovascular fitness are some benefits of who exercises the futsal team. He even encourages accelerated reasoning and afflicts athletes ' cognition. How much physical activity the entire practice of futsal even has other benefits. Grows and improves metabolism, cardiac, respiratory and cardiovascular systems and causes health advancement when posted correctly and appropriate to each age group. (27) the sport is a way to show children the appropriate occasions that sports and life can provide.
This literature review we analyze mode, collective sports, Futsal in school physical education classes and what are the main benefits that children have to practice futsal at school. Three major themes were discussed according to the subjects studied on the practice of Futsal in school physical education,: the first theme dealt with the benefits of futsal, the second commented on the benefits of futsal in the social life of the student and the third approached futsal health benefits.
Contrary to what many believe, there's practice of involving team sports at school, are not only high performance, school competitions and exclusion. Classes compiled correctly and creatively, created by professionals updated and that really are engaged in the educational process, can spark the motivational factor of the student, as well as being of great value in the affective development process, cognitive, motor, and social critic. Social development, this can be seen in improved student conduct with colleagues, parents and teachers, making a better citizen for society.
Stresses, therefore, the importance of discipline coupled with critical thinking about the same, beyond the junction of theory and practice.
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[1] Majoring in physical education
[2] Prof. ESP. Diogo Alves Amaro of the course of physical education