BORGES, Raphaella Khareniny Fernandes de Melo [1]
MACIEL, Rosana Mende [2]
BORGES, Raphaella Khareniny Fernandes de Melo; MACIEL, Rosana Mendes. The influence of swimming on the development of the psychomotoric in children of early childhood education. Multidisciplinary Core scientific journal of knowledge. Year 1. Vol. 9. pp. 292-313, October/November 2016. ISSN. 2448-0959
Swimming applied in playful way applies several possibilities so that its practitioners to develop motor skills. This is because in water it is possible to experience challenging situations that develop better physical and motor skills. Swimming is important for motor development by assisting the improvement of physical ability and skills of practitioners, helping even the develop the coordination of upper and lower limbs, agility, balance and laterality enabling improvement in the learning process. For education professionals swimming is the most complete activity by having a smaller amount of restrictions and for being a sport of great value to the physical development and maturation. The aim of this study was to present the benefits of swimming, working in conjunction with the psychomotricity, psychomotor elements in swimming help on learning outcomes. It was held bibliographical research that aimed to present the reality of the practice of swimming and its contribution to the development of psychomotor.
Keywords: Swimming-Psychomotricity-development.
Swimming is a stimulus tor and the adaptation to the liquid medium favors psychomotor important stimuli. Through water activities can obtain an extension of the motor repertoire as well as assist in the maturation and lead to person sport practitioner to develop motor skills, cognitive and affective and enlarge the possibilities of sociability and self-confidence (CORREA; MASSAUD, 1999).
It is undeniable to Axe; Ruffeil (y/d) that swimming has fundamental importance for the formation of personality and intelligence. Emotions are also linked to the performance of activities on the aquatic environment and these can influence positively and negatively on the performance of your practitioner, it is in this sense, the swimming instructor to explore recreation skills involving emotions of joy and altruism.
Another feature of swimming is the important role that it has in the psychomotricity. Swimming, in this context, is an instrument which favours developing learning contributes to the evolution of the motor, physical and social development as it is a physical activity that enhance multiple motor skills through exercises and games.
This study aims to present the benefits of swimming worked in conjunction with the psychomotricity, psychomotor swimming where the elements help on learning outcomes.
In this context, the importance of swimming in psychomotor development, is able to improve physical capacity and ability of the children in the initial years, helps to develop coordination of upper and lower limbs, agility, balance and laterality enabling improved motor development and the learning process.
For education professionals swimming is more complete, because it has a smaller amount of restrictions and is a great value for the physical development of the child, with the construction of the body schema and the development motor has great participation of body schema construction and development of body maturation.
To society is no longer just a recreation for the child to learn to swim, children in the pre-school phase develop better and faster, have satisfactory results in education, health and leisure. The practice of swimming helps prevention of obese children, essential for a healthy life through simple skills, which are made only in the water.
As we decided to use methodology a literature review and served as instrument books, articles and monographs. He also served as research tool internet sites as SCIELO and LILACS. The selected material aimed, in particular, present the current reality of swimming and the contribution of this activity to the psychomotricity, this material had publications between 1995 to 2014. The keywords that has guided the selection of the material were: child, stages of development, maturation, psychomotricity, swimming, playfulness and motor development.
The collection period happened between February and September 2016 and the material collected was analyzed, studied and reviewed until it came to the final considerations of how swimming, psychomotor fundamentals that include, proposals and pedagogical strategies developed when the practice of aquatic activities as well as its contribution to the psychomotor development in educational intervention in the aquatic environment.
Therefore, you can ensure that swimming is an excellent physical activity for all audiences because it is an activity that promotes cardiorespiratory capacity, improves the tonus, coordination, balance, agility, strength, speed, develops psychomotor skills like handedness, tactile perceptions, auditory and visual, spatial, and temporal notions of rhythm, sociability and self-confidence. And being taught in a way so playful, stimulating activities, swimming more than search the technique itself, so that this activity becomes enjoyable and search for the integral development of the child and provide a wide range of bodily experiences.
With practice in the aquatic environment and with a history that goes back to Ancient Greece, swimming is considered a physical activity beneficial to the human body for work several muscle groups and joints in the body and develop the heart and respiratory system. As any sports activity, before practice, the individual should seek guidance from a professional and undergo medical evaluation tests. At first the story points out that the practice of swimming in the open sea or in rivers and the main concern at that time was the survival (GOMES, 2014).
Swimming is very widespread as a recreational activity in which the swimmers enter the water just for fun and as a competitive sport. Artificial pools, seas, lakes and rivers are the stage for this activity. It is known that swimming also helps improve motor coordination, in addition to being recommended for people with respiratory problems, and is the only physical activity suitable for children under 3 years (CATTEAU; GAROFF, 1990).
- Adaptation to liquid medium
For the activity of swimming is necessary to encourage a close relationship between water and the future swimmer. To be a swimmer, it is important that the individual wishes to water, see water and feel the water first, so eliminate the stiffness that is common to the feeling of fear of water (ROHLFS, 1999).
After the muscle stiffness, the next stage of adaptation to the liquid medium will be floating. The fluctuation is related to muscular relaxation that is usually associated with good mental state, absent, therefore, in situations of fear and anxiety (BONACHELA .1992).
Breathing is essential content for comfort in the liquid medium and depends on an adaptation, as occurs differently than usual. Both the mouth as the nose are the aquatic environment as an obstacle. The practice of specific exercises should make regular breathing, breathing is considered the "soul of learning" from swimming because, when the apprentice can dominate it, he becomes able to concretize the initiation step of styles and then evolves in the learning of these (GALDI, 2004).
There is also, for adaptation to the aquatic environment, propulsion, which is the ability of locomotion of the body into the aquatic environment through the exploitation of their own resources, and by the joint action of upper and lower limbs. The propulsion is essential to the execution of the stroke (ROHLFS, 1999).
Into account when positioning the chest and the movement of legs and arms, are defined four types of stroke: crawl (freestyle), butterfly, chest and back. Medley swimming competitions, swimmers must swim the four styles in the following order: butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke and crawl. The techniques of each cover topics that observe body position in the water, the movement of the arms and legs, breathing and coordination/synchronization of each style (GALDI, 2004).
- Crawl Style
In this style, the swimmer in ventral decubitus assumes flat horizontal posture on the surface of the water, with the body. The main feature of the Crawl style is to be composed of alternating movements of upper and lower limbs extended. Head, shoulder, trunk and legs are located as close as possible to the surface, which prevents increase in friction forces, which hinder the progression (GALDI, 2004).
The movement of the upper limbs, known as stroke, an anteroposterior circundação, being characterized in two important moments: the recovery phase, which includes the time between the output and the input of the upper limbs in the water; and the propulsion, underwater stage, responsible for the progression of a swimmer (GALDI, 2004).
At the beginning of the recovery, the elbow is the first part of the body to break the surface of the water. This movement, when performed correctly, ensures efficient entry of upper limbs in the water. In this string, the fingers are the first to touch the water surface followed by the hand, forearm, arm and shoulder. When such threads enter the water, the propulsive phase of the stroke, which is divided into two parts: traction, which aims to pull the net mass and the push or momentum, held by the progressive extension of the upper limb, which jointly responsible for the displacement of the swimmer in front (GALDI, 2004).
The basic action of the lower limbs, known as kick, is composed of alternating ascending and descending movements, in the vertical plane. Is intended essentially to stabilisation and the maintenance of balance, not the manifestation of propulsive force (COUNSILMAN, 1984).
Ventral position, with immersion of the head and alternate action of upper limbs, breathing occurs laterally. As its name indicates, in this style the swimmer remains supine, in a flat horizontal posture to the surface of the water and is in the recovery phase, and may also be initiated at the end of the propulsive phase. As this will returning into the water, the head takes up its initial position, when will be the expiration (GALDI, 2004).
- Back Style
In this style the individual positioned in supine position, in a flat horizontal posture to the surface of the water, with the extended body. The head is maintained in their natural position, or gently sloping, with the Chin towards the chest, what prevents the face is covered by water. As in the crawl, the strokes are alternate, however with circundação anterior and posterior-have the two phases: propulsion and recovery. This occurs as follows: the movement starts with the output of the upper limb of the water, extended from the time of the thigh, which is high by semicircular path. The speed of execution shall enable the compatibility between the propulsive phase of a member and the recuperativa on the other, and it is important that they are made with minimal turbulence (GALDI, 2004).
The draw is made on one of the upper limbs in immersion, slight elbow flexion and moderate depth. Is characterized by the submersion of the arm and hand, this inflected "pulling" and then pushing water toward the feet of the swimmer. This path follows until the end of the underwater stage, when the arm and hands extending to approximately the line of the hips (GALDI, 2004).
The backstroke is very similar to crawl; Some authors come to characterize it as crawl on his back. Similar to the walk of the crawl, the action of the lower extremities also is responsible for the maintenance of the stability of the body in the water, because it balances the oscillations and the deviations arising from inaccuracies of the stroke, participating also in the propulsion of the swim. This movement is performed alternately with an up-and-down movement in the vertical plane. Because the swimmer to stay permanently, with the face back out of the water, are not observed difficulties in breathing (GALDI, 2004).
The pace of an inspiration every stroke cycle is the most widely used, i.e. based on a recovery of upper limbs and expires on the same stage on the other. Considering that the overall coordination of the movements is obtained with constant practice, we need to learn every move in isolation, although not much improved, to subsequently seek to unite the elements in steady rhythm and correct. The rhythm of back style is very similar to the crawl, which causes some authors describe it as the crawl backwards (GALDI, 2004).
- Style Chest
The breaststroke is characterised as symmetrical and concurrent swimming, i.e. movements performed by the right side of the body are both accompanied by identical movements on the left side. From the prone position and extended, with the head between the upper limbs; These are guided back and out, by bending the elbow, seeking support for the chest and the head can emerge and then provide the inspiration. Right now, the inflection continues until the hand pass beneath the shoulder line and under the breast, when arms close toward the trunk and are extended above the head (GALDI, 2004).
As well as the superior, the lower extremities also departing from extended position being subsequently bent, and the feet are subjected to plantar flexion and external rotation. Then, the legs are extended and United way and your feet follow the same movement, pushing the net mass and allowing the displacement (GALDI, 2004).
The chest is symmetrical and concurrent swimming where the movements of the right side of the body are accompanied by movements of the left side. The chest breathing held is the front and with the aid of the trunk, to soar, because of support from the movement of arms drawn, makes the head out of the water (GALDI, 2004).
- Butterfly Style
The butterfly style, as well as the chest, results from the execution of symmetric movements between members, and also performed in ventral decubitus. Initially the body lies extended with upper limbs ahead, aligned to the rest of the body, on the surface of the water. The head remains in its natural position so that the top of the head of the swimmer can be viewed (GALDI, 2004).
Due to the simultaneous anteroposterior circundação of upper limbs, assigns them a large part of the propulsive responsibility. Just like in other styles, the shape and trajectory of this movement allow your action is described in two phases: recovery () and propulsion (underwater), also differentiated in two other stages (GALDI, 2004).
Recovery begins with the departure of top members of the water in extended position and position hands on thigh height. The elbow is the first to break up this surface following slightly flexed, dragging with it the forearm and hands, which are still relaxed. As the members are thrown forward, elbow and shoulder are extended. Once submerged, upper limbs will begin traction; being directed movement out and down to the shoulder line, when the trajectory (GALDI, 2004).
Due to the propulsive action of the upper limbs, assigns them a large part of the propulsion of the swim. When the upper limbs are approaching the sagittal axis of the swimmer's body, progressive extension, featuring push underwater phase (GALDI, 2004).
In this style, the branches are also in the vertical plane and at the same time, but unlike other styles, act in a manner relevant to swimming propulsion (GALDI, 2004).
The heartbeat of the legs resembles the motion of the tail of the Dolphin: the extended feet and legs United move as if they were one, in an up-and-down movement. The last phase is more powerful, being accompanied by elevation of the hips, while the ascendant is less vigorous. This variation of force that monitors the movement of the legs is responsible for the ripple effect that the body performs during the swimming action (GALDI, 2004).
Two leg kicks are performed for each cycle of arms. The first is performed as soon as the arm propulsion phase is being completed; This contributes to a thrust effect able to design the swimmer in front. The second occurs after the new entry of the arms in the water. That's why States that the inspiration is made during the end of the traction of the arms, by lifting movement of the head: it is very fast, performed through the mouth, indicating that can occur at a frequency of one or two laps, being this corresponding to the level of development of the swimmer. The expiration is manifested throughout the swimming phase in which the head is immersed (GALDI, 2004).
The Psychomotricity in children's Education is a means to assist the development of children, by means of motor, cognitive and socioafetivas experiences essential to training. Thus, the Psychomotricity involves all action taken by the individual and integrates the psyche and Motricity, aiming at a global development with a focus on emotional, and cognitive aspects that lead the individual to be aware of your body through movement (AGUILAR; SILVA, 2013).
The psychomotricity is based on a unified conception of the person, which includes the cognitive, sensoriomotoras and mental interactions in understanding and capacity to express themselves, from the movement in a psychosocial context. It is constituted by a set of psychological, physiological, anthropological knowledge and relational that allow using the body as a mediator, addressing the human motor act with the intent to encourage the integration of this subject with you and with the world and other subjects (COSTA, p. 26, 2002).
It is known that there are key stages within the process of children's psychomotor development that is of great relevance and to understand the concepts of Psychomotricity in children's Education is fundamental to meet the learning process of children. It is important that the professor of early childhood education is aware that the child acts in the world through movement and it's up to this professional meet and motor development stage, to be able to propose activities based on the concepts of psychomotricity, creating résumés and projects in which children use the body as a means to explore, create , play, imagine, feel and learn (AGUILAR; SILVA, 2013).
The teacher assumes the role of facilitator, enabling the child to situations and increasingly varied stimuli, with concrete experiences and lived with the whole body, bringing the Psychomotricity under a pedagogical and preventive look. To this end, teachers should be aware that in the teaching learning process by education is a cornerstone in the educational area (AGUILAR; SILVA, 2013).
The child must live his body via a motor function, not in the major muscle groups to participate and get the small muscles, responsible for more precise tasks and adjusted. Before picking up a pencil, the child must have, in historical terms, a great use of your hand in contact with numerous objects. (FONSECA, p. 89, 1993)
And finally, Gonçalves (2011) States that,
As you can notice, the Psychomotricity aims to see the human being in its entirety, never separating the body (sinestésico), the subject (relational) and affectivity; Therefore, it seeks, by means of motor action, establishing that balance be, giving him possibilities to find your space and to identify themselves with the means of which it is part. (GONÇALVES, p. 21, 2011).
2.1 stage of psychomotor development according to Piaget and Wallon
It is important to note that in developmental psychology and learning, every work of Henri Wallon and Jean Piaget highlighted the role of body activity in the development of cognitive functions. Wallon maintains that the thought is born to return him and Piaget that upon the body activity the child think, learn, create and face the problems (DOS SANTOS; COSTA, 2015).
Piaget (1896-1980) he devoted himself to genetic epistemology (development and knowledge of the human being) and is recognized for his work to organize cognitive development in stages and conducted from observation of children. In this line, Piaget sought to identify how the man builds his knowledge, advocating that people go through stages of development (CARRARA, 2004).
Fonseca (2008) ensures that for Piaget the intelligence would be the result of adjustments in this sense would be through experience as action that people would change the world and incorporate it, therefore we can say that through the individual motor function integrates to the outside world and the changes, as well as himself.
The adaptation for Piaget was not a passive process but rather a dynamic and continuous process in which the inherited structure of the organism interacts with the external environment in order to reconstitute themselves, with a view to better survival.
In the work of Piaget, Motricity has a role of paramount importance for the construction of the mental image, that is, on the question of representation. For the formation of this representation, Piaget observed that that had happened the experience with object manipulation, i.e. the movement that is transforming this object by means of sensory-motor process. It is a period that Piaget is called as "practical intelligence", in which the child spends to imitate and represent situations which experience and which are absorbed as mental images (FRANCIS, 2008).
Studying the cognitive structures, Piaget describes the importance of sensorimotor period motor and motor skills, especially before the acquisition of language, the development of intelligence. The mental development is built through a gradual balancing, a continuous passage of a smaller State balance to it, means compensation, an activity, a response to the subject, in the face of the exterior or interior disturbances (DOS SANTOS; COSTA, 2015).
Henri Wallon (1879-1962) known for his work on the developmental psychology, made sure the man would be formed not only by physiological influence, but also for social influence and argued that between the individual and his environment there is an indivisible unity, society would be an organic necessity that determines their development and consequently their intelligence (FRANCIS, 2008).
For Wallon cognition is based when he gave name of functional fields: movement, affection, intelligence, and person. The motor aspect as that which develops first serves both as an objective search activity as a function of expressing something in relation to another individual. The affection acts as a form of mediation of social relations expressed by emotions, intelligence deals with the issues of language and symbolic reasoning and the person as the field that coordinates the other is responsible for the development of consciousness and the identity of the self (FRASER, 2008).
The issue of movements is very strong in walloniana theory and is understood as being a privileged instrument of communication of psychic life. The child who does not have verbal language, expressed through their various needs kinetics of non-verbal and affective aspects of expression of well or malaise (FRANCIS, 2008).
The Motricity contains, therefore, a psychic dimension, and is an offset within a whole motor, cognitive, affective and presented in evolutionary terms according to Wallon under three essential ways: passive or exogenous shifts, displacements and practical displacements autogenous or assets. (FONSECA, p. 15, 2008).
Passive or exogenous shifts is characterized by absolute dependence. Dependence on external factors. Physiological symbiosis is compensated by an affective symbiosis safe. The motor development is important to the achievement of both the outside world and the inner world. The offsets are active or autogenous reaction of body to the outside world. Integration and production of postures and movements of the body in space, including interaction with the world of the other and of the objects. The Motricity is incoherent and poorly integrated emerges to a more coherent Motricity, producing more fluent and adapted systems. The practical implement offsets the social habits of the early acquisitions and that enable the constructive and creative functions and psychomotor learning. Sensory integration now protrudes on the farm and in the knowledge of the outside world and not in the inner world of the I. The movement of affective interaction and relationship with the outside world, designing the child in social context (CARRARA, 2004).
The development for Wallon is a process where a person goes from a State of deep involvement with the medium in which you don't know and recognize varied it, this development occurs with the succession of stages, ranging from affection, construction of I and reason as a way of understanding reality (FRANCIS, 2008).
Wallon's theory made possible the beginning of psychomotor thought and appreciation of individual fully, giving suggestions for many other scholars who have appropriated to their knowledge and contributed to the development of thought (FRANCIS, 2008).
Synthesizing, for Wallon child activity starts with elementary and is essentially characterized by a set of gestures with meanings of phylogenetic survival. Between the individual and the environment there is an indivisible unity. The society is to man an "organic necessity" that determines their development and therefore your intelligence. Before the acquisition of language, motor skills, it is therefore existential and essential feature of child (CARRARA, 2004).
The Motricity occupies special place in theory of Wallon. Is the preferred response and priority to their basic needs and to their States and basic and its emotional and relational States. The motor skills in children is therefore already at this stage so early, the expression of your prospective psyche. The Motricity is simultaneously and sequentially, the first structure of relationship and correlation with the environment, with the other as a matter of priority and with the objects later. Is the first form of emotional expression of behavior by Motricity, the child expresses their needs somatoform autonomic or wellness malaise, which contains itself an affective and interactive dimension that translates into somatic communication non-verbal. The movements contains a psychic dimension, and is an offset within a whole motor, cognitive and affective (CARRARA, 2004).
Wallon proposes a series of stages of cognitive development. But he doesn't believe the development stages form a linear sequence and fixed, or that an internship delete the other. For Wallon, later stage expands and the earlier reform. The development would not be a smooth continuous phenomena, on the contrary, the development would be permeated by internal and external conflicts. It is natural that in the development occurring ruptures, setbacks and comebacks. Even the conflicts arising around the previous stages, are generating phenomena of evolution. The change of each stage is characterized by a distinctive type of behavior, a predominant activity that will be replaced in the next stage, in addition to giving the human being new forms of thought, social interaction and emotions that will direct, now for the construction of the subject himself, prays to the construction of the outer reality (CARRARA, 2004).
Wallon's work shows the importance of movement in the psychological development of children and contributes to the study of motor development of children, in particular when analyzes the strategies and problems of psychomotor and mental development of the child (NEGRINE, 1995).
Piaget's influences are more recent and are in educational psychology since the psychomotricity in its origins rises and advances within a conception linked in child Neuropsychiatry neurophysiological (NEGRINE, 1995).
The move allows the child understands the relationships necessary for their motor development and relate to the environment in which he lives. In the first age of the child is essential to provide a suitable environment and with diverse materials as facilitators of the actions allowing the diversification of movement experiences during exploration of the spaces around them (Golden, 2013).
In this sense, the psychomotricity must be included in any aquatic activity, due to important sensations in the search of body awareness, organizing sensations received through the liquid medium in which it is immersed and transposition organized of that movement in this space and this time (PENHA; Rock, 2010)
To learn the movements through playful and diverse activities are offered a better chance of optimizing motor learning of the child. Swimming developed from playful shape makes the acquisition of motor skills when you experience challenging situations. The individual who undergoes an adaptation in the liquid medium may present a better development with higher income in their behavior and motor physical capabilities. Because through swimming, learning requires adaptations of the bases and structures of the fundamental differences of water and land (Golden, 2013).
As swimming is considered one of the most complete sports and which has less restrictions, swimming is an instrument of great value to the physical development of the child. One can also say that when it comes to motor development, their participation is clear concerning the construction of the body schema and in the development of body maturation (Golden, 2013).
The aquatic activity can be practiced without restrictions since birth, since the individual, with the aim of promoting the maturation of the nervous system through stimulation. Psychomotor, in practice freedom of expression and experimentation of experiences, facilitates the discovery of the body and the relationships that he can offer. (PENHA; Rock, p. 36, 2010).
The psychomotor can be understood as a means of structuring the elements psychomotor and allows the individual to know yourself, your own body and the environment in which it is inserted. For the child to reach a good degree of psychomotor development, she needs to have a good domain, a hearing and visual perception a lateralization set, spatio-temporal orientation, good coordination among other fine psychomotor commands. The more worked for his/her psychomotor development, its adaptation to the medium in which lives will be much better and significant (Golden, 2013).
Psychomotor practice gives an aquatic freedom of expression and experimentation of experiences for the child, aiding in the discovery of the body and the relationships with the next. Swimming through the psychomotor education motivates the achievement of free and pleasurable moves into the aquatic environment, and this stimulates the child to get to know each other better, simpler way of exerting its intelligence functions. And in that sense, the working theory and practice so indissoluble is possible to achieve goals that will enable the improvement of conditions for the development of the child. Soon the teacher's role is not to be just a breeder of knowledge and learning, but rather a facilitator which gives possibilities to the student who still does alone due to its limitations, respecting their individuality (PENHA; Rock, p. 08, 2010).
Studies show that swimming contributes not only to the individual learn to swim, but also for their integral development. In this context, swimming contributes to the development of psychomotor skills with fun activities that promote development in physical, mental, aspects and socio-affective (Golden, 2013).
There are several steps in the development of psychomotor as adaptation, stimulation, and learning, respecting your age group, are also covered, tactile and Visual stimuli, bodily schema sinestésicos and stimulation. Such elements psychomotor have multiple classifications, many can be well developed in swimming as the overall coordination or broad Motricity (Golden, 2013).
The psychomotricity in swimming, when well crafted, assists in the development of laterality consisting in the field on one side of the body, where the movements used to work both sides of the body, the right side, the left side, so that the individual discover their predominance. By means of this is determined then the functional domain of the body, knowing their laterality dominant, that may be the right or left, known as left-and right-handed (DALGLEISH, 1997).
The psychomotor seen by pedagogical angle makes it easy to solve difficulties that arise in day-to-day life of children, in a relationship between thought and action, including neurophysiological and psychological functions (PENHA; Rock, 2010).
Another skill that can be exploited in swimming is the balance of competence keep up support using the body as the basis, in a harmonic combination of muscular functions, whether standing still or in motion. With the proper development of the balance the individual will have a better adaptation with all things that are part of your everyday experience (DALGLEISH, 1997).
In this sense the engine development area aims to study the changes of engine behavior throughout life or processes that are gradual, according to age and also the important bases of this change for the development as a whole (Golden, 2013).
The conclusion that you get, is that the psychomotricity, developed by swimming, has a dynamic pleasure through the playfulness, spontaneous activities, like fun and games, which facilitate and motivate children in learning and development (PENHA: Rock, 2010).
The professional work, in this context, it is of paramount importance and this should enhance the exploitation of motor skills structuring the environment and adapting the activities to which the individual can acquire skills in a natural way and the maturation of motor development progressively while are subject to specific stages. So the meaningful learning is one of the challenges for the teacher, who seek meaning and sense for the learning experiences. Therefore, the competent and innovative professional should be aware of the intervention methodology adopted meet each action, the content, strategies to achieve the goals (Golden, 2013).
The role of the teacher is to provide challenging situations and intervene only when necessary, let the individual act and understand the Organization of the activities developed. One of the most important factors for the development of the individual is the intervention, know when, why and how to intervene. And in this sense, the teacher must have sensitivity to the needs of each child while respecting his reality and thus show the importance of bodily relations affect quality for better communication (SON, 2003).
Another teacher's ability in relation to psychomotor in the aquatic environment is to let the Water Act and make rich the motivation of children in the water, which will require mobility, curiosity and experimentation for handling and operating her leaving both meet in reciprocity, tuning, enabling the discovery of himself with and in the water and with the context that surrounds it. Let the Water Act is to provide its global development, its progression in the aquatic environment engaging their parents in this process through the body, emotional and perceptive proximity. Let the Water Act is to enable the development of the child in its entirety, following its rhythm and its way and not just reduce the swimming actions (Golden, 2013).
So, should provide appropriate ways and means to facilitate and enable development and optimize the potential within water. The activities developed in the aquatic environment with children should be enjoyable, playful, dynamic, with music, different materials for the child to expand your information naturally (LEE, 2011).
Swimming provides a number of benefits on external factors that are bad for your health and respiratory diseases like asthma, bronchitis and childhood obesity. And all these goals can be achieved through the effective and efficient work developed by professional and only apply the techniques, but make the pleasurable living in this environment. Children who have contact with the aquatic environment from an early age have higher chances of developing learning easier and faster, in this context, the infant swimming is instrumental to start physical education in children and essential to start an organized learning. Which will contribute to the psychomotor development and construction of the body schema and the integration and maturation (PENHA; Rock, 2010).
Infant swimming contributes significantly to the evolutionary process of the psicomorfológico child, being so fundamental and indispensable tool for their psychomotor and start the personality. Swimming along with the psychomotricity and playful work are fundamental elements for the development of the child easier and natural (Golden, 2013).
Thus, one can realize the importance of working the motor development and the psychomotricity in swimming lessons, since these contribute directly to the development of laterality, balance, overall coordination, among several others. Another great contribution of psychomotricity is related to its development in swimming, which provides leisure situations, recreation and health, contributing to the growth and evolution of perceptions, emotions and affection (Golden, 2013).
Swimming is a very important practice for the motor, physical and social development of children, as it is a sport that seeks work not only technical, but also motor skills through exercises and games, by swimming the child becomes able to know your body and seek to develop to the fullest their motor skills, cognitive and affective, exploring and experiencing its possibilities In addition to improving your cardiorrespiratório system and body, as well as enlarge your chances of sociability and self-confidence.
This study made it possible to recognize that swimming is a valuable resource in the development of psychomotor stimuli once practiced (swimming), techniques and creativity that respect the maturity and the ability of each child.
It is recognized that there are significant differences between the activities carried out in the midst of the Earth and in liquid media, leaving aside environmental and emotional factors that interfere in the motor performance of individuals, however point to the need for further studies need to be performed in order to investigate factors that influence or are limiting when it evaluates the level of performance in motor skills in the water.
In the face of swimming's contribution to the psychomotor development, this research study point, believed to be important to include in physical education classes of regular schools this mode, since there are many benefits targeted by the practice.
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[1] Student of the course of physical education of College Patos de Minas (FPM) graduate in the year 2016
[2] Professor in the Physical education course of the Faculty of Patos de Minas. Master's degree in education from the Universidade Federal de Uberlândia.