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The educational system and its impasses in the face of pedagogical coordination

RC: 139058
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SANTOS, Natalina Moraes [1], OLIVEIRA, Edilson Brito de [2]

SANTOS, Natalina Moraes, OLIVEIRA, Edilson Brito de. The educational system and its impasses in the face of pedagogical coordination. Revista Científica Multidisciplinar Núcleo do Conhecimento. Year 04, Ed. 08, Vol. 03, pp. 18-26. August 2019. ISSN: 2448-0959, Access link:


The questioning presented in this work originated during the studies of the course in “Training by the School” offered by the FNDE[3] (National Fund for the Development of Education) via the Municipal Department of Education “Basic Skills”, found motivation for its elaboration from the reflections through the learning of Public Policies in the area of education carried out by the Federal Government, the financing of these policies and the role of the FNDE in supporting their implementation. Understanding that every educational class culminates in the same objective, which is a quality public education for all, it is then decided to highlight one of the impasses faced by the pedagogical coordination that, in a personal view, hinders the achievement of this objective within educational institutions when not treated with significance, since this professional needs autonomy, since the current Educational Public Policies and some managerial administrative principles end up compromising what concerns the process of managing the work of coordination within school institutions, mainly in the aspects that it expresses regarding the control of teaching actions and achieving the result of Quality Teaching.

Keywords: FNDE, Pedagogical coordinator, Autonomy.


Education is valued as an asset in itself, due to the opportunities it offers for intellectual, cultural, social and professional enrichment. However, despite all its esteem, it did not become a priority for government and, mainly, municipal policies. With the aim of achieving quality education, the MEC[4] (Ministry of Education) linked up with some bodies, among them we highlight the National Education Development Fund (FNDE), which, according to Moreira and Rizzoti (2009, p. 40) , “The FNDE is responsible for redistributing the social contribution of the education allowance”. Of the amount, 10% are invested in programs, projects and actions aimed at universalizing basic education […].”. It is noticeable the importance that this body has in promoting quality, egalitarian and autonomous education.

As part of the education system, each school has the responsibility to provide access to education, committed to ensuring the academic success of students. For this, Moreira and Rizzoti (2009, p.15), also say that “[…] to fulfill this purpose, the school organizes its management based on a set of norms and procedures from the system of public administration of education to which it is linked”. In this conclusive work, I would like to identify an educational problem within the community in which I am inserted, presenting a critical analysis.

The school in a generic sense and at all its levels, shares many of the characteristics of social organizations in its intention to achieve objectives with the greatest efficiency and the lowest institutional cost. The knowledge we have of the school in the broad sense of an educational institution allows us to identify the following traits in it: group of people, explicit purpose, division of labor, pretense of rationality and effective action, regulation of competences of each member, hierarchy of functions, planning educational actions, strategies for teaching quality, ordering interpersonal relationships, democratizing access, etc, that is, there is a functional division of tasks among the management team that is defined as positions or positions.

Some of these traits are the responsibility of the pedagogical coordinator’s actions, and it is about this professional or this person who exercises this function/position that we want to emphasize in this text, since we perceive and understand a concern/restlessness with the quality of teaching of the times current.

Curriculum planning is an ongoing task that takes place at school to achieve autonomy and quality of teaching within the institution. From this planning arises, at specific levels, teaching planning with systematized and methodical didactic activities conceived by the teacher together with his students to obtain defined objectives. Based on this assumption, it is understood that the pedagogical coordinator permeates the educational field, being characterized as an advisory work to the teacher, with regard to planning, monitoring, control, evaluation and updating of the development of the teaching and learning process, benefiting the teaching and student teams.

According to Carneiro (2002), it can be said that the primary function of the pedagogical coordinator is to radiate stimulating energy to maintain a participatory climate, helping and promoting the coordination of activities in the pedagogical process and its updating, through the study and collective practices of the community inserted in the school environment.


In this work, we intend to analyze the issue related to the study of the course “training through the school” in the context of the development of current educational public policies. To accurately identify the objective of this study, the concern was based on the documents that were made available for studies and analysis on the participatory role of the citizen in the programs and actions of the FNDE in a clear, objective and efficient way, thus enabling changes to happen.

Based on these analyses, the following concern came to me in relation to the Pedagogical Coordination of public schools: how to carry out the work of the pedagogical coordinator in municipal schools in the city of Porto Seguro in order to succeed despite the impasses and instability of position and/or occupation?

In Brazil, in the 1920s, the role of Pedagogical Coordinator emerged. This function emerged with the proposal of balancing, hierarchizing proposals and pedagogical competences. The person of the pedagogical coordinator presents a technical process that aims to achieve the quality of teaching through mastery of the foundations of educational policy and curriculum. It has a very important function for a better educational quality, promoting knowledge and stimulating the professional performance of teachers, subsidizing them with technical and material support, closely monitoring the development of students, verifying the evaluation that takes place in the teaching environment in which it’s inserted.

In the current scenario, the former supervisor, today called the pedagogical coordinator, is characterized as that professional articulator of the educational process, an educator who, engaged in the (PPP) Pedagogical Political Project of the School, collaborates to guarantee a quality education for students of the popular strata. Despite all the significance of his functions and actions, it is clear that his position is so unstable in the view of the educational system that it ends up contributing to the decline of learning in educational institutions.

We will analyze the regulation of the exercise of the Pedagogical Coordinator’s profession in the Law of Guidelines and Base of National Education and in other laws pertinent to the case study here.

According to art. 22 of Law nº 11.494/2007, are considered teaching professionals:

Aqueles que exercem atividades de docência e os que oferecem suporte pedagógico direto ao exercício da docência, incluídas as de direção ou administração escolar, planejamento, inspeção, supervisão, orientação educacional e coordenação pedagógica. Para que possam ser remunerados com recursos do Fundeb esses profissionais deverão atuar na educação básica pública, no respectivo âmbito de atuação prioritária dos Estados e Municípios, conforme estabelecido nos §§ 2º e 3º do Art. 211, da Constituição. (BRASIL, 2007).

It is important to highlight that the coverage of these expenses may occur, both in relation to professionals who are part of the Single Legal Regime of the State or Municipality, as well as those governed by the Consolidation of Labor Laws – CLT[5], in addition to those who are, formally and legally, hired in temporary nature, in accordance with current legislation.

The group of teaching professionals includes all public basic education professionals, without distinction between youth and adult teachers, special education, indigenous or quilombola education and regular education teachers. All teaching professionals who are in effective exercise in public basic education can be remunerated with funds from the 60% portion of Fundeb, observing the respective areas of priority action of the States and Municipalities, as established in §§ 2 and 3 of the Art. 211 of the Constitution.

In addition to the above, Resolution No. 01/2008 of the National Council of Education considers that, of the professionals who provide direct pedagogical support to the teaching activity, only those with a degree in Pedagogy, or post-graduate graduates and professors designated under the terms of legislation and norms of the respective education system.

The Educational System of the city of Porto Seguro is composed of 107 public schools, of which 118 (one hundred and eighteen) coordinators have an active coordination in the education network, this is because large schools need to have more than one coordinator. In the municipality, only twenty-two (22) coordinators exercise an effective function, the other coordinators who are working in schools were sent according to some organizational criteria of the pedagogical department of the Department of Education, usually by indication of the school manager, indication of the pedagogical sector, function deviation proven by medical report, etc.

What is questioned is that when a situation of pedagogical problem arises within the school environment, mainly in relation to the relocation or absence/lack of the teacher in the classroom, the first function that is thought to be disarticulated is that of the pedagogical coordinator, not evaluates the development of the work already carried out by the faculty and students of the school, using the insignificance of this professional, since the municipality has not articulated a public tender for this school function for several years and, because of this, the vast majority of the current coordinators do not occupy an effective position, they are appointed, reassigned and, sometimes, appointed.

Another issue is related to the relationship between the director and the coordinator in the school environment, because even though they have different functions, both are responsible for ensuring the proper development of school activities by promoting the necessary conditions for quality learning management duo work together in the planning and monitoring of the school routine.

When an impasse arises between this management duo, unfortunately, only the manager is understood most of the time, and depending on their requests, which are often personal and not professional in nature, they are strictly attended to, always leaving pedagogical actions in the background , and it is always the student who is at a loss.

This professional is often reassigned from his/her duties by a network organization usually promoted by the education departments, and soon after sending people to schools to continue with a job that was not completed due to some management negligence, thus making it difficult the good pedagogical result of the school year.

Education is understood as a transforming and democratic practice that seeks excellence and aims at didactic and methodological procedures centered on the interests, needs, and characteristics of the members of its process, with the student as the main agent of this process, which makes certain actions/attitudes unfeasible some managers/administrators in the educational process.

It is important to point out that according to the National Curriculum Parameters (PCN)’s[6] (1998), schools have the function of enhancing the development of all capacities, in order to make teaching more humane, more ethical, more capable. Thus, the system must create conditions that are capable of incorporating the development of actions, which lead to those who are entitled to recognize reality and create changes in this vision to achieve the expected objectives.


The Major Law establishes general norms regarding the carrying out of public tenders within the scope of direct and indirect administration. Based on Ordinary Law No. 13,809 of December 4, 2017, Art. 2nd it is understood that the municipality of Porto Seguro needs to emphasize this law, obeying its criteria.

The Municipal Departments of Education need to see the Pedagogical Coordinators as an important point of support in the management of the educational institution, giving them autonomy in their functions in order to comply with what scholars/researchers of this theme explain regarding a professional who works making use of such autonomy.

Within the perspective advocated by the authors/researchers, we can point out that as the role of the Pedagogical Coordinator becomes increasingly unstable, that is, susceptible to toppling, falling, turning over, which is not constant, which changes frequently, etc., it makes bringing to the present day an image of negative definition regarding the quality of education within Public Education institutions.

This leads us to reflect that the Pedagogical Coordinator plays an important role in transforming educational spaces into a collaborator of excellence in the formation of citizens, in addition to everything he can promote significant changes in the Quality of Public Education.


BRASIL. Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil de 1988. Senado Federal: Brasília, 1998.

________. Fundo Nacional de Desenvolvimento da Educação (FNDE). Caderno de Estudos do Curso Competências Básicas. Fundo Nacional de Desenvolvimento da Educação. 4ª Ed., Atual, Brasília: FNDE, 2013.

________. Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da EDUCAÇÃO Nacional – LDBEN 9.394/96, de 20 de dezembro de 1996. Senado Federal: Brasília, 1996.

________. Lei nº 11.494/2007. Senado Federal: Brasília, 2007.

________. Lei Ordinária nº 13.809 de 04 de dezembro de 2017. Senado Federal: Brasília, 2017.

________. Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais – PCN’s. Senado Federal: Brasília, 1998.

________. Resolução nº 01/2008 do Conselho Nacional de Educação. Senado Federal: Brasília, 2008.

CARNEIRO, Moacir Alves. LDB fácil: leitura crítica compreensiva artigo a artigo.7.ed Petrópolis. RJ: Vozes.2002.

KANT IMMANUEL (1724-1804). E a critica da razão pura.  4ª ed. Prefácio à tradução portuguesa, introdução e notas: Alexandre Fradique MOURUJÃO. Tradução: Manuela Pinto dos SANTOS e Alexandre Fradique MOURUJÃO. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 1997, p. 30.

MOREIRA e RIZZOTTI (2009, p.15), PROGESTÃO: Como gerenciar os recursos financeiros? Ana Maria Albuquerque Moreira, José Roberto Rizzotti; coordenação geral Aglaê de Medeiros Machado. – Brasília.

PLOCCO, V.M.N.S. O Coordenador Pedagógico e o Cotidiano da Escola. 4ª Ed. São Paulo: Edições Loyola, 2006.

SAMPAIO. Aline de Oliveira. Caderno de Estudos da Especialização, Pós-Graduação. Coordenação Pedagógica. A.V.M. Instituto, Brasília – DF, 2011.


3. Fundo Nacional de Desenvolvimento da Educação (FNDE).

4. Ministério da Educação (MEC).

5. Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho (CLT).

6. Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN).

[1] Master’s Degree in Organization and Management of Educational Centers – Universidade Ibero-americana, Postgraduate Degree in School Management and Pedagogical Coordination – W-post. Post-graduation in Geography and environment. Degree in Pedagogy – ULBRA.

[2] Graduated in Pedagogy from Unesulbahia Faculdades Integradas do extremo Sul da Bahia and Graduated in Social Sciences from the Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz – UESC, Postgraduate in Public Policy from Faculdade Nossa Senhora de Lourdes – FNSL, Postgraduate in School Management from Universidade Castelo Branco, Master in Science of Education by Lusófona and Graduating in BI Humanities with Access to the Law Course by the Universidade Federal do Sul da Bahia – UFSB.

Submitted: August, 2018.

Approved: August, 2019.

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