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The importance of creativity: case study on Different approaches to story-telling Story in children's Education

RC: 17215
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SILVEIRA, Danielli Maria Neves da [1]

SILVEIRA, Danielli Maria Neves da. The importance of creativity: case study on Different approaches to story-telling Story in children's Education. Multidisciplinary Core scientific journal of knowledge. 03 year, Ed. 06, vol. 04, pp. 81-102, June 2018. ISSN:2448-0959


This article will address the importance of storytelling on children's Education, being this step a new field still in the educational field constant is necessary research and analysis to the demand for qualitative improvements in Service children. We research the feature and concentration and assessment of the story-story at different times and from different approaches in the classroom as well as interview was held with the teacher who works with the gang researched and carried out questionnaire for the same answer. Thus, objective, aims to raise the methodology and analysis of referrals moments of narrations of stories for children of Maternal II. Underscores the need for pedagogical practices appropriate to the age group of the students as well as diverse approaches and methods for suitability and improvement of care using the stories to improve child development, learning and perception of world. The review of the bibliography provided theoretical references involving the subject, contributing to the analysis of data collected through field research.

Key words: early childhood education, Storytelling, creativity in early childhood education, teaching and learning.

1. Introduction

The early childhood education in the educational context of combining caregiving to educate is a process of recent history in Brazil and within that reality is a way to broaden access to knowledge from the earliest years of life targeting an improvement both in quantity of slots as in the quality of learning in order to effect an equal access for all citizens.

This research sought to understand what is the importance of storytelling in the stage of early childhood education as well as the approaches you can do with the goal of presenting several stories with experiences that enrich the learning and experience of children entered in the institutions that offer this stage of basic education.

The proposed research sought to understand whether the methodology that has been applied by a professor who plays with the Maternal II at the Centro Municipal de Educação Infantil enchanted Kingdom has contributed to the psychic and empirical growth of students attending her class and has aided in everyday life both enriching the knowledge areas as already working interaction and concentration on the narration of the stories.

Think of the methodological approach that involves storytelling in early childhood education is seek constant improvement of teaching and seeking to answer the challenge is to follow the next emerging needs with each generation that requires conceptual and procedural changes approach in the classroom, the teacher challenge covers various aspects and the selection and the way you tell stories is an aspect of great importance because it stimulates the imagination and fantasy of children enriching jokes, dialogues and student experiences.

The objective of this research was to analyze the experience of story-story with different approaches on maternal class II as well as analyze the observations pointed out by the teacher as the class and appreciation that this has about storytelling and that the same has contributed.

This research proved important for the fact of considering different ways to use the children's literature and storytelling with the aim to enrich the class in early childhood education.

The Secretary of education and public organs must be teaching partners and both together get the qualitative improvement and creativity to the exploration of storytelling so playful and pleasurable way to entertain the student when it seizes and extends your worldview.

The type search case study enabled monitor face-to-face class in CMEI, more detailed research on the structured questionnaire was delivered to the teacher and the teacher was held Regent of class as well as with the support agent accompanying the class too.

Make important these three types of analysis comparing and delimiting points in common and differences to better understand the reality experienced by the children and the relationship with the current methodology used by the teacher. The improvement of education is done from various aspects and scopes and the story-telling of history as important element tends to enrich all the daily life and the educational experience of students.

2. Contributions from children's literature to the teaching-learning process in early childhood education

The early childhood education makes up the first stage of basic education and in Brazil have educational character embodied in recent history. The national curriculum for early childhood education points out that in Brazil[…] "the society is more aware of the importance of early childhood experiences, what motivates demands for institutional education for children from zero to six years." (BRAZIL, 1998, p. 11).

According to the law of guidelines and Bases:

The early childhood education, first stage of basic education, aims to the integral development of children up to six years of age, in their physical, psychological, social and intellectual, completing the action of the family and the community. (BRAZIL, 1996, Art. 29)

The teaching-learning process in early childhood education is playful form preferably whereas in this step the age group requires a different methodological approach and focused on the students who are in their first years of life. " The chil[…]dren's literature can be used as a recreational resource developing in children a pleasurable behavior […]"(ALVES, 2011, p. 12).

Literature comes from encounter with the interests and is a crucial resource in the process of learning in the early years of life, according to the authors "Develop interest and habit for reading is a constant process that should be started since the first stages of childhood, still at home, enhanced by the school and continued throughout life. […]"(BRINGMANN and ARBOLEYA, 2008, p. 5).

Besides being a resource in the process of teaching professor in early childhood education encourages students to gain contact with teaching children's literature books so the habit of reading, which is beneficial not only for learning but also for the pleasure child.

Working with the reading connects with the dominant activity of each stage of childhood, being a resource for the process of the play which is the main activity in work with child development. Taís Danna highlights:

Literature is an art form, through the tales several emotions that are not flow in daily life can be released by magical and fanciful character of the story. It approaches the psychological effect of the fairy tale with the joke. The artistic activity of the child develops in the game, which is the main activity during the pre-school age. (2007, p. 30).

Thus, the exploration of the magical, fanciful character of history enriches the imagination and ideas for creating opportunities in the game, the story in early childhood education operates seamlessly with creativity.

The children's literature makes a "bridge" with the moment in which the child lives, offering more elements to the imagination in developing your creativity in games. As LIPPI and FINK:

[…] It is through the interaction with children's literature books that the child learns about you, about the adults and about the way to live collectively, without need to abandon your children's universe, full of discoveries, magic, fun and fantasy. (2012, p. 30).

The stories and children's tales relate closely with the imaginary universe of the child lists elements who know with new elements that will present various aspects of the world that surrounds it. The author Olivia da Silva Pires points out:

[…] It is believed that children's literature is of paramount importance, especially at an early age, recalling that the professor in early childhood education is to encourage reading, because the child has contact with book since little will have greater opportunity to become an avid reader throughout your life, using literature with pleasure-and no obligation. (2011, p. 16).

In the case of public institutions, points out that the author emphasizes that importance is to ensure the opportunity, i.e. in this space the student will have access to the material and to the professional ready to prepare and plan for the class using the own resources to the end that you want to achieve. In the case of reading becomes important an analysis and an intention on the part of the teacher as the story that will be used in class.

The curriculum for the Municipal Network of Rattlesnake CITES:

The public school as a constituent part of the State-in your federal, State or municipal level-is also voltage space classes and, therefore, is also building space of consciousness, which has the function access to systematized knowledge for mankind, Knowing these essential to the possibility of consistent criticism. […] (CASCAVEL, 2008, p. 20).

Being public school an area of tension, the quality must be combined with the intentional work, this includes in first step to early childhood education which despite the neglect of the public power and low investment may progress and have a qualitative advance. As Pedagogical political project of the Centro Municipal de Educação Infantil enchanted Kingdom:

"From the systematic work, the expectations and goals of CMEI enchanted Kingdom, in addition to the integral development of children from 0 to 5 years, is starting a pedagogical work with unity in theoretical conception and this results in the formation of the conscience criticism of the subject. […]"(2016, p. 11).

Enhance the reading in this context means allowing for the student he appropriate what has been and is being produced by humankind with quality in a democratic space and adding instruments to the formation of the critical conscience of the student entered in institution. "[…]it is believed that children's literature contributes significantly to the formation of the subject and must be present at school everyday. […]"(PIRES, 2011, p. 17).

Children's literature appreciation requires studies and analysis on what to use and how to use and the teacher and the student are agents of fundamental analysis, the reality that shows how you can use this feature as a tool for social change aiming at the improvement in the community more broadly, as in child education institution can start the improvement in the child's life and consequently the family. PIRES emphasizes that:

Parents and educators should be aware of the urgency of the need to promote the interests of the child by reading, which, in addition to reducing your time in front of the television, and that will give a much greater knowledge and can stimulate the imagination and creativity. (2011, p. 21).

Faced with a scenario in which the technology has been taking more and more space the Act of reading becomes rarer and so there has to be a mainly stimulation in the institutional space education, imagination and creativity are awake from a number of elements which found in children's literature and as addresses PIRES (2011) the teacher should encourage students to appreciate the stories carrying the same must realize the effort to a story that has and bring the differential student to the world of fantasy in literature childish.

3. The storytelling in early childhood education

 A factor of great importance in the use of children's literature in the stage of early childhood education is the story of history, the art of telling the story and charm tend to get more success among "small". Considering that in his early years of life, children are constantly learning process must be attractive the way the children's stories are presented.

The story always loved history, before even invent writing had oral history. As they approach the authors SOUZA and BERNADINO "the man discovered that the story as well as entertain, caused admiration and conquered the approval of listeners. The storyteller became the center of attention for the pleasure that their popular narratives provided. " (2011, p. 236).

In a broader context the story story is something that attracts not just children who are included in early childhood education as has an attractive power over adults moving contexts and elements of the stories. It is considered the institutional space which serves children in period in which learning objective as main agents of storytelling, teachers under presents this playful character of literature.

The school space is a space that democratizes access and therefore the opportunity to explore books and the ways how to tell stories with the use of appropriate methodology the age it is the responsibility of the educator. According to RAMOS "we understand how important quotes that teachers of all school years, (re) learn the practice of narrating stories as a practice of reading is fundamental to the training of students as readers. […]"(2011, p. 21).

The interaction that the teacher has with history and with students tends to influence the pleasure the child has in relation to children's story that is being exploited, therefore, the imagination and the fluidity of the educator influence on the taste of the child by the time of story-story.

Promote reading stimulus tends to contribute to all areas of knowledge that make up the student's curriculum over the years that attends the school. As emphasizes REGATIERI:

The teacher will fit get varied storytelling techniques and strategies for the student to become familiar with the books. Being the kids restless by nature, and difficult to keep attention in the same activity for a long time, the use of a good narrative technique can avoid long descriptions and, consequently, ramblings when the educator is working with literature. (2008, p. 34).

Since the early childhood education covers zero to five years of age the need for the teacher to master various techniques and strategies to draw attention to the story is intensified as pointed REGATIERI. MORENO referring to story-story dialogue that "This p[…]edagogical resource takes the child to live with the books, publishes literature and creates interaction with classmates." (2009, p. 234-235).

Within the areas of knowledge the story story brings several contributions mainly in the Portuguese language, RAMOS points "in the Director plan, the audicao of texts, for example, allows the reader to learn and develop sentence structures and texts, as well as enlarge your vocabulary and linguistic repertoire. […]"(2011, p. 50).

The educator at the time which explores the story of the story allows the student provided listener understand the vocabulary used as well as the structure that the teacher uses in the text of the story. Ramos (2011) remember still that can be perceived by hearing the use and effects of the score.

Souza and BERNADINO argue about holding that the educator can perform the storytelling, "Learn about people and their cultures, history and geography, are possible to the extent that these stories happen in time and diversified space"[…] . (2011, p. 239).

From this perspective of the authors understand that the story is history teaching resource that enables creative work several content and enriching making learning an act of pleasure, from the moment that the playful and if allows you to enable the student to a different way of learning for an innovative methodological approach in order to overcome methodological difficulties and didactic present in everyday life.

As REGATIERI argues:

Hear and tell stories competes today with the mass media, the industry that feeds the anxiety of today, have not be. Therefore, the need to provide for our children, especially in early childhood education, meaningful images that feed the mind with experiences that will be experienced in the course of your life. (2008, p. 35).

From the perspective proposed by the author, there is also the mass media involved in school teaching, so with the exploration of story-story using the quality children's literature with experiences and stories that are not stimulate consumerism or something as is offered at all times by the media that surrounds the child in other spaces that she lives in society.

4. Methodology used in the research

This article used type search case study, with a review of the literature on the subject and application of data collection instruments as interview, questionnaire and on-site observation. The data were collected using features of qualitative research techniques.  The field research was held at the Centro Municipal de Educação Infantil enchanted Kingdom located on River Street Ibema, no. 45 in the city of Cascavel-PR.

As checked for best research progress was observed a particular class, which was the Maternal class II which meets children who complete three years of age in the course of the school year from 2016.

For this survey was of type case study which according to Gil: "the case study is characterized by deep and thorough study of one or a few objects, to allow broad and detailed knowledge of the same.[…]" (1995, p. 78).

The case study aims to conduct a detailed investigation in that the various characteristics that make up the object of study. In this research the case study are relating to a group of 18 children who attend the nursery class II from CMEI enchanted Kingdom.

An interview with Professor of early childhood education which is Regent of Maternal class II as well as took place with the support agent who also acts in the class. The interview was to know the characteristics of the class, how they interact and how the students perform the games and what are the most common methodologies and practices that make up the routine of the classroom. During the interview already pointed out features of story-story with the class.

It was used a questionnaire which was given to Professor Regent inquiring about the General aspects of the class as well as pedagogical aspects of working with children, according to Vieira: "the questionnaires are data collection instruments, specifically developed with the aim of obtaining answers to questions that are important for the development of research. " (2011, p. 65).

The questionnaire was comprised of essay questions with informative content in your most about the class, contents and forwards that are used as well as general questions about the teacher plans lessons and objectives aimed at achieving the education with kindergarten (II) in the school year of 2016. The questionnaire was delivered after the interview, so that if any important point has not been told the Faculty could describe the questionnaire to deliver the following week the date given to him the sheet with the questions.

On-the-spot observation aimed to witness how the interaction of children faced with different approaches to story-story, then at the moment of the interview explained the goal of the search for the professor who warned previously on that day there was planned the story story in the routine which follows. As discusses SAINTS:

"The employment of techniques, by itself, in the educational process, you can configure the vision of a decoupling between theory and practice. Devoid of reflection, the mere employment of them is not able to account for the complexity of teaching practic[…]e "(2010, p. 167).

The observations took place in the morning period, subdivided into eight visits in which took place the story story in seven of them, because on the first day it was just routine observation and how kids interact and integrate with the times and with the students so they don't There was estrangement so big at one point higher than the note focused on specific research.

The Nursery class II proved assiduous, in every day of observation more than 70% of the class was present, the day in which there were less children present had fourteen children. Most of the children showed naturalness on observation and interacted with naturalness.

5. Analysis of the data collected

The Centro Municipal de Educação Infantil Enchanting Kingdom belongs to public schools in the city of Cascavel in Paraná State, CMEI is in the North of the city of Cascavel and meets on time of 07:00 hours of the morning until the afternoon hours 18:30 a t total of 60 students in the age group of 0 (zero) to 4 (four) years. It is located on River Street, number: 45 Ibema in Brasmadeira district.

The institution works in accordance with the curriculum of the Public Municipal Network of Rattlesnake volume I and as the Pedagogical political project quotes regarding the approach that is used in the institution: "the enchanted Kingdom CMEI aims to take care of and educate a interacionista partner approach, providing the transmission of scientific knowledge, philosophical, artistic and political. "(2016, p. 10).

The institutional space is composed of the following environments: four classrooms, two bathrooms, a unique bathroom of adults, laundry, kitchen, utility room, storeroom, a time activity. In the external area has a playground, Doll House, solarium and an area of paver, a ramp that leads to the gate and the main door from CMEI.

For the said research used three different instruments: the questionnaire (which the early childhood teacher who is Regent of Maternal class II responded); the interview held with the teacher and with the support agent that acts in the class which was carried out the research. The interview took place by means of dialogue with annotations and the questionnaire was delivered to the teacher at the end of the interview (in which the teacher could answer the essay questions complementing the issues and something that was not covered in the interview). On-site observation in the classroom space during the normal classes of school days without disrupting the routine or the pedagogical work, all were carried out in the morning period.

The Nursery class II which was analyzed is composed of nine girls and 11 boys, the gang is assiduous and there's plenty of interaction with the teachers and with colleagues. Students will demonstrate the familiarity with CMEI environment, there are moments of meal and go to the bathroom and outside these times the same ask when you wish to go and know the space around. As is pointed out in RCNEI: "the space in early childhood institution must provide conditions for children can take advantage of it for the benefit of your learning and development. […]. " (BRAZIL, 1998, p. 69).

The first day was held in classroom observation just noted aspects of routine and pedagogical aspects, on this date the teacher Regent didn't plan any time for story-telling of history. It was observed that students will demonstrate agitated as soon as return of the coffee that is when you initiate educational activities, however, when the teacher began the routine of filling the header on the Board and work content that this day was geometric shapes within the discipline of mathematics children were more focused and participating.

At the time of completion of the header and of the activity the educators had to get attention sometimes some students who were agitated and distracted and consequently ending interfering in concentration from his peers.

According to the National Curriculum for early childhood education: "teacher's intervention is needed so that, in the institution of children's education, children can, in situations of social interaction or alone, to extend skills appropriation of concepts. "[…] (BRAZIL, 1998, p. 30).

The moments of distraction were few, and all the children were involved in participation and in the later time when performed an activity in the sketch book with regard to geometric shapes.

Most days at which the observation in Kindergarten II the storytelling through the use of children's literature books and use of voice and gestualização throughout history, were five days in which the stories were told in this way and not sequentially.

The first day there was a story-story using the book of children's literature teacher asked the class to remain silent in order to carry out the story and the students showed excited and as stated by Professor Regent in the interview the same appreciate children's stories, the same work since the beginning of the year with the inclusion of stories in daily routine most of the time.

As Gerard c. addresses Gorte Alves:

[…] The children's literature can be used as a recreational resource developing in children a pleasurable behavior. It is necessary to make the children familiar with the books, guiding them regarding the handling and to your conservation, since with the stories they learn playing to respect rules, to have fun, whether through knockoff, socialization, interaction or difficulty be overcome. (2011, p. 12)

In the questionnaire the teacher stated that also allows students to explore books and handling as well as stimulates for containing the story at hand to colleagues, the pleasurable character that Maternal II students attach the stories noted when it was reported that would be told the story.

The role of stimulus by the teacher is crucial, because it fits the adult child's interaction with mediate in the literature, "Mediate and intercede and the mediator of reading and that capable of flowing the reading object itself to the reader, preferably effectively." […](BRANCHES, 2011, p. 48).

On the second day he observed the story story with the use of books of children's literature professor used two stories as well as other days which saw the story story with use of books. The times when I used to tell the story were after breakfast with the kids.

After the time of breakfast that makes up the routine of the children they are forwarded to the bathroom to use the lavatories and tooth brushing.

The teacher in the interview reported that usually arrive in the classroom, usually comes running down the Hall and there is a need to draw attention so when tells the story the same pay attention and stay quiet so move on with the routine directed activities which are planned for each day contemplating the areas of knowledge that comprise the biannual planning and curriculum of the municipality of Rattlesnake. As LIPPI and FINK:

[…] The storytelling is necessary, because it transforms the playful moment of reading in a mixture of learning and satisfaction with the story told, doing this, a space for the enjoyment of the word well articulated, the new vocabulary and yet, a moment of Discovery and accomplishment for the child. […] (2012, p. 30).

The majority of the students in the moments of the story-story demonstrated interest throughout the story and some distracted when they were called to look at the history recovered the interest, as the previous quote is an opportunity to review by part of the students of the word well articulated by professor in story-telling of the story which contributes to the formation of the child's vocabulary.

On all days when the teacher held story-story using the books of children's literature with titles several observed that students enjoyed watching the images some even requested that the teacher turned the book (a).

[…] We emphasize that it is important to show the book to the children after a story, or intermediate times when the stories are read, so that they understand where they came from, the stories that will be stimulating and arousing your interest to get new stories and new books. (REGATIERI, 2008, p. 34).

The image showed an element of great importance for children focused even more attention when the teacher showed the book before turning to the next page and continue following the story. RAMOS says:

The practice of telling stories is one of the many ways employed by the professor in your work with reading in the classroom. And very common this practice in early childhood education, where students have not yet mastered the technology of writing, are only able to read the oral language, images, gestures and what's in your surroundings. […] (2011, p. 21).

In the case the class of children who complete 3 full years in the course of the school year if realized that some who have completed age noticed some elements of the stories more quickly and showed with emotions as fright, laughter, etc.

The Nursery class II generally showed excitement when there was gestualização, reactions, facial expression, etc. by the teacher in the story. MORENO points out:

When the teacher tells a story, expressing themselves with use of voice and gestures in order to mimic the character, sometimes smiling, sometimes crying, makes students travelling on the wings of imagination of a magical and unforgettable world. (2009, p. 234).

The use of creativity made the difference as the interaction and concentration of children, the same engaging and fun to observe the imitation of the characters. "It is understood that the teacher should provide moments when students feel pleasure to be in contact with literature. […]"(PIRES, 2011, p. 35).

In General what is observed in the price movements of history with the books of children's literature is that as the teacher was involved and played the story and the character with creativity and imagination over the children interacted.

The storytelling approach of bedtime story using puppets was held on one of the days in which it was observed the teacher Regent of Maternal class II planned and recorded in the log class for working the shaft orality that makes up your planning half year and the curriculum of the municipality of Rattlesnake for the public network at the stage of early childhood education.

The story used was created by the teacher in that it held an impromptu featuring puppets of animals students exploring the sounds each animal used was producing as well as dialogue with the students.

The dolls attracted the children providing the pleasure of giving life and voice them; Thanks to the puppet can overcome the timidity that hinders communication and can be expressed feelings. The puppet show teaches the child to pay attention in the world (SO[…]UZA and BERNADINO, 2011, p. 244).

When used the dog, for example, the teacher took the opportunity to explore the sound of the animal and the composition of the plot of the story: "Au, au. You know what animal am I children? (…) Now I'm going to call a friend of mine who lives on the farm and likes to roll in the mud, you know? I hear he is like Peppa Pig (…) ".

The use of puppets allowed the dialogasse teacher with students and even some name calling to answer some questions inviting those who were more timid to pass your hand in some puppet approaching and interacting. […]"the use of a good narrative technique can avoid long descriptions and, consequently, ramblings when the educator is working with literature. […]"(REGATIERI, 2008, p. 34).

After finishing the story the teacher distributed the animals among students so that they use the puppets of animals to interact and play, a few relembravam lines that animal holding and imitated as the story that the teacher had created. Some wanted to exchange with colleagues because they had enjoyed over the given animal, some exchanges were possible and others not, because sometimes it was not consensual.

Comprehensively most students reported something of the character of the character in the story and creating or improvising continuations and banter with puppets. As discusses DANNA:

In the game the child is motivated to create an imaginary situation, however it is not possible to have clarity of what such motivations, we know that the unrealized desires can lead to joke, but this is not always that way and not necessarily soon then the desire denied. (DANNA, 2007, p. 31).

Thus, the joke after the story back story elements to the imagination of the child by stimulating a composition richer the game of make-believe which is developing. This kind of narrative of history enabled an approximation of children with the characters and allows to interact with these to create a story in context in that they themselves create.

There was a class in which the teacher used a box of history by placing the story from a book called: building a dream. In the book shows the construction of a House step by step. For story-telling of this story the teacher turned off the lights in the room and left a flashlight pointed at the box so that only the story more illuminated.

The moments of suspense and excitement are important to the success of the story told. The storyteller should let the children imagine the story assuming your fantasy world and enchantments, causing it to interact more closely with the plot and if more interest for him. (LIPPI and FINK, 2012, p. 23).

The first reaction of children to see the story was surprised and were eager and with an expectation in relation to the story would be told. "Literature is an art form, through the tales several emotions that are not flow in daily life can be released by the magical character fanciful history. […]". (DANNA, 2007, p. 30).

The teacher told the story twice. The first time you told was telling the story and rolling the story in the box to go you will see the images as the narrative of a teacher followed. The second time you told was showing the pictures and commenting on the story beyond questioning the elements of the image and what would happening in history, in general the second time was commented out by both the teacher and the students.

After finishing the second time I told the teacher used box using the book with the same history and was passing on both sides and the kids commenting on what they had seen and what was occurring in each stretch of history.

The kids that make up the class of Maternal II of the Centro Municipal de Educação Infantil enchanted Kingdom which complete three years of age in the course of the school year were receptive to the various approaches and narrative of stories which the teacher Regent of the class held demonstrated more curiosity and interest in the story with the stories and as the teacher reported it was the first time that this feature was being used by the same in this school year.

The use of puppets also attracted enough attention from the children to the story and the dialogue during the same, the story told on a daily basis is most commonly with children's literature and more simply, the attention is not the same as using differentiated features more interaction and concentration is observed on these approaches too, because it creates an expectation for the moment in history and there is an enthusiasm for both the teacher and the students.

Children together by the anecdotes and when can handle the books keep the care and prefer the stories have already been told by a teacher to tell his colleagues, which shows that appreciate the story to enrich your reading and your interest in a particular story.

6. Proposals for strategies to improve the education offer

The provision of early childhood education has been growing and given this scenario of growth much to rethink and to progress in the direction of a qualitative offer for children who attend institutions that offer this stage of basic education.

The storytelling while moment of playfulness and pleasure involving the children's literature and storytelling of different stories behind learning moments not only included in planning how the psyche of the child who attends the institution offer early childhood education.

As the teacher's notes and observations on Maternal Room II from CMEI enchanted Kingdom children have a huge appreciation for the stories and demonstrate enchantment especially when the story is told in a different way than are used in everyday life.

The teacher used different resources in two of the eight times it has been observed to tell the story, the same stated that where can the diary; planning; the book called for a timeframe for building a different teaching materials so she can perform, for example, the construction of the Story box that was used in one of the lessons observed. According to REGATIERI "we know it's not an easy task for the educator to be always innovating, seeking creative and dynamic work so that the student has always news. […]"(2008, p. 38).

Therefore, it is important that public authorities and the management of education in General to analyze and improve where possible the teacher planning times, time-activity is a moment of great importance because it is when the teacher is away the room to evaluate and prepare methods for learning and development of children, therefore, something that makes necessary even for the reflection of what is being worked on and the room that needs modifications.

It is necessary that the teachers who work with early childhood education acknowledge the importance of story-telling history while a key element in the daily lives of learning in this step.

Hear and tell stories competes today with the mass media, the industry that feeds the anxiety of today, have not be. Therefore, the need to provide for our children, especially in early childhood education, meaningful images that feed the mind with experiences that will be experienced in the course of your life. […] (REGATIERI, 2008, p. 35).

As stated by author competition of media already disloyal in the family environment often, then it's up to school to be a differentiated space and provide the student live with stories that convey more than just images and commercial intentions.

Final considerations

With the challenge of teaching activity which is always innovating and keep track of the changes that come along generations professor in early childhood education plays in a field that still features several innovations to the society using the Act to educate together to care demythologizing the nursery that was once only offer care.

It is necessary to both a teacher's commitment to training and qualification given the importance of story-telling story in children's Education and the management and competent authorities of investment education adding and providing richness and diversity of materials, books as well as moments of formation and give the teacher the moment of Time-in both the formulation of planning Activity involving innovations in storytelling as training seeking expertise in narration and methodology enrichment for this purpose.

In this research we found that the performance of the teacher already takes several moments of history and storytelling is reflected positively in learning, concentration and behaviour of children between the ages of three years that have focused and interested in the qualitative time stories for the age.

Public institutions that offer the early childhood education and recognition for work deserve attention with the step that interferes deeply in personality of the children for the rest of your life, then the professional framework and resources are beginnings to the improvement of teaching in this step. The regional particularities and cultural rights tend to demand certain uniqueness in financial planning, educational and institutional.

This research brings the reflection on the contributions of story-story in the daily life of early childhood education by bringing several positive factors to class planned by (the). We believe that history should be inserted into several moments of daily life and contribute to the various areas of knowledge and to the formation of the student as citizen and human being conscious, reflecting and constructing various perceptions based on various stories in different situations.

With this research we can conclude that it is indispensable to know the importance and the contribution that the storytelling back to school everyday on children's Education as well as to expand and improve the possibilities and strategies of storytelling and narration. Bring the child experiences and concepts according to what has been built by humanity in search of "be" and not with the business proposal that generally the media directs the child in search of "have".

The school space since the early childhood education bring approaches and concepts with a purpose and it is up to the teacher think of the child as a citizen (the) and diversify the methodology seeking an improvement in the life of the student and therefore of society.


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[1] Master's degree in education from the Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná – Professor of early childhood education, a historian by UNIPAR, postgraduate in higher education and E-LEARNING Methodology, EAD and new technologies and in early childhood education.

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