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The role of the school manager and public policy in daycare centers

RC: 77223
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SANTOS, Rosenilda de Jesus Couto [1], SEÁRA, Maxsoelia Souza de Almeida [2], MONT’ALVERNE, Clara Roseane da Silva Azevedo [3]

SANTOS, Rosenilda de Jesus Couto. SEÁRA, Maxsoelia Souza de Almeida. MONT’ALVERNE, Clara Roseane da Silva Azevedo. The role of the school manager and public policy in daycare centers. Revista Científica Multidisciplinar Núcleo do Conhecimento. Year 05, Ed. 09, Vol. 01, pp. 47-55. September 2020. ISSN: 2448-0959, Access link:


This study assumes that public policies are of paramount importance for the well-being of the entire school community, since this is paramount in everyone’s life, thus depending on the role of the school manager in so that the actions are well executed. The main objective is to analyze the action of the school manager emphasizing their performance in the face of the proposed challenges, due to the implementation of public educational policies in daycare centers. For the role of the manager to be realized, it is necessary to take over the legal determinations oriented in the documents of public education policies, which contain important principles that will guide the practice of the manager as leader and main mentor in directing the actions in the school institution, in the face of the challenges faced by his office. In view, in the historical context of day care centers, the demands are for a quality early childhood education that is able to develop actions and promote the integral formation of the individual respecting their peculiarities, where everyone is involved, with the manager as the driver, organizer and articulator of all school evolution. Therefore, the course of this research is bibliographic and documentary, bibliographic because there is a need to understand the whole process of educational management and its elements, documentary to understand how there is articulation between the work of the school manager, his interaction with the school community and the Educational Public Policies focused on Early Childhood Education. After this study, it is evident that a public policy well executed by the school manager contributes to the development of a quality early childhood education, favoring the aspect of caring, educating and interacting as indispensable pillars for the child’s good development.

Keywords: Early Childhood Education, School Management, Public Policies.


Early Childhood Education, according to LDB – Law guidelines and bases of national education (Law 9394/96), the first stage of Basic Education in recent decades, has received more attention from governments and researchers as it has been the target of several public educational policies and academic and scientific studies. The personal and professional training of the manager appears in this context as a tool to face these new challenges that education provides.

Among the reasons that lead to the realization of this research are the knowledge of the role and importance of the school manager and its contribution to the promotion of a quality education so that, with the research, the current educational policies that are effectively implemented and their impact on the school performance of children enrolled in public daycare centers are unveiled.

It is essential to trace the profile of the school manager of the daycare center verifying which Public Policies are effectively implemented and their contribution to improving the school performance of public daycare centers and finally verifying whether the work performed by the managers is in line with the actions that are being addressed in the Political Pedagogical Project of the school units.

This study is of relevance to the extent that it may possibly contribute to point out suggestions, which will meet the numerous needs of school managers committed to the conduction of the pedagogical and administrative aspects of the school under its guidance. And, to the extent that they discuss and reflect on the contents and directions of educational policies, create strategies to improve student learning, teacher performance and consequently the results achieved by early childhood education units.


Since the manager is the bureaucratic, pedagogical, administrative and financial leader, it is notorious to reflect on the various responsibilities placed on their shoulders and from which he cannot dodge, such as: having knowledge of the legislation that governs civil servants and public resources, identifying responsibilities, penalties and characteristics of the administrative process, fulfilling and fulfilling rights and duties , value through interpersonal relationships all the servants, make pedagogical interventions with the teacher contributing to the teaching-learning process, acting impartially, ethically, without paternalism, omission or collusion. Such reflection leads to a self-assessment and a new posture as managers.

To understand the complexity of the role of the manager in the institution, a discussion is valid about some of the challenges that the position presents.

In the study by Botelho (2013, p.50), to train leaders it is necessary that:

[…] in the environment there is someone practicing leadership and not just managing; he will be the starting point, the stimulator, the encourager, in short, the great master. Secondly, it is necessary to study, read, talk, take courses, debate and seek to develop this competence. Thirdly, it is absolutely necessary for companies to review their priority schemes with regard to promotions; in other words, go on to promote those who have interpersonal skills, than technical skills.

Thus, the manager should be sensitive to the demand of others and always take the initiative to help them to achieve their goal. Since, their objectives will only be achieved by the collaboration of all. In view of this, it is the role of the manager also to manage the finances responsibly, so it is essential that he knows the path of funds until he reaches the institution. It is also the duty of the manager to plan strategies and priorities for the application of these resources. Therefore, to monitor, assume, lead, distinguish, develop and create strategies to manage the school’s financial resources are primary objectives that the manager must follow.

On this issue, Santos (2015, p. 14) reflects that:

A dilemma, so far, seems to us insoluble: the attributions provided for in the statutory and regimental norms, although they require the school manager greater emphasis on pedagogical work (end-activity), end up giving room, in practice, to the predominance of administrative-bureaucratic (activity-medium) due to routine tasks; student’s school life records; medical records of teachers and staff, reports of measures and actions proposed by the departments of education and all kinds of statistical surveys. Moreover, for so many tasks, regular or extra, in the vast majority of public schools, the material, financial and human infrastructure is quite precarious.

It is of paramount importance to administer financial resources and that it should be taken seriously due to the decentralization movement, since these resources are important for school autonomy providing better conditions for educational work.  It is found that all school money is necessary to be provided accountable to the competent bodies supported by appropriate documentation and proven by the representation of the school community.

For Veiga (2013, p. 99):

Autonomy places in the school the responsibility to account for what it does or does, without passing on this task to another sector and, by bringing school and families closer together, it is able to allow a truly effective participation of the community, which it characterizes as an eminently democratic category.

To act as a public daycare manager, one must have specific knowledge, competence and skills for the elaboration and structuring of the partnership project, however, it is important to reflect on the scope that actions of this nature have, considering that the main objective is to increase the quality of education. The manager in the position faces dilemmas about what to do, how and who will do.  It is only all these questions that are raised in the face of a situation of “love-free”, “devaluation” of what is public. Faced with such a dilemma, the option is to resume the idea of humanization of the human being in the case of the student, but not only of him, also of the school staff who often treat the issue of zeal to heritage with disdain, simply because it is public.

There are two important points of great relevance: first, the call of attention to intangible heritage, because every institution of education is not constituted of material, physical, furniture, valuable utensils or not, but of life, donations, efforts, in the end of stories. Be these stories starring the professionals or the students who lived there, leaving their marks and taking with them the constructions and knowledge. And speaking of goods, these are goods that the moth does not corrode, that rust does not consume, but that multiplies producing life, through the professions and professionals that spread in society. That’s the size of daycare and we think little or nothing about it.  Therefore, educate the faculty, student and other employees to care for this heritage; as well as the material heritage that will also constitute the important scenario that makes up the intangible collection and deserves equal zeal, since there will certainly be a feeling of belonging to that environment rich in meanings. The second point is the call for the lack of appreciation of what is public, which also consists of the absence of identity with the environment, therefore citizenship.

Therefore, it is important that the school manager is aware of the legal situation of real estate, because any irregular situation may in the future be reflected in the good progress of the work.

With regard to the management of the servers, the manager exercises the role of articulator of the actions, able to act with his peers observing the legal and pedagogical principles, having instruments for evaluating the performance of all servers periodically, if used the results of the evaluation to improve the quality of the services provided, preparation of a project of continuous training and professional qualification , aiming at the success of students’ learning and the satisfaction of professionals working in the institution.

According to Chiavenato (2012), leadership is a function of existing needs in a given situation and consists of a relationship between individual and a group. The relationship between leaders and subordinates is based on generalizations, such as: each person follows a struggle to meet their needs; needs are individual; and the relationship between people is an active process to meet needs. In this sense, the leader is a decision-taker or one who helps the group make appropriate decisions.

When the rights and duties of each one, integrating professionals of the magisterium and other functions are respected, everything works in perfect harmony. It is important that the manager knows the legislation to manage the school staff in order to give quality in this service provision. Continuing education and performance evaluation are of great importance, as it is notorious that well-prepared professionals are fundamental to a successful job.


The school manager must overcome the vision of education as training, recovering for the pedagogical space of professional education values such as justice, solidarity, cooperation, equality, respect for differences as opposed to competition and individual merit, prejudice, priority tasks of a democratic school, making it a space for dialogue and collective debate, is a way to resist current pressures.

As Chiavenato (2012, p. 335-336) points out:

 There are seven dimensions of power tactics:

1. Reason: use of facts and data to elaborate a logical or rational presentation of ideas.

2. Kindness: use of compliments, creating a climate of goodwill, humble posture and attempting to seem friendly when making an order.

3. Coalition: getting support from others in the organization for a particular idea.

4. Bargain: use of trading by exchanging benefits, favors or advantages.

5. Affirmation: use of a direct and vigorous approach, repeated reminders, orders for compliance, or citation of rules that require obedience.

6. Senior authorities: getting support from the highest levels of the organization for the idea.

7. Sanctions: Use of rewards and punishments, such as promises or threats regarding salaries, performance evaluation, or promotions.

Before anything, the manager needs to break old paradigms and build a new identity for the school, because there is a custom or even vice, of the servants who work in public schools, of them make the extension of their homes; especially in early childhood education units, perhaps it is because their origin is based more on care, on assistance than on educating; but it occurs is that most of the time it is the public “school” breakdown that is having to suit the employee, who feels comfortable to discomply with the rules of operation. Therefore, in view of the confrontation between the management of the servers and this reality, briefly presented, it is understood that it is more than necessary to develop in schools policies of management of servers. However, acting in this perspective requires knowledge, administrative and pedagogical maturation from the management team; because democratic management has been confused with paternalism, omission lack of attitude towards non-fulfillment of commitments.

Assevera Alvarez (2014, p.73):

The school rules have its own structure, composed of elements such as: introduction; articles regulating the functioning of the elements of the structure; articles relating to coexistence; articles that include the provision of immediate solutions in the face of contingency situations; articles establishing the conditions for amending the Regulation itself.

However, it is necessary to reinforce the need to invest in growth, in the first personal qualification of individuals who are part of this important social group that is the school; then in your professional improvement. It is important to take another look at the school composition, which needs to be taken seriously and should be perceived in the light of legality for positions and functions, that is, as familiar as it may seem, the school is a company, an institution. It is necessary to unveil the eyes and excel in a management whose administrative bases are well defined and structured in statutes and career plans; recognizing, yes, that this composition is made by people who deserve and need to be respected in their rights, but that for this they need to know them, as well as their duties.

In democratic management, there should be understanding of school administration as a means activity and gathering collective efforts to implement the purposes of education, as well as the understanding and acceptance of the principle that education is a process of human emancipation; pedagogical political plan (P.P.P.) it should be elaborated through collective construction and that in addition to training there should be the strengthening of the School Board. (PARANÁ, 2012, p. 25)

The policy of continuing training in service is salutary in this personal and professional construction, where everyone participates together in the knowledge of the functions and importance of each professional within the school, where each sector can share their doubts, anxieties and difficulties and each server can self-evaluate and evaluate the other, with the sole purpose of confirming the successes and reviewing the failures. For this it is necessary to develop the “culture of listening”.

It is worth remembering that institutional evaluation is an indispensable tool for planning, management and other activities that constitute the nursery curriculum, having a critical but comprehensive view, with objectives and methodologies defined democratically, with rigorous and consistent processes and instruments from the theoretical, technical and political points of view, covering more than the production and quality of people’s work and also the institution itself. In a way, it is a procedure for detecting positive and negative points, allowing to outline actions, individual and collective, of institutional improvement.

The teacher’s education and their level of participation in the political decisions of education play an important role in the pedagogical project process, both in its specific pedagogical dimensions and in its political dimension, as critical citizens and aware of its social role. Consequently, poor professional competence at any stage will affect the other. On the other hand, any reflection on teacher education will point to the political-pedagogical discussions about the society that is intended for what is meant by citizenship, the social role in this context, the types of linkage existing between other public policies.

Only by maintaining the organization and participation of all those involved in the educational process, we will be able to impose the group’s will and ensure the principles by articulating pedagogical management, obtaining positive points in internal and external school performance.

The implementation of democratic and participatory management is closely linked to the attitude and conceptions of the school manager, which can contribute or hinder the implementation of participatory processes.  The school community has not yet appropriated the public school that is still seen as the property of the government or school staff, favoring the teaching and administrative segments. All segments of the community can and should participate in management provided that well-defined criteria are established to guide and define this participation.

Law 9394/96 articulates that despite the difficulties arising from the implementation and functioning of school collegiates, these are a mechanism capable of promoting the stripping of the domination of one person, overcoming monocracy as a logic of the functioning of school management.

For democratic management to take place in day care centers as well as in other public schools, it is necessary to include the subjects in the teaching unit in the elaboration of their actions and to raise awareness of the entire school community, about what is and how democratic management is done.


The reflections presented during this work indicated the importance of establishing the climate of satisfaction, participation and integration of the entire school community, in order to acquire positive results to the legal and pedagogical precepts in the school environment.

Being a school manager means having the student as the central character of the work. To know, research, experience and have a range of proposals that are appropriate to the needs, interests, skills and difficulties of students, parents and school professionals. It is essential to constantly update the theories, research and debates related to school education, as well as public policies, improve knowledge and broaden awareness regarding the need of each involved, it becomes necessary for the development of students’ learning.

In view of the above, the school manager is expected to go beyond the vision of education as training, recovering values such as justice, solidarity, cooperation, equality, respect for differences as opposed to competition and individual merit, prejudice, priority tasks of a democratic school. Making it a space for dialogue and collective debate, it is a way to resist current pressures

Finally, it is worth considering that from the moment management begins to delegate responsibilities, in the various stages of the organization of the teaching unit, and it is up to it to establish general guidelines, resulting from the broad discussion with the support staff and with the technical-teaching teams. This dialogue will always reflect the Political Pedagogical Project that the teaching unit wants to implement and develop, facilitating the necessary articulation with the current educational Public Policies.


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[1] Master’s student in Education Sciences, Specialization in School and Educational Management, Specialization in Psychopedagogy, Degree in Pedagogy.

[2] Master’s student in Science of Specialization in School and Educational Management, Degree in Pedagogy.

[3] PhD in Education Science. Master’s degree in Social Work. Specialization in Education in the Perspective of Structured Teaching for Autistic people. Specialization in School Administration. Specialization in Specialization in Higher Education. Graduation in Full Degree in Pedagogy.

Sent: July, 2020.

Approved: September, 2020.

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Rosenilda de Jesus Couto Santos

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