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The importance of the English language in the EJA – practices and identity of the teacher

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BOREL, Jaqueline Fernandes [1]

BOREL, Jaqueline Fernandes. The importance of the English language in the EJA – practices and identity of the teacher. Revista Científica Multidisciplinar Núcleo do Conhecimento. 04 year, Ed. 07, Vol. 05, pp. 36-46. July 2019. ISSN: 2448-0959


This paper explains the importance of English language learning in youth and adult education. The influence that this language plays on children and adolescents, still being a universal language, requires an increasingly active participation of the individual in the school context. Thus, it is questioned: How to make EJA students, readers and proficient writers in English in the light of the dialectics of knowledge? It is necessary that humanity will debut its ties through the written word or spoken in English and to improve teacher training, working conditions in schools and disciplinary problems linked to motivation and attitude. These are fundamental issues so that the proficiency of the contents developed in the room is sufficient for learning. Therefore, this study aims to provide conditions for the student to learn to express themselves in a foreign language, developing and stimulating diverse activities and methodologies that promote the experience of the English language inside and outside the classroom. Thus, the student can offer oral and written conditions so that he can use the English language in his daily life, developing in it, the ability and ability to communicate in another language effectively.

Keywords: Learning, English language, public schools, methodologies.


It is necessary to reflect on what methodologies can be adopted in municipal public schools that facilitate the learning of the English language, whose language is inserted in the daily lives of people through music, advertising, internet, manuals of products purchased, among others. Therefore, it is essential to seek knowledge, speak and understand at least the 'basic' of this language. Thus, it is necessary to awaken this aspect through previous readings, discussions and reflections in the classroom.

This study is intended for the implementation of diversified methodologies in the students' rooms of the EJA classes of the João Mendonça Municipal School in the municipality of Teixeira de Freitas in the Extreme South of Bahia, with the aim of awakening the importance of English in the lives of students and their daily attendance. The choice of the class is explained in view of the idea that the English language should be worked on in the lives of young people, including the indicated thing is that one works as soon as possible in the lives of children. Nowadays, young people have contact with the modern world faster and faster, when entering an internet chat room, listening to music, going to the movies, shopping in a mall, among other aspects.

Therefore, it is necessary to develop in young people, the desire to relate to the English language dynamically, inserting the language in daily life, with a view to the possibility of learning from daily experiences. To do so, this paper asks: How to make EJA students, readers and proficient writers in English in the light of the dialectics of knowledge? This work seeks to provide the student with conditions for him to learn, practice and express himself in a foreign language, developing diverse methodologies that promote the experience of the English language inside and outside the classroom.

They are challenging for education, the advances in teaching the English language, since its instrumental value for contemporary technoscientific progress is undeniable. Due to the above factors, learning language is as important as learning a profession. This language has become so necessary for today's life that, for improvement in a professional activity, whether in the field of medicine, electronics, physics, informatics, or others, one has to know how to speak English.


Youth and Adult Education – EJA is a teaching modality that encompasses students who are in age/grade lag and have failed to complete basic education studies in the given time. Most of these students come from an unfavorable economic social class, which contributes to these students needing to work and stop studying to provide their own livelihood and often the livelihood of their families.

In some cases, the EJA has students who have not obtained approval for years in a row in the series they were in. They cannot follow the age and series necessary for primary education and feel discouraged, thus solving studying in this modality in which they find students of age equivalent to theirs and with learning difficulties and/or problems similar to theirown.

As a mediator of learning, the teacher provides good learning situations, launching challenges, intervening and mediating at the right time, so that the student thinks and builds knowledge, so that he can express himself in oral language and later, in writing. It is worth mentioning here, the curriculum proposal of the EJA that informs to be basically through oral communication that the student develops as a participant in a culture (TAMAROZZI; COSTA, 2012).

In the EJA classes, the teacher must create situations in which students expose and recognize what they already know about writing. Based on what students already know, according to their experiences, experiences, is that the teacher can decide what new information to provide, what subjects should emphasize, so that the student is preparing their knowledge until they reach an autonomous domain of this representation system.

According to Arruda (2010), this teaching modality – EJA – is not a complementary or extraordinary part of the effort that society applies in education, but a necessary sector of general pedagogical performance, to which the community should launch itself. Therefore, in January 2003, the MEC announced that the literacy of young people and adults would be a priority of the new federal government.


The approach to the relevance of the English language in the affective conception of the young person is based on schütz's teachings (2003), stating that, for biopsychological causes, the sooner the young person has contact with the English Language (LI), the more improved will be his rhythm of assimilation of the supposed language. It cites Brown (2001), that language is developed more effectively during childhood.

Thus, this perspective leads to the verification of the importance of li employment not only in the EJA, but also in elementary school, so that it develops individual potential and also collective work. This requires stimulation of the subject's autonomy, aiming at the development of the feeling of security related to their specific capabilities. Thus, the student can understand that through his work and effort, he can modify and intervene in the space where he lives, and that the school institution is one of the ways for this situation to occur (CHAGURI, 2005).

It is essential that students be mediated by educators to acquire learning in a second language, considering their specificities and interest in acquiring this learning. In this context, critical, autonomous and participatory students may be formed to act with competence and responsibility in the society in which they live, employing their mother tongue or second language, being competent for peer communication and for citizens, capable of effectively building their own history.


As paradoxical as it may seem, certain data about the situation that is English-speaking in the official institutions of both the EJA and elementary school show their inadequacy, because students do not know Portuguese, perhaps, English. It is necessary to use diversified methodologies to boost language learning and study of the language. The practice of this discipline has been done in a mechanical and traditional way. Monotonous and repetitive classes, outside the real contexts of students, in addition to the demotivation by teachers and students and the attempt to teach matters irrelevant to educational education, which compromise the acquisition of the contents of the discipline (CARVALHO, 2014).

It is possible to make English classes something pleasurable for students, working content that will be intertextualized with real situations of the daily lives of students and society, showing how English is inserted in everyday life and develop self-confidence to students to believe in the ability to learn. It is necessary to eliminate the resistance of children and adolescents to the acquisition of a language, in order to make aware that English gives access to science, modern technology, intercultural communication and the business world in the near future.

In relation to learning, it is possible to say that learning a language "revives internal development processes that only happen when the person interacts with other individuals" (OLIVEIRA, 1993, p. 33). One of the reasons for teaching the English language to the EJA derives from the cream curiosity they have, and this is a huge motivating factor that, in turn, is fundamental to learning.

Thus, as Chaguri (2005) asserts, LI classes for eja, young people and children need to be playful and dynamic, so that they feel attracted to learning a second language that is not the mother tongue. Thus, to teach the English language, at first, it is not necessary to excel in perfection, correct pronunciation, impeccable translation, however, one should encourage the student to seek to express himself in li without fear. One of the essential factors that one should have is when it comes to working with any LE is vocabulary, which needs to be learned by working with the use of objects as a reference or, can be used to the representation of audiovisual material (slides, date show). To improve pronunciation, the use of CD's is indicated, in which the student listens to a native of the language when necessary.

The educator, in this context, needs to explain his classes, giving the subject in an attractive and meaningful way for a certain age group and adequacy of the series, employing the use of educational games, videos, music, among other didactic instruments and methodologies that will help in fixing the content. Brown (2001) conceives the thesis that li must teach LI from an early age to children, as they should be focused on initiating learning a foreign language, because the sooner they are exposed to a word for a longer time, the greater the retention of this word; soon the researcher believes that the sooner the young person engages in the learning process of a second language, the sooner he will assimilate this new vocabulary. In the EJA, young people who have never seen this language before feel it difficult to learn it.

As LI is presented through relaxed classes with playful activities, EJA students are encouraged to develop a greater concentration capacity. It is up to the educator to give quality to the teaching-learning process, developing innovative teaching practices (NUNES, 2004). However, the educator should not base his classes, only on repetitive grammatical theories, since the student needs to learn a Foreign Language – LE more dynamic, becoming more motivated to learn English.

Finally, according to Chaguri (2005), learning language other than maternal, needs to start, in the initial series, whenever the possibility occurs, this being a right that should not be neglected to any child, because it begins to have understanding skills and skills that must be developed within the course of their school period. Thus, when young people assimilate faster, learning a LE.

Thus, when teaching LI in the EJA, the student, even without knowledge, a priori, gradually learns to communicate, in various environments, including outside their school context. The mediator of this learning, the educator, is empowering this student so that he can interact satisfactorily to society in an influential and transformative way, to build a new identity and a new mentality.


There were vast experiences gained in the english language field research, which had a homogeneous target audience, the eJA students of the João Mendonça Municipal School. The experience was relevant and pleasurable, since much is learned from the other, because with the interaction and affection existing between student/teacher, learning took place significantly. Pedagogical praxis is the one that has brought more teaching, because it comes out of abstractionism and begins to work on concrete, since experiencing new experiences with students, one learns in practice, even more so than with programmatic theories and contents.

At the first moment, the class was diagnosed, through activities and questions, to reveal the degree of development. This procedure extended in the form of procedural and continuous evaluation during the research period, serving as a way to develop in students, the skills of reading, writing numbers and production of small dialogues and drawings IN language english. The evaluation took place in an oral and written way. The first activity was performed from the hearing of small dialogues and repetition of them, and later, drawings of numbers, with the making of names, made individually. Through these activities, there was the possibility of training the students' ability and their prior knowledge. Some difficulties were noticeable in students who already had problems with the Portuguese language and, therefore, more difficulty in assimilating the English language and varied according to the complexity of each period and the level of skill of each period Individual.


Through the texts proposed in the first quarter, the four main English language skills were worked that are: oral considerations – which were emphasized at the time the dialogue was being heard in the sound box for students to be assimilating some words of dialogue and were able to interpret them; speaks – developed at the time when questions were asked about the text the students heard; writing – skill developed at the time of the activities of the adopted textbook; and reading – developed with the very text that has been studied. Collective participation in this case is fundamental for enthusiasm to be present during reading facilitating learning. And the activities were successfully carried out by the young people of the EJA.

Methodologies were applied in the classes taught that brought the content closer to reality so that the practice was understood by the apprentice. And as an example, one can mention the teaching of the verb "there to be", in which objects of the students themselves were used. In the same methodology, they learned two grammar contents, the aforementioned verb and some prepositions – "There is a pencil on the table" – without the worry of decorating content, just practicing them. And so they did with other objects and in other situations. In applying the ordinal numbers from 1st to 20th, after they followed the "listening" and repeated, formed a queue and each according to the order said, "I am the first", "I am the second", among others. Thus, they assimilated the content and had greater ease in applying it in everyday life. For, according to Bordenave and Pereira (2008), the secret of good teaching is the enthusiasm of the teacher who comes from his love of science and students. Enthusiasm to be channeled through planning and methodologies aimed at encouraging the enthusiasm of students, for better learning.

In the development of the study, intertextuality was used to seek elements of everyday life that could be introduced creatively in the context of the subjects that were being worked. And the elements used were objects, words, neologisms, songs, including the music in which they learned the alphabet. The goal was that, in this way, students' curiosity to try to discover the meanings of the proposed terms and words would be awakened. […]" while increasing the knowledge of the mother tongue, in the case of Portuguese, through comparisons with the foreign language at various levels "[…] (PCN, 1999, p. 61).

Then the text "What's this!", was worked out, where students trained the pronunciation answering the teacher's questions. The ability to understand was also worked, because the texts were placed for students to listen and from there to develop the interpretation. The students were led to identify the interrogative word "what…?", used when one wants to know about a particular object. From this proposed theme, some folders of tourism agencies in the city were presented to students to get to know names of places and sights. Always resuming the proposed objective of the research that was to awaken in students to the importance of learning English since it is inserted in society in an increasingly natural way.

Also in the first quarter was worked the text with the theme "I'm from New York!", in which it was used again, the same strategy of the previous text with regard to interpretation in listening activity and pronunciation. Through the questions, the students identified the basic verbal forms of the unit, in this case present tense as corresponding contractions.

A tour of the class was proposed around the school to induce the training of orality in the answers to the questions asked by the teacher about what each person was doing, since it is important for the development of oral communicative ability in English language.

It is important to highlight that, throughout the unit, dynamic, collective and individual activities were developed, in which several methodologies were used, including with the use of students' objects for fixation and memorization. Games and songs were used to learn the pronunciation, listening to the voice of a native Of the English language. And magazines and newspapers were used observing the English language contained in these objects for the understanding of the written language, focused on the theme proposed in the research, so that the result was satisfactory. The resources and materials used were: xerox, craft paper, cardboard, cardboard, rope, Minysistem, hydrocor, glue, crayons, magazine, newspaper, durex, scissors, ruler, Cd's, date show, slides.


The students of the João Mendonça Municipal School realized, at the end of the research, the importance of the mastery of the English language today, in many fields. In an increasingly borderless world, communicating is essential, being there, the key to success in professional life, in studies and even in leisure hours. The English language is spoken and studied worldwide by some 800 million people, and quickly became the "lingua franca" – the common language – of international communications. Knowing English, the person can communicate anywhere in the world.

Due to the fact that the English language has become a language increasingly inserted in the daily lives of children, adolescents, young people and adults it was necessary to search for knowledge, speech and understanding of the "basic" of this language in school under study, to awaken in EJA students, the desire to learn a foreign language through readings, discussions, teachings and reflections in the classroom.

These studies were aimed at EJA students with the objective of demonstrating the importance of English in their lives and the frequency of their use on a daily basis, as well as this idea should be worked, as soon as possible, in their daily life, since today everyone has contact with is fast with the modern world, through the internet, when listening to english language music, going to the movies, shopping in a shopping mall or super market.

The objectives of this work were achieved, because the research carried out provided students with conditions so that they could practice and express themselves in a foreign language, stimulating activities that promoted the experience of the English language inside and outside the english language teaching, offering the student oral and written conditions so that he could use it, in his daily life, improving the linguistic knowledge already internalized; as well as helping to develop in students, the ability to communicate in English, within the context of programmatic content, in order to develop logical reasoning, self-criticism, in relation to the understanding of the world, in the socio-political context and so that they can reflect on the role of the English language in today's world.

It is interesting to note that this work was planned to observe that in public school with EJA students one can also learn English qualitatively. At the end of the research, almost all succeeded. Some who already had difficulty in their mother tongue also presented initial difficulties, but were circumvented, since audiovisual resources were used to facilitate learning. It was evidenced the effective participation of all in the works and activities, which enabled them to recognize in spoken and written forms, the ideas and contents seen in English in the unit.

It was noticeable that students came into contact with the universe and the culture that the foreign language represents, with possibilities of analogies and enriching differentiations of their experience; and were interested in reading books, magazines, songs, as well as getting used to consulting dictionaries and reference books; and the EJA student came to know and use the English language as an instrument of access to information and other cultures and social groups. The result achieved with the students was satisfactory, since the class, in almost its entirety, managed to achieve a significant learning.


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[1]Master of Education (Grendal University). Specialist in English Language (FERLAGOS). EJA Specialist (FAP). Specialist in Teaching Of Higher Education (FAP). Specialist in Media in Education (UESB). Graduated in Portuguese and English Letters and Literatures (UNEB).

Enviado: Junho, 2019.

Aprovado: Julho, 2019.


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Jaqueline Fernandes Borel

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