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Technological and Vocational Education Center-Cetep: a reflection on the conditions of Admission, Residence and labour market Insertion in São José De Ubá

RC: 3759
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PAVAN, Fabiana Cruz [1]

PAVAN, Fabiana Cruz. Vocational technology education center – CETEP: A reflection on the conditions of admission, residence and labour market insertion in São José de Ubá. Multidisciplinary Core Scientific knowledge magazine, year 1, vol. 7, p. 37-51. August 2016. ISSN:2448-0959


In the present work, it is observed that the teachers and educational managers who act in CETEP have specific training. However, among the students, most of them got more than 10 (ten) years without studying and have between 15 to 25 years.  The methodology used meets students and enhances their knowledge and to ensure the interdisciplinary teachers guide for program course plan deployment of such Educational courses. The resumes are agile and flexible to meet the needs of the worker in short time. The goal of the professional qualification courses is CETEP meet the needs of citizens in line with the world of work, promoting social inclusion. Its mission is to promote quality education, giving opportunity for personal fulfillment, contributing to the development of young people and adults in the inclusion in the world of work through Professional education. Ends by concluding that the limits determine the possibilities for social inclusion and walks for the construction of a public policy in its entirety.

Keywords: education technology. Professional Qualification. Job.


The present work had as object of study qualify for the job, today became a central goal in search of good professionals and similarly in the industrial area, and for the productivity of the country. Updated and qualified professionals is what justifies the economy, making it a safe country; for this reason you cannot currently be the same kind of professional, requiring constant recycling and improvement in its area of operation; The need overrides in the globalized world compels to seek placement and eligibility for professional performance.

In this paper we discuss about the reality and the prospects it takes to search the CETEP unit, because that way we will be able to analyze vocational education and the responses from the public, as it will be possible to realize the impact that this institution causes in the city and in the local economy.

The literature review will be discussed, based on the study important themes, such as: inequality in our society, technological innovations, production process, emancipating education; These themes authors such as: Saviani, Frigotto, Triviños, Freire and others discuss the search for a vocational qualification based on educating for life, thus, it became possible to connect the objective proposed in this research with the studied unit, where he approached the standards and management of courses, with its nature and purpose, organizational structure, educational structure and all the landmarks that underpin the functioning of the institution.

The analysis and discussion of the results it is possible to understand how the data are analyzed with the research, which presents a reflection on the conditions for entry, stay and work in the city market, understood in the context of brazilian contemporary capitalist society, about the categories education, technology and work.

Note If the student at the end of the course is in line with the professional reality required by companies and what opportunities there are professionals in the city and region.  Point out ways by which is disclosed the inscriptions of the courses being the path to entry in school, as well as the conditions for their stay in the course, identifying the reason why students drop out of school and what are the opportunities that will be achieved in the future.


To build a fairer society, it is necessary for the teacher to be reflective and take into account the reality in which students are entered.

In this sense, education is a process of construction and reconstruction of social processes, providing a critical consciousness of the various actors involved in this universe-educational society.

Design education as a dialectical process, in which it is essential the participation of all the actors involved, so that the dialogue between these and politics and pedagogically, indispensable. All teach participants in the educational process and to learn to be midiatizado educational space.

Freire (1996, p. 23), defines some criteria to the teach Act: “there is no teaching without discência”, “teaching is not transferring knowledge” and “teaching is a human specificity”.

To the author’s reciprocal learning between students and faculty.

To carry out this case study was adopted, by a dialectical epistemological consider it best to explain the phenomenon.

Dialectical materialism is important for social practice, because depending on the society and culture, they are shaped by the environment. Through its history the individual accumulates knowledge, in this sense, transforms the social practice in accumulated knowledge. Being the social practice an action constituted by consciousness reflecting the material reality.

Category social practice is the most important of dialectical materialism. Is next to the categories of matter, consciousness and contradictions. That is the category of social practice? Is the accumulated knowledge by humans through its history. In this sense, the social practice is, on the one hand, action, practice, and on the other hand, the concept of this practice which took place in the world of materials and phenomena that has been developed by the consciousness that has the ability to reflect this material reality. In this sense, Triviños (1987, p. 129), States:

The qualitative research of historical-structural type, dialectic, part of the product description and try to capture not only the appearance of the phenomenon, as well as their essence. The search, however, the causes of his existence, trying to explain their origin, their relationships, their changes and strives to Intuit the consequences that will have for human life.

The semi-structured interview allows the researcher to describe the social phenomena, their explanation and understanding of the subject researched.

Still, according to Triviños (2007) the approach of the problem specifies the theoretical foundation in research. And it is important to point out the construction requirements of the[…] problem: “whatever the theoretical perspective to guide the work of the investigator, the precision and clarity are basic obligations[…]”. For example, when you search work with the theoretical approach it is important that the positivist problem is explicitly the relationship between phenomena (TRIVIÑOS, 2007, p. 96).

In this sense, Nunes (2003) emphasizes the need for cooperation. The teacher how to be social when committed to his work is transformative agent of society. On the dialectical understanding, Mészaro, (2004, p. 546), reports:

Without this, the working classes of the advanced capitalist countries will not be able to become “aware of their interests”, much less “fight for them” in solidarity and spirit of effective cooperation with the working classes of the “other” parts of the only real world-until a positive conclusion.

The challenge of vocational training is the lack of training. Workers, often unemployed due to competitiveness.

In that sense, the approach of work and unemployment remains. It is necessary that the formal and informal activities is the responsibility of the individual in a constant education.

Second Hirata, companies select employees according to their training, which is the responsibility of each person.

The job market has been seeking professionals, providing people the constant search for professional training as Gallart.

According to Gadotti, a professor researcher, that is open to change and to give meaning to the learning of the students, the inextricably linked to research.

Second Gadotti, professor at teaching your classroom, must transmit it with love, with flexibility, with dynamism and should have dominion over the students. Teaching and research, to Gadotti, walk together, taking into account that the student and the teacher learn each other.

The possessions acquired during the evolution of the human being, these cultural goods or materials are grounds for a democratic society. “Therefore, the right to education is recognized and enshrined in the legislation of practically all countries and, particularly, by the Convention of children’s rights at the United Nations” (GADOTTI, 2005, p. 1).

Gadotti to educational education emphasizes vestments on formal education and informal education.

Gadotti (2005, p. 2) defines the non-formal education, “All educational activity organized, systematic, performed outside the framework of the formal system to offer selected types of teaching certain subgroups of the population”.

For every formal education Gadotti is not too formal, because formal education can happen outside the classroom, in the community, without regularization and formalities. Making class more relaxed and informal. Gadotti reports that both the formal education as the formal not have activities organized and systematic.


According to the Decree No. D.O.U. 43,477/12, is established the Centre for technological education and training, as it publishes:

DECREE N° 43,477 of 16 February 2012, imposing, without an increase in expenditure, the vocational and technological education center-CETEP/São José de Ubá FAETEC and other matters.

The Governor of the State of Rio de Janeiro, with use of their legal duties, with a view, in the administrative procedure n° E26/42793/2011.

DECREES: Art. 1°-Is established, without increasing costs, the Vocational and technological education center-CETEP, who works in the building located at Rua Hemengardo Ramos Vasquez, s/n, centro, in the municipality of São José de Ubá/RJ.

Art. 2nd-the Technological and Vocational Education Centre-CETEP will work with the structure of the Foundation to support technical school-FAETEC, according to the provisions of Decree No. 22,011 of 09 February 1997, Decree No. 23,644-of 23 October 1997 and Decree No. 26,069, 14 March 2000.

Art. 3-the Foundation of support for the technical school – FAETEC will adopt the measures necessary for the performance of this Decree.

Article 4-this Decree shall enter into force on the date of its publication, repealed the provisions to the contrary.

Rio de Janeiro, 12 February 2012-Sergio Cabral/Governor (2012).

According to the rules and management of courses, the FAETEC imbued with the responsibility of building a quality education of FIC, through courses and classroom activities or semipresenciais, and in the use of their legal duties as law No. 11,741/2008, p. 4 and recital:

  • The training for the job requires higher levels of qualification, not being reduced to the mere learning of some technical skills;
  • Provision of short courses, worker-oriented job opportunities must be associated with the promotion of increasing levels of schooling;
  • That education cannot be conceived only as teaching mode, but must provide continuing education, which pervades the life of the worker

Resolves: Art. 2 teaching Units, can offer in addition to professional qualification courses, instrumental courses (languages and computers), as well as physical activities – cultural, artistic and sports since presenting specific spaces for this offer. (BRAZIL, 2008).

The teaching units work out educational projects in conjunction with the local community.

The qualified work cannot be reduced to mechanical skills. The courses held in short periods are associated with the educational growth, surpassing the citizen’s life for a quality education.

School units are installed in appropriate spaces and offer professional qualification and instrumental courses. And, in partnership with the community, shall draw up their projects.

The FIC courses refer to courses of Initial and continuing Training open to community goals and purposes to provide people an education professional, as articles 6°, in its entirety:

Article 6 Professional education has for objectives:

  • Promote the insertion in the world of work;
  • Provide training of professionals able to exercise specific activities;
  • Specialize, refine and update the worker in his technological expertise;
  • Qualify and re-qualify youngsters and/or adults with schooling and the minimum age set for each course, aiming at better performance in carrying out the work;

Make sure the courses, when structured in steps, enabling to obtain partial certificates of professional qualification, completion of the steps successfully. (BRAZIL, 2008, p. 5).

Refers to instrumental courses, computer and language courses offered to students with at least 15 years and elementary education completed, as goals and purposes contained in article 13, p. 7:

Article 13 instrumental courses aim to enlarge the opportunities for vocational training, constituting important tools for the professional qualification. Include the language and computer courses.

I-language courses seeking the development of the four language skills of oral and written comprehension and production, through the use of specific communicative tasks in order that the language can be used in real communication situations. (BRAZIL, 2008).

This modality is aimed at inserting the individual at work, empowering it with appropriate resources and adding value to their training.


Curricula, course plans, the syllabus covered obey the pedagogical structure according to the teachers and administrators that are developed in conjunction with the Board, as articles 56 to 58, described in full, in verbis:

ART. 56 curricula, translated by curricular structures, courses will be developed by the Technical and pedagogical Coordinators, in partnership with the pedagogical team and the teachers of the teaching Units.

Art. 57 The travel plans should contain: the technological axis mode, the profile of the ticket, the skills and basic skills, the curricular structure, the syllabus, admission requirements, the minimum number of students per class and the assessment criteria, according to the guidelines laid down in the technical and pedagogical coordinators and the legislation in force.

Art. 58 The syllabus must be geared to the pursuit of solving problems of everyday life, with the aim of achieving specific needs and professional profile. (BRAZIL, 2008, p. 26).

The students ‘ evaluation of the training courses and the courses adhere to instruments and criteria performance, attitude and behaviour, attendance and results of formal evaluations, through the following criteria:

The systematic assessment of student is made according to the utilization and performance, through the following instruments:

The student will be assessed through the following instruments:

  • Theoretical proof;
  • Practical test;
  • Qualitative assessment/formativa;
  • Evaluation of ambiance (exclusive to the FIC courses courses)

The qualitative assessment by attitudes and behaviors is below:

The student will be evaluated considering:

  • Personal presentation;
  • Punctuality;
  • Professional ethics;
  • Respect to professor and colleagues;
  • Teamwork;
  • Ability of expression and seizure of the contents;
  • Participation in the proposed activities.

For approval of students attendance is required, minimum hours established in regard to the duration of each course, and used the knowledge acquired in your reality:

  • Frequency of 75% of the classes scheduled for the course;
  • The computed will be lecture/recital time given.

The evaluation is considered to be an instrument used in considering the time and the length of time involved with the knowledge brought by the student.


The selective processes of FIC and instruments are performed by electronic lottery.

On registration applicants must perform through the electronic address or meet the criteria in article 78, p. 31:

Art. 78 entries will be carried out through choosing the courses of interest, agree e-mail address, obeying the days provided for in dates prepared by the Board.

  • 1° To apply, the candidate must Access the e-mail address, following the reported requirements, and fill in the requested fields.
  • 2° the inscription to fill the vacancies of interest will apply on unrestricted acceptance of the conditions laid down in the rules of registration, not fitting the applicant any feature later.
  • 3° registration is free.
  • 4° the read and agree with the terms of the rules, and at the end of the inscription, it is recommended to print the voucher with the registration number. (BRAZIL, 2008).

The draws and the dissemination of results are carried out online form and the registration is performed effectively in the school unit, following days and times reported at the time of registration. Vacancies shall be filled by obeying the relation of subscribers that were drawn.

The plates will be made by some criteria, according to article 80 in full:

Art. 80° the candidate registration will obey DRAWN to calendar registration standards informed.

  • 1° free registration in any nature.
  • 2° Only students drawn, that prove the attendance to the prerequisites of schooling and age required, can effect the registration process.
  • 3° the effectuation of registration is subject to the presentation of the documentation required in the standards. Thus, the information provided in the Registration Act will be considered as CANCELLED for failing to meet the requirements of admission required.
  • 4° the applicant should attend the registration site (in the case of a minor must be accompanied by your responsible), and submit the documents proving the information provided in the application. (BRAZIL, 2008).

After the end of the plates drawn should the units for clarification of idle slots.

Students may request its transfer to the school unit criteria according to criteria mentioned in article 86, p. 35:

Art. 86° students transfer to another unit is subject to the availability of parking space on the same course and/or activity, after analysis of the situation of the student and the educational supervision assent of the destination drive.

Single paragraph: If there is no place on the course and/or activity to which the student intends to transfer, it must stay the course and/or activity of origin until it can be transferred. (BRAZIL, 2008).

Students may request your certificate at the end of the course, according to the criteria mentioned in article 87, p. 35:

Art. 87° course completion certificates must contain the load time of the course, the syllabus of the curricular components and should be signed by the Coordinator of the unit and the educational supervisor. (BRAZIL, 2008).

School units with permission of DIF provide certificates to students who have completed the courses successfully.


The development of skills has been causing controversy to education professionals with regards to educate for work. It is observed that a large and comprehensive change comes occurrence in traditional paradigms of vocational education. This is the new professional skills, being the occupation specific technical qualification if integrated with those of the General type (logic, mathematics, language, cultural, etc.).

ECLAC States that to have a more efficient work is necessary to improve, reorganize and provide people with daily training job conditions, offer training according to the needs of society and to prepare the individual to assume responsibilities in your life as a citizen.

These proposals lead to a discussion about the development of professional education.

Because of the impossibility of offering technologies in some companies, the employee is unable to adapt to the technological world, generating an inefficiency in the productive sector.

The characteristics of the work each worker has its function to be performed within their occupation, but should have in addition to the specific technical qualifications needed to perform this job, adapting educational competence level.

Began to be traced in Brazil to achieve professional skills the “new” legislation, in force since the end of the 20th century, which establishes the guidelines and bases for national education.

The skills-based education, as well as all new generates controversy, some educators are reluctant in accepting changes, but most adapt to new situation, boosting the real learning.

Based on this context, some themes that play great disputed are evidenced in the middle in recent years educational setting teaching skills. Will be required of the professional a solid basic education as a broader, comprehensive professional education and versatile.

Professional education and basic education have verification needs of curricula, as is required of workers autonomy, ability to understand and solve problems of entrepreneurial way.

The construction and reconstruction of methodological content are made using techniques, as the ability of each student. It takes into account a direction sensitive and reflective. Thus, the educational practice is consolidated with respect to the benefit of the community.

In this sense, the evaluation is transforming, aiding the learning process and disregarding as a factor of disapproval. It takes into consideration the qualitative performance of the student.

It is believed that theoretical and practical knowledge represent a basis for practice in vocational training, observing the guiding technical capabilities in order to understand the needs of the work contributing pedagogically with autonomy and competence through situations that overlap the school daily.

For Perrenoud, (2000 apud FROGUEL, 2003) States: “human beings do not live all the same situations and skills must be adapted to your world”, “live in theorizes Perrenoud jungle of cities requires mastering some of them; in other virgin forest. Similarly, the poor have different problems from the rich to solve “.

Experience in the ability to mobilize to formulate and put into action values, knowledge and skills needed for the effective and efficient execution of work activity.

It can be said that professional competence is to articulate, mobilize values, knowledge and skills in the resolution of problems in daily life, but also in their professional performance. Thus, transforming the experience in developing a habit and processing performance and creative.

The production obtained through changes, provide a link between labour and capital. To this end, it is necessary that the company worry about an efficient execution.

According to Hirata (1996), the professional competence allows pay attention primarily to the person, and not for the job, enabling cooperation in production.

For professional skills is necessary to provide conditions of work, to which the employee can maintain their productive activities and socioeconomic context.

Is of fundamental importance for the functioning of the Government’s skills model, companies and workers develop their role, to which the proposed objectives for this new way of teaching. This requires the involvement of the whole society, because each sector plays a different role in national system of occupational skills. The school must raise awareness about citizenship, as NCPs’s-cross-cutting issues, (1998, p. 17).

The society is composed of individuals who often unaware of their rights.

The starting point for obtaining good results and productivity which features a full worker, a true citizen who have in their hands the future of the world of work that is propelling the country spring. Finally, training on skills points to good results and performance.


This academic research proposal aimed to analyze the General technological education and training of CETEP. And precisely on this reflection that involve categories Work, education, whose research line typified the CETEP-Technological and Vocational Education Center, in the world of work, its principles, its theoretical conceptions wrote, understood in the context of brazilian contemporary capitalist society and reflection between professional and education work.

About the theoretical framework presented, the CETEP was built in the year 2011, and the writings published between 2012 and 2014 are sufficient for evaluation of brainstorm, which invalidates the theoretical Foundation addressed in this research. Before the fact, theoretical was covering other categories in addition to education, such as: education, work, ethics, citizenship, entrepreneurship and others who do not distance themselves from the vision of policy makers of the CETEP, on our own vision.


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[1] Teacher in São José de Ubá, master in education.

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