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The importance of digital inclusion in the educational system

RC: 107562
405 Readings
5/5 - (2 votes)
DOI: 10.32749/



SILVA, Dijandira Francisca Ferreira da [1], OLIVEIRA, Regis Flávio Varela de [2]

SILVA, Dijandira Francisca Ferreira da. OLIVEIRA, Regis Flávio Varela de. The importance of digital inclusion in the educational system. Revista Científica Multidisciplinar Núcleo do Conhecimento. Year. 07, Ed. 02, Vol. 01, pp. 69-78. February 2022. ISSN: 2448-0959, Access link:, DOI: 10.32749/


Technologies play an important role in the educational system. Being a working partner in education, they collaborate in the appropriation of knowledge, considering that knowledge is unfinished and there is always something new to learn. It is known that ensuring access to knowledge is the role of the school, which should democratize the existing cultural heritage. In view of this, the school, through digital inclusion, can empower more critical citizens, thinking and prepared to face the social challenges of life. In this way, digital inclusion brings great benefits in the aspect of the education and learning system. In this context, this article aims to answer: What is the importance of digital inclusion in education? The aim of the research is to reflect on the importance of digital inclusion in the educational system. Having as bibliographic methodology, based on different authors, who deal with the theme studied. The results showed that too much information supply can cause non-systematized knowledge, and the school is responsible for the systematization of this knowledge. Therefore, education and technologies need to go together for the expansion and organization of knowledge. It was also concluded that in the information age it is essential to use information technologies in the construction of knowledge, to meet the current needs of students, in the midst of technological advances. Being of fundamental importance the inclusion of technologies in education for a meaningful learning and narrowing of information among students, for the increase of skills and social development.

Keywords: Education; technology; teaching; learning.


The inclusion of technologies in the educational system is of fundamental importance, since the world is constantly changing and the digital age is a reality of individuals in the process of learning in education (LIBÂNEO, 2000; 2007; LEVY, 1993).

Technological advances have taken place in society. The inclusion of this knowledge has become increasingly necessary in people’s daily lives, especially in schools, so that knowledge is used and improved.

Through the situations and experiences lived by each individual, throughout his life, education develops. Therefore, education prepares the individual for life, as Freire (1991) states. Therefore, we feel the need for digital inclusion in schools, as a way to sustain and improve these knowledge arising over time.

In the digital age and from the perspective of the new, technologies bring important collaborations to pedagogical practice and the educational system, demonstrating the importance of updating knowledge to accompany society in its constant changes.

In this context, this article has as its main question: What is the importance of digital inclusion in education? Digital inclusion harmonizes a playful and dynamic space in student learning, facilitating the teaching and learning process.

Schools have the role of training life-directed students, and technologies can be allied in this active learning process, since they are responsible for a great source of knowledge that, if used systematically, can bring great benefits to society.

Therefore, the aim of this article is to reflect on the importance of digital inclusion in the educational system. With the specific objectives of studying: education and information technologies; teaching in the digital age and technological inclusion in the learning process.

For this, the methodology was adopted as a bibliographic research, based on different authors, who deal with the theme studied.


Education plays an important role in society. In addition to transmitting knowledge, she is committed to the formation of citizens, preparing students for life. This comes from the promotion of socio-educational development and better access to information, and the use of technology is a fundamental factor in school interaction.

Lévy (1993) states that technologies need to be inserted in the school environment, since they play a fundamental role in establishing the intellectual and space-time references of society.

The inclusion of technologies in schools brings changes and increments to knowledge. When individuals have access to digital knowledge, they learn from the knowledge of the other and share different learnings, occurring networks of interactions and experiences, thus interfering in people’s development.

Libâneo (2000) states that the school should enable the inclusion of technologies in the classrooms in order to improve the communication and significant knowledge of culture and science among the agents of teaching and student action.

Therefore, the interaction between education and technologies is of paramount importance for learning, both of students and teachers, who learn by teaching and sharing knowledge.

Ries; Rocha and Silva (2020) present that the act of teaching and learning promotes the rethinking of pedagogical practice and the face of challenges in a co-responsible way in the construction of teaching and learning. Demonstrating that new educational strategies need to be linked to the goals to be met.

Inserting technologies in the school environment is to seek new teaching strategies, aiming at a better education. It is essential that education reflects and works with teachers and students digital inclusion in a positive and systematized way, so that knowledge will be satisfactory and profitable. Technology complements the knowledge of those involved in educational practice, bringing benefits to learning.


Teaching in the digital age is a challenge. Therefore, proposing differentiated strategies using information technologies as allies of education is an effective method for the teaching and learning process. It is verified that digital inclusion has become a necessity in the classrooms, because, in addition to dealing with real students’ issues, it makes the class more challenging, reflective, practical and dynamic.

Para educar na era da informação ou na sociedade do conhecimento é necessário extrapolar as questões de didática, dos métodos de ensino, dos conteúdos curriculares, para poder encontrar caminhos mais adequados e congruentes com o momento histórico em que estamos vivendo. (MORAES, 1999, p. 27).

In this context, the use of technologies as a pedagogical tool needs to be based on planned pedagogical suggestions based on understandings that allow the applicability of innovative technologies that enhance the teaching process and make the class more attractive, interactive and systematized, contributing to a proactive teaching process.

Pereira (2009) states that educational practice is a social activity, which aims at teaching knowledge, both scientific and cultural. Being an exercise that works the social reality of the individual. Therefore, the inclusion of technologies in schools is of fundamental importance, assisting in the teaching process, which brings great benefits to education, as these help in the process of assimilation of students from the contents worked in the classroom and involve knowledge in a practical and dynamic way.

Given the information age, where technologies have become a fundamental instrument in the teaching and learning process, it is necessary, therefore, that schools reinvent themselves and include them in their school planning, because inclusion only happens in fact, as possibilities are thought and reality studied, in addition to executing educational practice.

Com o crescente desenvolvimento tecnológico, vivemos uma civilização em tempos de mudança, na qual os meios de comunicação social tornaram-se onipresentes, determinando cada vez mais comportamentos, atitudes, valores e estilos de vida. Imersos em um universo audiovisual, cada vez mais complexo, crianças e jovens devem assimilar e reacomodar seus códigos comunicacionais para captar o ritmo vertiginoso e as mudanças que a realidade lhes impõe. (PACHECO, 1991, p. 09).

Society is constantly changing and, in the eager to seek answers, seek sources of knowledge to keep pace with the current generation, technologies are an important instrument of knowledge, contributing to the emergence of a new educational model with the inclusion of these.

The accessibility of information and the constant directions of knowledge change the structures of the organization and functioning of the education system. Bringing educational institutions challenges, not only in order to include new technologies in their teaching contents and recognize students’ perceptions about them, but also in order to develop, develop and evaluate pedagogical practices that generate the development of knowledge through technologies. Therefore, for the coherent use of digital tools, which in some cases are not understood by most students and teachers in a coherent and systematized way, it is necessary that the teacher is familiar with the technologies, to teach and, the students, are willing to learn how to use these tools in favor of science.

According to Valente (2011), teaching and learning need to be related to the current social reality, looking at the information that must be accessed and the knowledge that needs to be built by the student.

Given the needs of today’s society, it is necessary to include technologies in the school environment, as they have become a device for acquiring knowledge, requiring a new critical look of the educational system, which needs to understand the social reality of the individual in the digital age and create strategies to accompany these changes, understanding that new technologies open new possibilities in education, demanding a new posture of the teacher.


The school plays essential roles in society. It has the function of socializing and democratizing access to knowledge and promoting the moral and ethical construction of students, promoting the formation of critical individuals, contributing to a personal and social transformation, enabling digital inclusion in order to favor the learning of students.

Libâneo (2007) states that those involved in the learning process cannot ignore the presence of technologies, knowing their importance in the classroom and in the construction of knowledge.

Technologies have been a necessity in schools. As society improves, new knowledge and different tools emerge to aid the learning process.

According to Neto (2017), constant digital modernizations have a great influence on society. Their inclusion in the process of appropriation of knowledge is essential.

Education in today’s world tends to be technological, so it requires understanding and interpretation of both teachers and students. The use of technology in the school environment, causes several feelings in relation to the attitude of teachers in the face of new challenges, be it the satisfaction of participating in a technological reality or anxiety to face new changes.

Digital inclusion in education is important because, in addition to addressing means of knowledge interactions, it facilitates and motivates the learning process, which requires inventive means and exchange of knowledge, providing the active participation of students in school activities.

Valente (1999) states that the pedagogical exercise should involve the student, the teacher, the available resources, including digital technologies, and all interactions that are established in the school environment.

For the development of students’ learning in the educational system to take place, it is necessary that there is a good educational relationship with technological resources. It is not enough to have the resources, they need to be well used to produce a consistent and organized learning.

The school is a place of resignification of the contents, promoting the interaction and approximation of ties with the community. Thus, one can understand the reality of students and seek intervention strategies by inserting technologies in the learning process. Since the current scenario is characterized by the digital age, the school cannot fail to meet the current requirements, which require digital utensils, for the benefit of the work done in the classroom.

As Cesar (2020) points out, the strategies of the public authorities must use actions that seek to reduce the risk of educational inequalities. Therefore, all students must have access to the Internet, to be connected with the world.

Therefore, access and good planning for digital inclusion in the educational system, enable contact with different cultures, sharing and multiplication of knowledge. We need to create a fairer society where everyone has access to information. Therefore, it is important that the school creates means to include technologies and that all students can participate in the construction of technological knowledge.

Valente (2003) states that information technologies create learning with interaction of various concepts, enabling expanded knowledge, with various social contributions.

Requiring accessibility and involving the seriousness of digital inclusion, it is effective for all people, covering all social classes, to have access to information and facilitations brought about by the use of technology, creating a more participatory educational space, where everyone can have access to the digital network and deepen knowledge.

New technologies need to be connected with systematized knowledge for meaningful learning. Allied to the school, they will be of great value. Therefore, interactivity needs to be done consciously and responsibly, so that students understand the technological importance and make good use of these means.


Finally, returning to the moving question: What is the importance of digital inclusion in education? It was concluded that digital inclusion is of fundamental importance in the educational system, because in addition to facilitating the search for knowledge, it stimulates the teaching and learning process, promoting the active participation of the student. Technologies in partnership with education provide a more attractive and dynamic space for teachers and students, stimulating the pleasure in building and sharing knowledge.

Education goes beyond the theoretical transmission of knowledge of curricular contents, they play an important role in the contribution of the education of students and the promotion of social transformation. Thus, using digital tools, which are already a reality of the student, assists in the organization and construction of systematic and scientific knowledge.

Given the great advances of today, it is perceived that the influence that technologies exert in the educational field, being necessary, therefore, that schools seek the implementation of digital information to improve the teaching and learning process.

With technological use it is possible to plan diversified classes for the students, offering the opportunity to learn from the new, respecting the particularities of each one. Therefore, the school is an interaction environment, which is added to the technologies, which allows the bridge between knowledge, becoming a component of cooperation and social transformations.


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[1] PhD in Educational Sciences (progress); Master’s degree in Educational Sciences; Specialization in Clinical and Institutional Psychopedagogy; Graduation in Pedagogy. ORCID: 0000-0001-5349-8197.

[2] Advisor. ORCID: 0000-0003-1556-4717.

Submitted: January, 2022.

Approved: February, 2022.

5/5 - (2 votes)
Dijandira Francisca Ferreira da Silva

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