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Depression in old age: the nurse’s contribution to the recovery of depressed elderly people in primary care

RC: 99174
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SILVA, Jardeane Santos [1], QUEIROZ, Patrícia dos Santos Silva [2], MEDEIROS, Felype Hanns Alves de [3], JUNIOR, Francisco Alves Lima [4], TOURINHO, Erika Ferreira [5]

SILVA, Jardeane Santos. Et al. Depression in old age: the nurse’s contribution to the recovery of depressed elderly people in primary care. Revista Científica Multidisciplinar Núcleo do Conhecimento. Year 06, Ed. 09, Vol. 03, pp. 27-44. September 2021. ISSN: 2448-0959, Access link:


The depressive elderly need care that goes beyond physical and biological expressions. In view of the above, the present article has as a guide question: How can nurses help in the recovery of depressive elderly? The aim of this study is to analyze in the literature the contribution of nurses to the recovery of depressive elderly in Primary Care. The present work consists of a bibliographical research developed through the Narrative Research method. To collect the data, an investigation was carried out in the databases: Virtual Health Library (VHL), Latin American Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS), Bibliographic Database Specialized in Nursing and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO). The inclusion criteria were: articles published in the period 2015 to 2021 in Portuguese. Duplicate productions and texts that were not available in full were excluded during the search. Regarding the results, it was evidenced that knowing the risk factors associated with depression and the realization of preventive strategies in the scope of primary care favors nurses strategies to ensure active aging and the promotion of mental health of the elderly population, assisting in the recovery process. It is concluded that the strategies used by nurses are of paramount importance in the patient’s recovery, because their function in the face of the depression of the elderly is based on guidance on the importance of the use of medications, clarification of doubts of this public and meeting their demands with affection and attention.

 Keywords: Elderly, Strategies, Nurse, Depression.


Through the bibliographic studies conducted, it was found that depression in the elderly has been growing in an exacerbated way, making the health network have a more attentive look with this population. The health professional, especially the nurse, plays a significant role in the life of the elderly, since it can help and help to get out of this state of depression. For this fact to occur satisfactorily, it is necessary to participate in the family in order for this depressive fight to be extinguished (DANTAS, 2018).

The role played by nurses in this scenario is of vital importance to contribute to the recovery of patients with depression, while prevention includes the involvement of health professionals and the family of the depressive elderly, and biopsychosocial and spiritual characteristics may be included (QUEIROZ, 2020).

Regardless of the economic, social, religious, affective or racial situation, any human being is subject to depression. Depression should be understood as a psychiatric syndrome of modernity. The data are that approximately 17% of the world’s population is affected by depression, being twice as high when it comes to the female population. In the USA, for example, it affects approximately 9.5% of adults per year (PEREIRA et al, 2019).

Nurses can help the patients in question to have a satisfactory quality of life, besides guiding the elderly to have a more independent life, with autonomy and helping the depressive elderly to have more self-esteem, allowing them to redeem their citizenship (QUEIROZ, 2020).

The health professional committed to his role should help the elderly to reduce the psychic suffering due to depression, preventing them from using suicide, enabling the elderly to have a better quality of life (SILVA et al, 2019).

Depression is a psychiatric syndrome that is related to character symptoms: psychological, behavioral and physical. Depression among the elderly is growing significantly, where a large part of them seek help to return to their lives (SILVA et al, 2019). In view of the above, the question is: How can nurses help in the recovery of depressive elderly?

The interest in carrying out this research arose from the fact that it knows health, more specifically primary care, and consequently realizes that cases of depression in the elderly have been growing in a frightening way in recent years. In order not to have to face the consequences, it is of fundamental importance that the patient’s anamnesis performed by the nurse be detailed, with the support of the family or caregivers.

The aim of this study is to analyze in the literature the contribution of nurses to the recovery of depressive elderly in Primary Care. And the specific ones are: identify how depression is presented in the elderly; understand the family relationship of the elderly in relation to the recovery of the depressive condition and identify the role of the nursing professional for the care and recovery of the depressive elderly.


The methodology helps the researcher to answer the questions about the theme raised, in this case, the “Depression in the Third Age”, in observance of the contribution of nurses to the recovery of depressive elderly in primary care.

The method is the path to be traveled for the research objective to be achieved. For Lakatos and Marconi (2017, p. 12) the method “is the way to be trodden by researchers in the search for knowledge”: it is the tracing of the fundamental stages of the research.

This work consists of a bibliographic research developed through the Narrative Research method. Bibliographic research is fundamental in investigation practices, because through published records, the researcher has the opportunity to find answers to existing gaps (MARCONI; LAKATOS, 2017).

On the other hand, according to Aimi (2020, p. 3), “a narrative is composed of a singular sequence of events, mental states, occurrences involving human beings as characters or authors” and adds, later on, that “it can be “real” or “imaginary” without losing its power as a story”.

To collect the data, an investigation was carried out in the databases: Virtual Health Library (VHL), Latin American Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS), Bibliographic Database Specialized in Nursing and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO). The inclusion criteria were: articles published from 2015 to 2021, in Portuguese, with themes focused on the contribution of nurses to the recovery of depressive elderly in Primary Care.

The inclusion criteria used for sample selection were: the Virtual Health Library (VHL), Latin American Literature on Health Sciences (LILACS), Medline, Bibliographic Database Specialized in Nursing and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO). The following were excluded during the search: duplicate production, editorials, letters to the editor, epidemiological bulletins.

The critical evaluation of the selected studies consisted of the full reading of these studies (prism), followed by the elaboration of tables containing year of publication and subjects of the study.

The investigation of the theme was carried out using the crossing of the keywords: Elderly. Strategies. Nurse. Depression. The inclusion criteria used for sample selection were: articles published from 2015 to 2021, language Portuguese, relationship with the theme studied. They were excluded during the search: duplicate production and not available in full.

Therefore, initially, through the search in the databases, 242 articles were found. After adding the filters, 105 items remained. After reading the titles of the articles, it was noticed that the papers that were related to the theme studied or were not repeated were 78. After reading the abstracts, 15 articles were selected that met the proposed criteria.


The final sample of this review consisted of 15 (fifteen) scientific articles, selected according to previously established inclusion criteria. Table 1 represents the specifications of each of the articles, distributed according to: year of publication; periodical; authors; title and type of search.

Table one. Articles raised for Narrative Research.

2018 Teacher Training Centre DANTAS, Isadora Leite Alves Assistência ao idoso que convive com depressão na atenção básica: revisão narrativa de literatura Literature narrative review
2020 Braz. J. of Develop FIDELIS, Jailson Alves Envelhecimento: as ações de enfermagem à idosos com depressão Bibliographic review, qualitative
2019 Interdisciplinary Research Center GUIMARÃES, Ana Paula Rodrigues A contribuição do enfermeiro na recuperação de idosos depressivos Literature review
2017 FASETE Scientific Journal LIMA, Vilne Jean Santos de Cuidados de enfermagem à pessoa com depressão atendida na atenção primária de saúde Integrative review
2020 Brazilian Journal of Development LIMA, Taciana Maria, et al Intervenções de enfermagem em idosos depressivos: uma revisão da literatura Literature review
2015 Science & Public Health MINAYO, Maria Cecília de Souza; CAVALCANTE, Fátima Gonçalves Tentativas de suicídio entre pessoas idosas: revisão de literatura (2002/2013) Literature review
2019 Lutheran University Center of Palmas MORAES, Karlla Suellen Belem Assistência de enfermagem a pacientes portadores de depressão na terceira idade Literature review
2019 Digital Nursing Magazine Care and Health Promotion PEREIRA, Brenda Roberta da Silva, et al Atuação da enfermagem frente à depressão na população idosa Integrative Review
2020 Mossoró New Hope College QUEIROZ, Antonia Fabiana Assistência de enfermagem na atenção básica a pessoa idosa com transtorno depressivo: uma revisão integrativa Integrative Review
2019 II National Congress of Human Aging SILVA, Ledilson Ribeiro da, et al Assistência de enfermagem a pessoa idosa com depressão Integrative Review
2017 Pan-AmazonIan College SILVA, Geise Rolim da; NASCIMENTO, Indianara do A assistência da enfermagem no idoso com depressão: Revisão Integrativa da Literatura Literature review
2021 Research, Society and Development SILVA, Brenda Caroline Martins da, et al Importância da identificação do diagnóstico de enfermagem ao paciente com depressão senil na atenção básica Experience report, descriptive in nature, with a qualitative approach
2018 UNISALESIANO Scientific Journal TOFANELLI, Amanda Heloisa da Cruz Figueira Sintomas depressivos em mulheres idosas: Aplicando a Escala de Depressão Geriátrica de Yesavage Exploratory and descriptive research with quantitative approach
2016 Electronic Magazine Management & Health TREVISAN, Mauro, et al O papel do enfermeiro na recuperação de idosos depressivos Literature review
2019 Northeast family health training network VERAS, Carla Nayara dos Santos Souza Conhecimento de enfermeiros sobre sintomas depressivos em idosos e instrumentos de rastreio Descriptive study with qualitative approach

Source: own authorship (2021)


The term depression was totally different from the present day. In the past, depression was called melancholy, designated symptoms or mental states, a term designated 25 centuries ago. In addition to being seen as a mental illness, it had other symptoms. Very low emotional state, is an example, where the person felt unhappy, discouraged and sad (DANTAS, 2018).

From the 17th century onwards, the definition of melancholy, together with the theoretical knowledge of psychiatry, this type of term and the conception it had in relation to depression was modified. Only in the nineteenth century, the term melancholy, was seen and perceived as partial insanity, this contribution on this new vision came from Pinel (FIDELIS, 2020).

According to Guimarães (2019), the treaty of Kraepelin in its 6th edition, the designation depression came to have the title of disease, where it was called “manic-depressive psychosis”. Throughout the 20th century, several studies were conducted to really understand the factors and how this disease presented itself. The study was intended to understand whether depression was caused by external factors or if it was a disease that the person was already born with. In addition to conducting a study aimed at understanding the terms unipolar and bipolar.

According to studies conducted by Dantas (2018), they make it clear that depression is a global ly-suffered emotion by all people in a specific period of their lives. Depression is related to the melancholic structure, where it is based on the regressions and fixations of the second oral subphase (FIDELIS, 2020).

It should be understood that depression is an affective alteration, being one of the most studied diseases and present in the 21st century. It is classified as a mood disorder, where it causes the person to modify their behaviors, besides allowing a sudden change on the vision he has of himself, that is, the depressive person can not solve his problems as simple as it is, he realizes that the problems faced are a tragedy (GUIMARÃES, 2019).

Depression is popularly known for some specific symptoms such as apathy, irritability, sadness, reduced motor speed or agitation, aggressive ideas, seclusion, insomnia, fatigue, among others. The diagnosis for its identification can be better understood when one has a good theoretical knowledge on the subject (DANTAS, 2018).

According to Lima et al (2020), in the clinical context, the term depression does not only concern the person with depressed mood, but also when a sindromic complex characterized by mood disorders, psychomotricity and a range of somatic and neurovegetative disorders is presented.

Although several studies have been conducted on the theme in question, they have not yet reached a common point to know which factors contribute to the depressive state of the person, whether these mood changes are caused by biological, social and/or psychological factors. Several studies are being conducted to reach a conclusion about depression, but before reaching the final results, it is necessary for the depressive person to seek help, such as: psychologist, psychiatrist, nurses among others to assist in their treatment (LIMA, 2017).

The elderly population has been growing significantly over the years and this causes the State and civil society itself to seek mechanisms to have a more targeted attention to this public, given that the elderly population requires careful attention, because they have more degenerative diseases, in addition to depression. This disease has reached great proportions in the elderly group, making more attention necessary so that there can be prevention and control of cases. (LIMA, 2021).

It should be understood that, as much as the elderly are more likely to develop diseases, it is important to make it clear that aging is not understood as getting sick, especially those who develop healthy life habits (MINAYO; CAVALCANTE, 2015).

According to Fidelis (2020), depression is a syndrome, it is in the elderly involves numerous aspects, such as: clinical, etiopathogenic and treatment. When treatment occurs late, it ends up associating with clinical diseases, with structural and functional abnormalities of the brain. It is for this reason that it is necessary that the treatment of depression be carried out as soon as possible, avoiding morbidity.

Depression concerns a mental illness that occurs with great frequency with the elderly, contributing to a significant increase in psychological distress. In the general population, depression has a prevalence of around 15%; in the elderly living in the community, this prevalence may still be 2 and 14% and in the elderly who are housed in institutions, the prevalence of depression reaches 30% (MORAES, 2019).

There are several factors that drive depression in the elderly, one can cite: mourning, abandonment, diseases, disabilities, among others. Depression in the elderly causes them to lose their quality of life, given that, it isolates itself from society, a factor that is paramount for the onset of clinical diseases that are considered serious (MINAYO; CAVALCANTE, 2015).

To know if the patient has depression, it is necessary to perform some steps in the diagnosis. The first is the anamnesis of the elderly, when he does not recognize the person who takes care of him or his family members. The psychiatric examination should be performed in a detailed and detailed way to know if the elderly have any characteristic of depression. Neurological evaluation is of great value in this diagnosis. The identification of medications that present their adversities, laboratory tests and neuroimaging tests (MORAES, 2019).

Depression in the elderly is more associated with physical issues, this means that when the elderly have physical dependence, they automatically lose their autonomy, where a good portion of these elderly end up being hospitalized or in asylum institutions. In many cases the symptoms of depression in the elderly are confused with their own pathology, causing them to end up ignoring depression, becoming increasingly debilitated, sometimes reaching to death (MINAYO; CAVALCANTE, 2015).

The elderly when he is depressed, he refuses to take care of him, does not feed, and does not follow the doctor’s recommendations. When it does not help in this depressive treatment, it directly implies the reduction of his immunity and thus allowing him to have more infectious processes (PEREIRA et al, 2019).

The primary objective for the treatment of depression in the elderly is to alleviate psychic suffering, causing suicide cases to decrease, in addition to allowing patients to feel good, so that they can have a quality of life. It is in this regard that nurses have a valuable role for the treatment of depression in the elderly (QUEIROZ, 2020).

It is important that health professionals, especially nurses, can know the appropriate way to identify depression. This work of identifying depression becomes more efficient when it has the participation of a multidisciplinary team, the results are more efficient. This work should be carried out in partnership so that the elderly have their quality of life (PEREIRA et al, 2019).

Nurses need to be aware of depression and its symptoms, because they need to know how to identify not only obvious suicide attempts, but also subtle and equally destructive attempts, among them is inadequate and prohibited intake of drugs, the practice of actions that go against what it really needs. The elderly who have some propensity to risk suicide need closer observation, and immediate therapy is urgent. The elderly need to be inserted in a safe environment with a professional who is actually willing to listen (MORAES, 2019).

In the course of Brazilian history, institutions have undergone changes resulting from economic, political and social dynamism. One of these institutions that has drawn the most attention is the family model. However, it remains the main cell within the constitution of society. The family is a first social nucleus that the child has contact with (QUEIROZ, 2020).

The family has a significant role to improve the depression of the elderly, it is essential that the family work in partnership with the nurse, given that, a joint work favors a productive, effective and efficient work, thus allowing the depressive elderly to a faster and more satisfactory quality of life (MINAYO; CAVALCANTE, 2015).

Nurses should be attentive to the particular needs of the depressive elderly, observing, verifying, analyzing and perceiving the difficulties, their longings, because it is from this analysis that the same should communicate the family about the observations taken and together with the multidisciplinary team to seek mechanisms to health the depression (SILVA et al, 2019).

The role of nurses is not only focused on monitoring the depressive elderly, it permeates much more than this. The nurse not only clarifies the doubts that may arise, explaining how the therapies will be, the questions of medications. It is also up to him to listen, to understand the depressive elderly. It must be a support, a support for the elderly. It is also up to him to adequately guide the family to the situation of how the patient is and what mechanisms, the supports they should use for the treatment of depression (PEREIRA et al, 2019).

Nurses need to be affective to the depressive elderly. Affectivity is one of the elements of paramount importance for the treatment of depression, especially for the elderly. It is she who provokes interest, the motivation for her recovery. The recovery of depression is constituted from the relationships of the individual with the environment, as well as the subject with the other. And in this interaction, affectivity acts as a link that has opened borders so that the most varied forms of emotions can jointly broaden and or reinforce the treatment of depression in old age (SILVA et al, 2019).

The development of the affective dimension is the foundation for human development. According to the dictionary of Philosophy (abbagnano), affectivity are positive emotions that refer to people and that do not have the dominant and totalitarian character of passion. In this sense, affectivity can be considered an emotion linked to interpersonal relationships (TOFANELLI, 2018).

When situations interfere in the affective structuring of man, it will reflect on the entire individual, that is, it will modify its intelligible efficacy, as well as its attitudes and values. Based on this understanding, it can be affirmed the importance that must be had in relation to the affective formation of the human being (SILVA et al, 2019).

In view of the above, it is perceived that affectivity is an intrinsic element to the human condition, which influences and is influenced by all the actions of the human being. When it manifests itself in a positive way, that is, when it is felt by the expression of joy, perseverance, of pleasure, it becomes an element of relevant potential in human relations, which increases the productivity of man in relation to the environment in which it is inserted (TOFANELLI, 2018).

Affectivity is the component of the action. From this perspective it is understood that affectivity is a psychic condition that from a concrete or subjective context can be altered or not. It is of paramount importance throughout the human development process (PEREIRA et al, 2019).

It is up to the nurse to coordinate, plan, supervise, the services provided by health teams. He should pay attention to the patient, in addition to doing this follow-up to know the level of evolution of the patient. It should have an open and flexible dialogue, serving patients with serenity and commitment (TREVISAN et al, 2016).

Given this new reality, the competencies of nurses are to promote interventions, which can contemplate all the longings and needs of the local population. Healing, promoting and protecting the health of the citizen is another competence of the nurse. It is important that he seeks actions, strategies in which he can promote the articulation of knowledge with experiences, so that he can assist the elderly in their cure against depression (PEREIRA et al, 2019).

The work of nurses with the depressive elderly should be focused on a human work, a differentiated look, respecting the particularities of the elderly, as well as knowing more closely the true social reality that he experiences. When the same starts to have this type of posture, it awakens in the patient the importance of welcoming and solidarity with the other and still causes there to be a development, whether in physical or emotional aspects, strengthens with regard to the recognition of the limits of the depressive elderly (TREVISAN et al, 2016).

Nurses have a commitment to society, establishing their role, and providing better care to the population. It makes us reflect that the changes must be situated with new perspectives for nursing, with changes in health policies and management (MINAYO; CAVALCANTE, 2015).

Nurses should be attentive, careful, ethical, responsible, determined, affective with the depressive elderly. Your gaze should not be classificatory, or just look at the physical aspect, it should have a human, sensitive side, needs to understand and understand the elderly, should promote an open dialogue, where it can accept suggestions, which will serve for their professional and personal growth (SILVA et al, 2019).

The family’s actions are extremely important for the treatment of depression. The family in partnership with the nurse is the primary support in which the depressive elderly need to trust to face their disease, and thus allowing the elderly to be included in the social environment (SILVA; NASCIMENTO, 2017).

The debate about how to make the family actively participate in the treatment of depression of the elderly is an issue that has drawn the attention of theorists who address the issue, as well as physicians, nurses and all who are part of the multidisciplinary team (TREVISAN et al, 2016).

This conception of the importance of the family and nurse partnership needs to be discussed and stimulated. This fight is opportune for the contribution in the process of depressive treatment of the elderly, because the interaction of the family is an open channel of rich growth possibilities for the elderly in treatment (MINAYO; CAVALCANTE, 2015).

The family appears as the main support for the depressive elderly, it provides numerous benefits to maintain the physical and mental health of the elderly, that is, it is configured as the main source of support in the treatment of medication and psychotherapeutic treatment, and consequently in the part of home care. (PEREIRA et al, 2019).

It should be understood that the family is a foundation for the depressive elderly, since it enables benefits to maintain the physical and mental health of the elderly, it is a source of support that helps the depressive elderly to have their quality of life, thus contributing to their insertion into the social environment. It is in this sense that it is up to the nurse to encourage family members to follow up on the depressive elderly, so that they can feel safer, allowing their cure to be faster (SILVA et al, 2019).

The family environment is indispensable and directly interferes with the behavior and characteristics of the elderly daily. Therefore, it is of paramount importance that the family provide a healthy environment that is not conducive to conflict and allows the elderly to participate in the decisions of the family group where they are inserted (SILVA et al, 2021).

Nurses must be trained or specialized to perform their functions efficiently and effectively, because throughout history they have been taking more and more responsibility. This qualification is necessary for the nursing professional to be prepared to question and follow daily changes, as well as to reflect on their actions, their own professional practice (TOFANELLI, 2018).

A range of change sets have raised some relevant prerequisites for the reflection of the role of nurses. Currently the main objective is the patient, because he has the right that is appropriate to him, for example, health, this results from the fact that society experiences a metamorphosis and casually the Nurse also needs to follow these transformations. For this reason, the professional has a relevant role in the Primary Care Unit, since this fight so that patients/family have a quality care and with innovation to the procedures offered to them (PEREIRA et al, 2019).

“Primary Care is a field of many possibilities for mental health, since, in this space, comprehensive and individualized care can be built for patients with psychic alterations” (VERAS, 2019, p. 57).

It is essential that nurses and all hospital staff formulate, architect their actions, appropriate new technologies, methodologies, systematize their planning, their actions aimed at the well-being of the depressive elderly (TREVISAN et al, 2016).

The qualification of the nursing professional must be continuous, because their practices undergo changes according to the advances of society. Their actions should be significant, thus contributing to the personal, emotional, social and cultural development of the depressive elderly. It has a great challenge to face, that is, to develop actions, public policies in their work environment together with other professionals (TOFANELLI, 2018).

The depressive elderly need care that goes beyond physical and biological expressions, for various reasons that involve the area of knowledge and that are part of several professions that fight for the continuity of the knowledge of hospitalized. It is in this sense that it is necessary for the nursing professional to qualify himself to know the appropriate way to guide and lead the depressive patient (TREVISAN, et al, 2016).

Nurses have to present themselves as a qualified and well-prepared professional to serve the elderly and offer more love and affection, encouraging them to personal growth and the performance of new roles that are available in society, because these attitudes can rescue their citizenship and self-valorization (TOFANELLI, 2018).

With the advances that Nursing has achieved for years, it is necessary that it has the necessary knowledge about the laws it governs, guide its area. Understanding, understanding and knowing some norms, statutes, resolutions and others, is necessary in the nurse’s praxis (VERAS, 2019).

The work of nurses should be focused on human work, a differentiated look, respecting the particularities of the depressive elderly, as well as knowing more closely the true social reality that it experiences. When nurses start to have this type of posture, the depressive elderly awaken the importance of welcoming and solidarity with the other and still causes a development, whether in physical or emotional aspects, strengthens with regard to the recognition of the limits of the elderly (TOFANELLI, 2018).

Nursing has never been an easy task, because over these years innovation was needed, advancement, opening new paths, facing great difficulties, resistance to get where they have arrived. These changes require many actions and commitments, new responsibilities, a new doing and acting (TREVISAN et al, 2016).

Nursing has been growing significantly, and is gaining more and more space in the health area. In this sense, nurses play a relevant role within basic health units, because they take care of the population, as well as health protection for civil citizens in their different dimensions. It must be increasingly decisive and proactive, to meet the demands and demands of a new society (VERAS, 2019).


From the present narrative review it was possible to perceive that aging is a physiological process through which every human being passes through. Since we are conceived we are aging, this process extends throughout the life of the individual, being more perceible around 60 years. Human aging is a natural process of vulnerabilization.

At the end of the research it was found that depression is characterized as a psychiatric syndrome involved by several factors, such as behavioral and physical psychological factors. This pathology focuses on a change in the emotional aspect that increases the morbidity and mortality rate among the elderly.

The study allowed us to elucidate the main causes of depression and that the geriatric depression scale is a simple and effective means to detect a depressive condition in the elderly. The prevailing depression has caused a significant concern among nurses because it is referring to a disease that prevents the elderly from having a better quality of life and exposing themselves to risks.

Depression in the elderly is more associated with physical issues, this means that when the elderly have physical dependence, they automatically lose their autonomy, where a good portion of these elderly end up being hospitalized or in asylum institutions. In many cases the symptoms of depression in the elderly are confused with their own pathology, causing them to put aside depression, becoming increasingly debilitated, sometimes reaching to death.

The family influences the behavior and habits of the elderly. Therefore, it is important that the family provide a quiet and cozy home where the elderly feel useful and important.

The work of nurses with the depressive elderly should be directed to a human work, a differentiated look, respecting the particularities of the elderly, as well as knowing more closely the true social reality that he experiences.

Thus, it can be concluded that the strategies used by nurses are of paramount importance in the recovery of depression in the elderly, based on guidance on the importance of the use of medications, clarification of doubts of this target audience and meeting their demands with more affection and attention. Nurses can also stimulate self-esteem and the creation of new activities of the elderly in society, encourage them in the practice of physical exercises and attend senior groups with the full support of the family where it is of paramount importance for the better restoration of their health. Thus, it is expected that this study can contribute to a better understanding of this disease that affects most of the elderly and is poorly diagnosed, but that grows every day that takes place in our society.


 AIMI, Deusodete Rita da Silva. Pesquisa narrativa: reflexões sobre produções dos últimos 14 anos. Educação em Perspectiva. Viçosa, MG v. 11 p. 1-15| e 020018|2020

DANTAS, Isadora Leite Alves. Assistência ao idoso que convive com depressão na atenção básica: revisão narrativa de literatura. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso. Cajazeiras – PB, 2018.

FIDELIS, Jailson Alves. Envelhecimento: as ações de enfermagem à idosos com depressão. Braz. J. of Develop., Curitiba, v. 6, n. 6, p. 39597-39607, jun. 2020.

GUIMARÃES, Ana Paula Rodrigues. A contribuição do enfermeiro na recuperação de idosos depressivos. Núcleo Interdisciplinar de Pesquisa. Artigo de Revisão, 2019.

LIMA, Vilne Jean Santos de. Cuidados de enfermagem à pessoa com depressão atendida na atenção primária de saúde. Revista Científica da FASETE 2017.

LIMA, Taciana Maria, et al. Intervenções de enfermagem em idosos depressivos: uma revisão da literatura. Brazilian Journal of Development, Curitiba, v.7, n.2, p. 11870-1666666633/////////1883 feb. 2020.

MARCONI, Marina; LAKATOS, Eva. Fundamentos de metodologia científica. 8. ed. São Paulo: Atlas, 2017.

MINAYO, Maria Cecília de Souza; CAVALCANTE, Fátima Gonçalves. Tentativas de suicídio entre pessoas idosas: revisão de literatura (2002/2013). Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 20(6):1751-1762, 2015.

MORAES, Karlla Suellen Belem. Assistência de enfermagem a pacientes portadoresde depressão na terceira idade. Monografia. Palmas-TO, 2019.

PEREIRA, Brenda Roberta da Silva, et al. Atuação da enfermagem frente à depressão na população idosa. Revista Enfermagem Digital Cuidado e Promoção da Saúde 4 (1) Janeiro/Junho 2019.

QUEIROZ, Antonia Fabiana. Assistência de enfermagem na atenção básica a pessoa idosa com transtorno depressivo: uma revisão integrativa. Trabalho de Pesquisa. Mossoró- RN, 2020.

SILVA, Ledilson Ribeiro da, et al. Assistência de enfermagem a pessoa idosa com depressão. II Congresso Nacional de Envelhecimento Humano. 2019.

SILVA, Geise Rolim da; NASCIMENTO, Indianara do. A assistência da enfermagem no idoso com depressão: Revisão Integrativa da Literatura. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso. Belém – PA, 2017.

SILVA, Brenda Caroline Martins da, et al. Importância da identificação do diagnóstico de enfermagem ao paciente com depressão senil na atenção básica. Research, Society and Development, v. 10, n.2, e53510212770, 2021.

TOFANELLI, Amanda Heloisa da Cruz Figueira. Sintomas depressivos em mulheres idosas: Aplicando a Escala de Depressão Geriátrica de Yesavage. Revista Científica do UNISALESIANO. Ano 9 – nº 19 – Julho/Dezembro 2018.

TREVISAN, Mauro, et al. O papel do enfermeiro na recuperação de idosos depressivos. Revista Eletrônica Gestão & Saúde. Vol.07, N°. 01, Ano 2016 p.428-40.

VERAS, Carla Nayara dos Santos Souza. Conhecimento de enfermeiros sobre sintomas depressivos em idosos e instrumentos de rastreio. Trabalho de Conclusão de Mestrado. Teresina, 2019.

[1] Student in Nursing at the University CEUMA.

[2] Teacher.

[3] Specialist in Intensive Care at FABIC and Master’s Student in Experimental Surgery at UEPA.

[4] Teacher.

[5] Teacher.

Posted: July, 2021.

Approved: September, 2021.

5/5 - (1 vote)
Jardeane Santos Silva

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