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Marketing 4.0 and the importance of communicating with the new consumer on social networks

RC: 56101
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MEDEIROS, Ariany Corrêa [1], BALDUÍNO, Maria Aparecida Canale [2]

MEDEIROS, Ariany Corrêa. BALDUÍNO, Maria Aparecida Canale. Marketing 4.0 and the importance of communication with the new consumer in social networks. Revista Científica Multidisciplinar Núcleo do Conhecimento. 04 year, Ed. 09, Vol. 01, pp. 160-175. September 2019. ISSN: 2448-0959, Access link:


The article makes a study, although initial, about Marketing 4.0 and its interference with the processes of communication with the new consumer, as a digital medium used in social networks. This study brings as intentionality to aggregate information, knowledge and the importance of this personalized digital medium, as a mediator of contemporary mass communication between company and consumer. In this apprehension, the article analyzes the importance of communication in Digital Marketing 4.0 with consumers in the social networks of prime residencial in Belém – Pará.

Keywords: Communication, marketing 4.0, market, consumer, digital media.


The studies undertaken by the field of Social Communication regarding digital media and their applicability by social networks that mediate the relationship between entrepreneurs- consumers in contemporary times have been gaining expression and enabling relationships of proximity of interests and satisfaction between market subjects. The theme of this article relates to the contents related to Digital Marketing 4.0 and the communication process in the midst of the digital platform of social networks. As well as, the object of study is justified by the proximity of the researcher in relation to the theme addressed – due to the fact of working in the area as digital marketing in social networks of the company to be studied – the study and analysis proposed in this record in constituting a current theme and in constant process of transformation in communication.

According to Thomson (1995, p. 35), “In a profound and irreversible way, the development of the media has transformed the nature of symbolic production and exchange in the modern world.” Thus, this article issues the concern of analysis, of understanding to respond to the changes and adaptations necessary before the continuous process of transformations in marketcommunicative relations in contemporary times.

The study in its specificity will turn to analyze and apprehend the importance and results of this new communication based on the relations between consumers and company opportunized by the social networks of the company Prime Residencial in Belém-Pará. Considering that the new consumer with each passing year, develops new ways of thinking, acting and manifesting in social networks, becoming proactive subjects in this relationship with the business means of services and products.

The research problem was based on the question “What is the importance of communication in marketing 4.0 with the new consumer among the social networks of the company Prime Residencial in Belém-Pará?” as a guiding question of the study and analysis process, when considering the importance of communication with the new consumer as a relevant link, because, through clarity and experience in the exchange of information, this consumer creates a link with the company in the digital environment, favoring in the future the purchase of products and/or services made available in relational communication. “It’s important to note that consumers are actually indifferent to the channel b[…]ut expect a coherent and continuous experience along their way to purchase.” (KOTLER, 2017, p. 108). In this context of communication and marketing strategies mediated by social networks, the study in question presents the intention of analyzing the importance of communication in Digital Marketing 4.0 with consumers in the social networks of the belenense company Prime Residencial.

Therefore, the research was conducted based on the social networks of the construction company Prime Residencial, located in the city of Belém, state of Pará. The target audience for the study were consumers who access and contact the company through social networks, located in the state of Pará between the municipalities of Belém and Ananindeua. The target audience was directed to men and women between 25 and 65 years old who expressed interest in the purchase of properties located in classes C, D, E.

The theoretical-methodological contribution is supported by theoretical studies about contemporary society as an information and communication society, and from this corporate conception, the study was directed to apprehend and understand the importance of Marketing 4.0, in particular its trajectory, going through all its phases, from Marketing 1.0 to the study in the relevant article. The methodological process was based on the study and analysis of the importance of company-consumer communication in the social networks construction company Prime Residencial, through the application of an instrumental data collection with the subjects who participate in the company’s social networks, as consumers or future consumers of the products and services of this company in question. To ensure or to give understanding to the investigative intentionality of this article, described in section 2 referring to the methodological paths of the research.

The study proposal was a challenge and of relevance importance for the understanding of the relationships between subjects, consumers and the company, in the apprehension of ways of thinking, common interests, needs and satisfactions, through the analysis of answers, positions and inferences of consumers in the face of the acquisition and/or manifest desires for products and services offered by the company in question.


With the advancement of the media, we realize that communication processes cement the relationships of collective coexistence through the use of languages that bring people, things, services, products closer together; therefore, they attribute value to people, to things, they signal the place and importance of both in a society in which material culture is highlighted in contemporary society. “One of the most salient aspects of communication in the modern world is that it happens on an increasingly global scale.” (THOMPSON, 1995, p. 197) And through the evolution of the media and the media, we can perceive that the relations of approximation between groups are motivated by the culture and the communication processes to which they are inserted in society. They gather information and communication that tend to interconnect groups with different interests – a priore – by mediating these interests and objectives to be achieved.

According to Caune (2014, p. 2) the interests that move life in society are intersected, because: “If the communication apparatus is proper to a society, communication relationships involve individuals by the bias of interpersonal relationships and by the phenomena of media reception”.

In fact, the post-industrial era, which is to come, calls for a convergence of information and communication techniques that, of course, affect the processes of production and dissemination of knowledge, ways of thinking, moments of entertainment and, more generally, cultural behaviors and identities. (Idem)

In this contemporary interactional process, digital media assume relevant roles in the constitution of social life as well as a market world, which has led today’s society to an intense insertion in the processes of information and communication. The media and, especially digital media, have become systems of symbols with their own languages, becoming the new socializing universe of individuals and groups, as a process of social inclusion, as well as a new matrix of the cultural life of today’s society.

There are interrelations marked by the new times that tend to prioritize actions and relationships in the present, although, faced with a project and/or a “horizon of expectation” in the immediate future by the centrality of the action in the present continuous time. (MARQUES, 2017, p. 15, apud KOJÈVE, 2002, p. 394) That is, corporate life began to be managed by the “here/now”, by the immediate, driven by continuous transformations.

This perception is brought by Zygmunt Bauman when he affirms the disruption of the certainties of modern times by recognizing the gradual collapse and rapid decline of the ancient modern illusion: of the belief that there is an end in the path in which we walk, an achievable telos of historical change, a state to be reached tomorrow, next year or the next millennium. (MARQUES, 2017, p.17 apud BAUMAN, 1998). Referencing the breaking of barriers between the 20th century and the transition into the 21st century.


In order to deepen further in the communication processes in the social media environment, it is necessary to understand the consumer-consumer relations with which society has been going through over the years, and how the technologies we see now are converging and adapting to the new contemporary social individual through marketing practices around the world.

For Kotler (2005, p. 13), “Marketing is the science and art of exploring, creating and delivering value to meet the needs of customers in a profitable target market. Marketing identifies dissatisfied needs and desires.” That is, Marketing not only involves objective only for sales, but encompasses a series of techniques, practices and strategies in order to add value and importance to brands or products before consumers of a given target audience.

Today, with the internet, connectivity has brought great changes amid the social life of the consumer individual in the midst of social networks. But in order for us to continue with the understanding about Marketing 4.0, follow a brief approach on the phases that preceded it: Marketing 1.0, Marketing 2.0 and Marketing 3.0.

Marketing 1.0 emerged in the midst of the Industrial Revolution, where the market’s focus was on the product and its mass standardized sales. The product itself was already considered sufficient for its sale. Before, what was done in a handmade and low scale, was now made industrially in high scale and affordable prices. It was the period when consumer and consumer practices began to be born.

The second, Marketing 2.0, was born together with the Information Age. Brands and companies used electronic channels, such as television, to draw consumer attention to their product. In this period, the consumer already had more variety for the purchase and finally define his final preference. It was necessary for marketers to develop differentials in sales strategies for their products and services, the emergence of the 4Ps of Marketing (Price, Square, Product and Promotion).

With the arrival of the 21st century, Marketing 3.0 comes with a new proposal, on which the focus is based, not only on the sale itself, but on the more human side of the consumer, as a social individual who has longings, values and life goals; and that every purchase wishes to satisfy itself as a human. “From the point of view of marketing communication, consumers are not passive targets; are becoming active media of communication.” (KOTLER, 2017, p. 28). That is, with the advances of connectivity in the digital world, consumers have become increasingly connected customers in horizontal networks of communities. These are considered as the new market segments.

This new market segmentation and heterogeneous social relations between consumer-company, now through the combination of online and offline interaction is what characterizes Marketing 4.0. Currently, the phase in which it is possible to visualize greater integration between marketing channels (online and offline) and the high consumption of digital content in the world (Content Marketing) and social interactions.


Rez (2018, online) says that: Marketing 4.0 is a marketing approach that takes into account human feelings, social transformations and network interaction revolutions. That is, this new phase of marketing brings with it the power of digital inclusion and interaction

through digital and traditional technologies. Kotler (2017, p. 63) states that “in the digital economy, digital interaction alone is not enough. In fact, in an increasingly connected consumption, offline touch represents a strong differentiation.” And this inclusion among new social individuals – such as active and heterogeneous consumers – allows interrelation processes through marketing channels to increasingly strengthen engagement with the contemporary consumer. This more active and connected amidst the digital network and its various channels.

At the micro level, people are embracing social inclusion. Being inclusive does not mean being similar. It means living in harmony despite differences. In the online world, social media has redefined the way people interact with each other, allowing them to develop barrier-free and demographic relationships. (KOTLER, 2017, p. 24)

Connectivity has greatly contributed to this new characterization of the new contemporary individual and how social relations are generally imposed. Consumers are increasingly “close” to each other in the social sense. According to Thompson (1995,

p. 249), are individuals with “a sense of belonging to the community”, belonging to the same digital community experienced by heterogeneous, active individuals who like to share their ideas, advice and experiences with each other, in addition to coping them in various collections of evaluations; especially when it takes place through social media related to companies and brands. In this regard, Kotler (2017, p. 28) states that, “Together, they paint their own picture of companies and brands, which is often quite different from the image that companies and brands intend to project. The internet, especially social media, has facilitated this big change by providing platforms and tools.”

In this context, Setton (2018) says that:

The ways in which we interact and adapt to the world, the ways in which we guide our daily practices, the ways we perceive others and ourselves have changed from the constant presence of the media in our lives. […]Information, consumer appeals, models and lifestyles conveyed by the messages of a culture industry that make up the imaginary and the practical life of all. Thus, at the time of a purchase or at the time of choosing a comic book we may be being influenced by advertising or by our friends or family. (SETTON, 2018, p. 23)

Thus, the rapid dissemination of content, information and advertising through the digital platform, especially in social media, shapes the processes of socio-cultural formation of the new consumer with other consumers – within communities – and their relationship with companies /brands. Quintanilha (2012, online) exemplifies that social media are spaces for interaction between users. Examples of social media are considered: blogs, microblogs (Twitter), social networks (Facebook), forums, e-groups, instant messengers, wikis, multimedia content sharing sites (YouTube, Flickr, SlideShare, Vimeo). These channels provide dialogue and the sharing of ideas and information bringing opportunities aimed at large and small companies as well as individuals – consumers who want to expose their ideas and opinions on the way from the reception of the message to the post-purchase of a product or service. Thus, social media is considered a propitious means for dissemination and propagation of ideas and concepts of the brand / company and consumers.


As seen before, the contemporary consumer inserted in this range of communication and social channels, has been evolving since Marketing 3.0; the human consumer with feelings, values and morals to which companies have been adapting their marketing relationship strategies in their channels, social and digital media, so that the engagement with this individual-consumer is greater (Marketing 4.0). But for this, it is necessary that companies realize the changes in receiving communication.

In the past, consumers were easily influenced by marketing campaigns. […]However, recent research in different industries shows that most consumers believe more in the social factor (friends, family, Facebook and Twitter followers) than in marketing communications. Most ask strangers for advice on social media and trust them more than opinions from advertising and experts. (KOTLER, 2017, p. 27)

Therefore, companies should consider revealing their true values, being as transparent as possible so that, thus, the concept of consumer confidence can be in favor of the brand. Kotler (2017, p. 27) says that “Consumers should be considered colleagues and friends of the brand.” Because, since, in this new digital age, companies no longer have control over the receptions of marketing communications, the only way to achieve consumer confidence is through transparency in the digital world.

Another key point is related to how connectivity affects competition and consumers. Nowadays, it is considered fundamental that there is collaboration between competitors and co-creation with consumers for a broad and complete engagement of interaction, as Kotler (2017, p. 35) states when he says that “Customers are no longer passive receivers of actions of segmentation, direction and positioning of a company.” The author believes that, with the dynamics of connectivity, it is almost impossible for a company to survive alone in the market. Companies should have the perception that in today’s globalized world, amid so many digital and social interaction channels with competitors and consumers, they must adhere to the idea that they need to collaborate with other companies and even customers.


Our research focus was directed by the working hypothesis, as a guiding question: “What is the importance of communication in marketing 4.0 with the new consumer in the social networks of prime residential in Belém-Pará?”, then, based on the relevance of communication processes in the realization of company-consumer relationships, considering that the use of marketing in the social networks of customers or potential customers of this company , has made it possible to clarity information, exchange communications and establish consumer links with the company in the digital environment. A process of interactions between subjects, with the prospect of making them in the near future, buyers of products and/ or services.

The election of the use of Marketing 4.0 in social networks, is directly associated with the contents taught in the Lato Sensu Postgraduate Course in Management and Digital Marketing, as well as by the interests of the researcher, for acting professionally in the field of social networks, as a tool of communication processes that promotes the relationship and dialogue between consumers and the company in which she works.

With this concern, the article as a final document brings the general objective of: analyzing, apprehending the importance and results of communication in Marketing 4.0 with consumers in the social networks of the belenense company Prime Residencial; and in a specific, objective manner:

  • Conceptualize Traditional Marketing and Marketing 4.0;
  • Identify the type of communication used by Traditional Marketing and Digital Marketing 4.0;
  • Analyze the place of the new consumer in the midst of social networks;
  • Evaluate the standard of satisfaction of the new consumer based on the communication model of digital marketing in the social networks of prime residencial.


The research was conducted based on the social networks of the construction company Prime Residencial, located in the city of Belém, state of Pará.

Founded 12 years ago, the construction and engineering company Prime Residencial has as its career the construction of works – condominiums of apartments and houses – for segments of consumers of classes C, D and E; with a luggage of more than 1,780 residential units delivered.


Consumers who accessed and contacted the company through social networks; located in the state of Pará between the municipalities of Belém and Ananindeua. The target audience was targeted at men and women between 25 and 65 years old who had an interest in buying real estate for classes C, D, E.

For the purpose of the analysis process, 20 consumers or would-be consumers were randomly chosen, who provided subsidies for the study and analysis process.


The strategies used are subdivided into four axes for the implementation of this study:

A. Survey of references on the theme: books, articles, blogs, websites;

B. Application of data collection instruments with consumers;

C. Study, analysis and interpretation of data;

D. Construction of the final document.


With the advent of information and communication technologies in the contemporary social context, social networks have become instrumental in the interlocution of people and groups in today’s society. The use of social networks as a business marketing strategy on the Internet is used by companies with a view to disseminating products, services and also to the more direct and transparent establishment of communication, in order to engage a greater number of potential consumers, provided by the almost immediate relationship that Marketing 4.0 provides between companies and customers in the digital sphere.

With the main objective of analyzing and apprehending the importance and results of communication in Marketing 4.0 with consumers in the social networks of the belenense company Prime Residencial, the analysis process focused on the responses of users of social networks (Facebook and Instagram) linked to the profile of Prime Residencial. The collection of data and/or answers was based on the application of a form with the intention of: analyzing the place of the new consumer in the midst of social networks and evaluating the standard of satisfaction of the new consumer based on the communication model of digital marketing in the company’s social networks.

We inform that although we have indicated in the methodological paths the application of this instrument with 20 participants at random; we got the return of only 10 forms answered. We believe that due to the school and labor vacation period in our region more and the short time to close the research, we considered these records for this initial study to conclude this article.

A form was developed as instrumental so that data collection was based mainly on user satisfaction regarding the marketing communication strategies adopted by Prime Residencial in the digital sphere (the company’s social networks); were satisfactory and fulfilled their role as communication interaction platforms. There were nine questions, the first eight of which were closed questions, for a more quantitative analysis, and the last, we made room for an open question. This type of question does not suggest or induce any kind of answer and were given by the participant’s own words, so that he could express himself with more property and the analysis was done qualitatively. The questions were asked as follows: 1) name; 2) sex; 3) age group; 4) how long has the user been our customer or participant of the company’s social networks?; 5) how did the company find out (online or offline media)?; 6) in relation to the company’s social networks, do you consider the service satisfactory?; 7) regarding care, return of information, class from 1 (lousy) to 5 (excellent); 8) for the information and services provided, you would indicate prime residential products; and finally, the open question: 9) in your opinion, what could change (or aggregate) so that the service and communication available were better on the company’s social networks?.

Based on the data recorded through the form applied among users who follow the profiles and contact the construction company through social networks, we present their analyses based on the questions indicated by the instrumental.

In this study we seek and analyze the grouping of sections that complement each other so that their understanding was placed in a clear and coherent way. In this sense, the analysis process addressed the investigative problem, its general objective and specific as guides of this article.


As for the gender of the participants, we can demonstrate the following configuration according to the chart below:

Figure 1 – Form Question 2: Gender

Fonte: Própria autora (2018)

Here we have the graphic representation related to the sex of the participants of the form. At this point, we saw the highlight of the female gender, with 80% of the total participation in the research. An apprehension also referred to by Philip Kotler (2017):

The influence that women exert on other people is defined by the activity they perform. […]In simple terms, the world of women revolves around family and work. […]women are holistic buyers. […]They tend to evaluate everything – functional benefits, emotional benefits, price and other characteristics – before defining the true value of products and services. (KOTLER, 2017, p. 52, 53)

Thus, the effective participation of women in the study showed the greatest interest in sharing and disseminating their ideas, opinions and positioning with the research, when compared to the male gender.

Figure 2 – Question 3 of the form: Age group (age)

Fonte: Própria autora (2018)

According to the graph above, we see that the predominance of participants were aged between 25 and 40 years. That is, we can notice a greater participation of a younger audience tuned in the digital environment, because younger people “react faster to the transformations that are taking place in the world, such as globalization and technological advances. […]In fact, they are among the main drivers of change in the world.” (Idem, p. 51). This population is pointed out as the most participative and engaged in the social networks of the company. Thus, we can consider that the young public is increasingly interested in seeking information and possibilities that the real estate market in question offers.


With reference to time, the participants of the company’s social networks subject to this study were: 50% of the users are followers of the networks in the period of 1 to 2 years; whereas Prime Residencial has been investing in digital marketing in the midst of social networks in this same temporality; 20% of the participants corresponded to less than 1 year and, as well as, those who are followers around 3 to 5 years. The latter are characterized as existing customers of the company, even before social networks; and only 10% of participants are followers but not customers. That is, these, even if they are not customers, express interest in the products and services offered by the company, since they follow the profiles on social networks.

The subjects surveyed reported that they knew the company Prime Residencial through the following media: 50% pointed instagram as initial contact; 40% through offline media (contact with brokers, visit to the sales stand, friends, family, printed ads, etc.); and 10% of these subjects came to know the company through Facebook. As we can see, online and offline marketing strategies end up complementing each other. In other words, there is a technological convergence that brings together both digital and traditional in the involvement of people and groups as consumers in the business market as subjects or human beings full of interests, values and rights.


Regarding satisfaction, 80% of users considered the service through the company’s social networks satisfactory. Apprehension confirmed by the question regarding the classification of care and return of information scored as: 20% excellent, 60% good and 20% bad. This demonstrates the functionality of social networks as a channel of dissemination and engagement with the follower audience.


Non-customers: 20% suggest that the company should use other types of disclosure besides social networks, although they did not mention which marketing strategies; 10% requested more information about the company and its enterprises with availability of more real and updated photos; and another 10% reported that the communication service on social networks is excellent.

Customers: Represented 60% of the users participating in the survey and positioned themselves in a more incisive and evaluative way with respect to social networks (online) and regarding personal contacts (offline) consumer-company. Customers requested greater feedback through social networks, which made more information available through images and videos to follow up the works.

With regard to social networks, the information provided “is one and when it arrives at the time of purchase is another, even more in the process with the paperwork.” (User A). Considering that the sales process and its strategies on social networks were considered good, the service provided after the sale (after-purchase) was not satisfactory, because “At the time of selling is a wonder, but after buying the property the company forgets the customers. I think we should also be treated both from social networks and personally” (Idem). Positioning reaffirmed by another consumer: “In social networks the feedback is always good, but in person or by phone always leaves to be desired.” (User B)

Such positions and suggestions given by users through this research revealed characteristics of the new consumer, which do not fit as liabilities, but as active subjects in relation to marketing communication strategies. The consumer’s perception of the company is a combination of visions and exchange of experiences both online (social networks) and offline (person-to-person contact). Thus, we agree with Kotler (2017, p. 39) that “everything indicates that online and offline worlds will eventually coexist and converge.” In today’s globalized world, the great immersion of new technologies and social platforms affects the social environment, not only in the digital space, but also in the personal physical space; which does not mean that digital interaction is totally sufficient, as we noted through the analysis of user positioning in the research in question.

The speech and/or writings produced by the users issued concrete discourses about a concrete reality, in the sense that they produce effects, meanings among interlocutors and pointed out revisions to remedy possible conflicts and reaffirm the alliance between the company-consumer subjects.


The article on screen made it possible to apprehend some aspects and positions indicated by the records of users of the social networks of prime residencial, the focus of this study, which responded to the general and specific objectives proposed by this research.

Initially, we consider that the use of social networks as a digital strategy of online marketing fulfills the facilitating role of dissemination of company/brand information and its products. Social networks are channels of communication and interaction between the company and users, being considered by the participants themselves as satisfactory.

Although suggestions were recorded regarding the expansion and diversification of other media of dissemination about the company and its products, in an emphatic way the updating of photos and videos that portrayed in a real way the processes of monitoring the works under construction.

The female audience and the younger audience were the groups that had the greatest engagement regarding participation in the form, which led us to learn that the female sex was located in an age group between 25 and 40 years, confirming itself as the most attentive and receptive segment to information on social networks according to their personal interests, family becoming an influencer.

Another consideration refers to the main complaint of client users regarding personal communication (offline) with the company in the post-purchase process. In other words, they emphasized that personal care (person to person) differs from the service through social networks (online) and pointed out the lack of a greater reception by the company’s employees, as well as the absence of adequate guidance regarding documentation and contractual processes of the enterprises. A point to be reviewed and reevaluated, considering that the client is the fundamental element in the process of dissemination of image and products and services offered by the company.

We believe that the role of Marketing 4.0 in the midst of communication relationships with the customer is essential for there to be a greater connection between company and consumer in the online and offline scope. That is, in order for the dialogue processes between both sides to be effective, there must be a greater convergence between the media and strategies used to capture the interest and win over the customer not only in a company-consumer way, but to work the partnership relationship between both, and, above all, in the use of social networks to solve existing problems; both in communication and in person-to-person relationship.


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[1] Specialist in Digital Management and Marketing (UCDB), graduated in Social Communication – qualification in Advertising and Advertising (FEAPA).

[2] Master Professor at Don Bosco Catholic University. Completion Work Advisor of the Lato sensu postgraduate course at UCDB/Portal Educação.

Sent: November, 2018.

Approved: September, 2019.

5/5 - (2 votes)
Ariany Corrêa Medeiros

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