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RC: 19806
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ROCHA, Roberto Jorge de Montenegro [1]

  Multidisciplinary Core scientific journal of knowledge. 03 year, Ed. 06, vol. 03, pp. 89-105, June 2018. ISSN:2448-0959


The tale '' love of Mary, '' das English, published in the book Amazon Tales, is a literary reading of the character Sissy in the narrative, from the perspective of gender theorists reasoned in society at the time. The Narrator portrays the story the main character pejoratively and still calls himself within the narrative so sarcastic, with a sexist attitude. The literature demonstrates the historical charges made to women, as in the tale, making a critique of the society of the period extending up to the contemporary, in which there is an illusory effect of submission and rules back to the female, in order to show a possibility and paths to be traversed without discussion. However, comparisons will be made of mind found in "biblical" and with the legend of Iara. For both the research is based on the theory of Literary and Cultural Residuality organized by Roberto bridges and on the morphology of the Wonderful Tale, by Vladimir Propp.

Keywords: fairy tale, Myth, Residuality, sexism, Maria and Iara.

1. Theoretical foundation

1.1 Theories of the tale

Before we discuss the analysis and comparisons in this tale, is of fundamental importance that we know with what text we're dealing with, understand your structure and characteristics, and the inside of the saga of Wuss. The Love story of Maria do Pará English writer Shah, belongs to a text mode, called narrative text, that is, is related to the Act of narrating, reporting on a particular subject. Among the types of texts which represent this modality is the tale. Is this text that we found on Inglesiana, corroboremos saga and we about it.

With regard to origins, dates back to ancient times, us represented by oral narratives of ancient peoples in the moonlit night, passing by the Greeks and Romans, Oriental legends, Biblical parables, medieval Italian novels by French Fables Aesop and La Fontaine, reaching as far as the books, as we know today.

In the midst of this trajectory, numerous classifications, resulting in so-called anthologies, which bring together the tales by nationality: Brazilian, Russian, French and gender-related categories, styling into wonderful tales, cops, of love, science fiction, fantastic, horror, mystery, among other classifications, such as traditional, modern and contemporary.

The short story is a work of fiction, a fictional text. Creates a universe of beings and events of fiction, fantasy or imagination. As all texts of fiction, the tale features a narrator, characters, point of view and plot.
Classically, it is said that the tale is defined by your small extension. Shorter than the novel or the novel, the tale has a closed structure, develops a story and has only a climax. In a novel, the plot unfolds in secondary conflicts, which does not happen with the tale, this is concise.

On the other hand, the tale is a literary genre that offers great flexibility, being able to approach the poetry and the Chronicle. Historians claim that the ancestors of the tale are the myth, the legend, the parable, fairy tale and even joke. It is important to stress to the differences between a short story and a Chronicle, the tale is always a made-up narrative, a fictional text, with characters and more elaborate structure; The Chronicle is a daily report, discusses the reality, with simpler structure. The Act of storytelling dating back to ancient times of mankind. The truth is that most people, in a given moment of your existence, I had the opportunity to understand amid the charming or even the horrific stories told by our ancestors. Stories our grandparents told our parents and they told us, the tales they see being transmitted through generations of human language.

Since little ones we hear stories told by someone, whether for family, friends, and a great part of them with books. Who does not know the story of little Red Riding Hood, sleeping beauty, the three little pigs, among many others.

When we report to such references, we know the whole story if makes a chain of facts, and that these are narrated will giving sense to the plot involving the caller through the events. Such a peculiarity allows the tale, didactically, belongs to the narrative on the standards established by the literature. Thus the tale resembles others in texts which refer to constituent aspects already mentioned, such as: characters, time, plot, space, among others. However, it is important to mention that in comparative terms, the tale has a difference to other texts. Second FIORUSSI (200, p. 103),

A tale is a short narrative. Pulls no punches: get to the point.
In all matters: every word is a clue. In a description, valuable information; each adjective is irreplaceable; every comma, every point, every space – everything is full of meaning […]

The tale is a short narrative, in which space and time are reduced, but also introduces few characters, reveals itself as a more complete narrative, closed.

1.2 residuality literary and cultural theory

To demonstrate the presence of remnants of the past that accumulate in the human mind and are reflected in the text of unintentionally through different structures and themes. The theory here crafted part, so the assumption that culture and Literature nothing is original, everything in your source is a residue. So, waste is composed of sediments that remain in a mental culture in another. In Sissy can see behavioral and cultural aspects which in practice were transmitted through language by past generations to arrive at this given moment in history. So in inglesiana narrative the functions and the lines of the characters would not be something so innovative, appearing out of nowhere. But, would be literary and cultural remains from past generations, with some changes, while losing the essence of these literary and cultural waste.

With this theory, I wanted Roberto Bridges, first, show (especially in the literature) that certain behavioral and cultural aspects "alive" and considered as belonging to a given historical moment are, in fact, traits of a bygone era, that resumed by a person or by a particular group, consciously or unconsciously. (TORRES. 2001, p. 85)

These mentalities can be resumed unintentionally or not, by a group or an individual, the ideas of feminilidades and masculinities have already been created and justified in the past, and have been passed down through the generations, in a way We can have in this many ideas contrary to each other, but it is worth noting that nothing is totally original, and all departing from old ideas, are imitations of literary and cultural mindsets that remain from the past. We have the story of Sissy remnants of two minds taken millennia ago on the image of the Virgin Mary passed on unconsciously or not to text. Individuals can pass each other mentalities, in order to reach a collective mentality that would be the sum of these mentalities transmitted between individuals. However, even if these are considered individual mindsets until in a "whole" in the collective mentality, they had to be transmitted in any way to each individual, in order to be part of your collection of languages. It is an illusion to believe that these individual mindsets are innovative, probably are imitations of existing mindsets on culture and literature that have been resumed.

Waste all that remains of the past, have been resumed so conscious or unconscious on the part of an individual or a group or social layer. (TORRES, 2001, p. 88)

The mentality has to do not only with what the person of a given time thinks. But an individual and another person and another individual, the sum of several individuals, is a collective mentality. And this collective mentality is transmitted through history. Through the mentality of individuals, the collective mindset is built. And the latter is transmitted from remote times, and even the rare recent times (BRIDGES in TORRES, 2001, p. 91).

So the cultural and literary ideas were being transmitted through generations. The tale is a great example of residuality, being transmitted from oral, written or sign language, are stories passed on through generations, of a cultuara the other, within the same territory or from more distant places like Europe Brazil, as in the case of Mermaids, mythological beings from Greek culture, going through transformations and frameworks on local culture, until you reach the legend of Iara. These transformations and lapidamentos in the primitive image of Mermaids Roberto Bridges characterizes as "crystallization".

The term crystallization, as was thought by bridges, relates to the refining of a cultural element, as the cane molasses to turn into sugar, or the simple transformation of a cultural element in another. (TORRES, 2001 p. 88)

In a culture there are several remnants of others, are paths that converge, we have a great example in mythology, where waste from the past are taken and modified according to each culture. In the story we legend of Iara, a Brazilian folklore, which has on your transformational structure interference of European culture, from primitive mermaids depicted in the Odyssey, sirens of Greek mythology that have been modified in accordance with the local features, literary and cultural residuality, transmitted to Iara a be hybrid half woman and half fish, resuming the first mermaids who were described as half woman and half animal.

Cultural hybridization is an expression used to explain that the crops aren't every which way, without contact with the other. IE not traverse paths that go in one direction. Are convergent paths. Are paths that are, if prolific, multiply, proliferate. Cultural hybridization is nurtured the concept of hybridity common to the mythology. It's a hybrid? Is that composed of diverse nature (BRIDGES in TORRES, p. 94).

1.3 proppiana Analysis in love of Mary

One of the members of the family leaves the House, we have fraternal clearance, the absence of the mother and father denatured, which does not recognize as legitimate daughter Sissy. The absence of parents refers to a distance felt by most young people. "Who has never seen the goddaughter of Álvaro Bento (small mouth, was said to be your natural daughter) can't judge that Lady's grace". (SHAH, 2005, p. 47).

I. a member of the Family leaves home (definition: withdrawal; Description: β). 1) expulsion may be one of the older generation. The parents go out to work (113). The Prince had to leave for a long trip leaving your wife entrusted to strangers. (265). He (the merchant) to foreign countries. (197). The usual forms of removal are: to work, to kill, to devote himself to trade to the war on business. (β 1 ). 2) parent's death represents a heightened form of removal (β2). (PROPP, 2006, p. 24).

The Sissy a ban, she couldn't refuse so many suitors, several marriage proposals, "since he arrived at fourteen, had begun the lady being proposed and at eighteen refused nine or ten applicants, admirable thing in a land of few boys singles. " (SHAH, 2005, p. 47), couldn't believe the passion, or fall in love, it was something unbelievable in the extreme to society. "Sad and distressed Lived, helpless victim of a fiery passion, one of those passions that we only admit in the novels, but that also exist in real life, especially among the women of our Earth, impressionable in the extreme". (SHAH, 2005, p. 50). II. It must be the Hero a ban (definition: ban; Description: γ). (PROPP, 2006, p. 24).

The ban which Sissy is submitted outside infringed by her when she falls in love with "awa[…]kened in the heart of the goddaughter of Álvaro Benedict a deep passion"[…] (SOUSA, 2005, p. 50) and goes against the charges made to it by refusing requests for weddings something It would be admirable to see. "If concerns about the reason of an unusual procedure to poor girls, Sissy had a lovely smile saying: well, I'm in no hurry." (SHAH, 2005, p. 48).

III. The prohibition is Infringed (definition: transgression; Description: δ).

The forms of transgression correspond to forms of interdict. The functions (II) and (III) constitute an element pair. The second member can exist, sometimes without the first. The princesses go to Garden (β 3) come home late. Here lack the prohibition of late. The order executed (δ 2) corresponds, as noted, the prohibition infringed (δ 1). (PROPP, 2006, p. 24).

Inside the love tale of Mary appears Lawrence tried to persuade Sissy cheating swearing love Maria, only Sissy, so that could go conquering it in order to have it. The antagonist would trying to deceive Sissy and make her fall in love with him. "The wooing of Lawrence, their gentle ways, the excitement of vanity by the judge's daughter emulation, awakened in the heart of the goddaughter of Álvaro Benedict a deep passion" (SOUSA, 2005, p. 50). VI. The antagonist tries to Deceive your Victim to take her or his possessions (definition: ruse; Description: η). (PROPP, 2006, p. 25)

He said it was the most beautiful girl in the village, and that the Stop, even in the big city, so rich in beautiful women, ever seen beauty like. That your greatest wish was to have her all to himself, because I loved her as I never could love and die, surely if it weren't matched. -Lucinda? -asked the radiant Lady of love and happiness. Lucinda was a joke at the expense of those who liked to have fun. Just the Sissy loved, just Sissy felt separate, when the time runs out the license and had to go back to your place at customs. (SHAH, 2005, p. 51).

The antagonist Lourenço fooled Sissy Mary deceived with false words, in the course of the story believed would be able to conquer Lawrence, but was not successful breaking their perspectives, ended falling in love madly Lawrence succumbing to the wooing of the boy. "Sissy felt happiness flood his soul, your heart opened to the most flattering hopes, the eyes were shining with a glow that Lawrence stupor watching." (SHAH, 2005, p. 51). Used to live sad and distressed, helpless victim of a fiery passio[…]n. (SHAH, 2005, p. 50). VII. The victim cross, thus helping, Involuntarily, your Enemy (definition: complicity; Description: θ). (PROPP, 2006, p. 25).

Sissy goes away at the end of the tale without anyone knowing the destination, your probably for all events, for having fallen in love with Lawrence, for not having that passion matched, by the death of Lawrence and the tragedy that occurred in Vila Bela. "So profound was the impression left in my mind by the misery that was author and victim at the same time the goddaughter of Lieutenant Colonel Alvaro Benedict". (SHAH, 2005, p. 47). XI. The hero Leaves Home (definition: name game: ^). (PROPP, 2006, p. 29).

As for Taiwan and unfortunate Sissy, gone to Vila Bela, without ever knew your whereabouts. Would have thrown in the river and entrusted to uncertain currents that lovely body, so you want in life? Was admitted through the forest to get lost in the solitude of the Woods? Who could ever say? Today, their infaustos leaves souvenir sweethearts in Vila Bela the love of Mary, name given by the people to the terrible tajá who killed the son of Captain Priya. (SHAH, 2005, p. 47).

Sissy faces Lawrence sometimes in the course of the narrative as I mentioned earlier, they are face to face, and the guy comes out winning in the meetings, managing to deceive Wuss. The hero and your Antagonist confronting head-to-head (definition: combat; Description: H). (PROPP, 2006, p. 35) However Maria at the end of the story starts preparing a loving way remiss elixir kills Lourenço, winning the contest waged by two. XVI. XIV. The kind of Magical Passes into the hands of the hero (definition:-receipt of the middle name magic: F). (PROPP, 2006, p. 31).

Sissy went to the drawer get tajá that Daisy had the day before brought the French Lake and that absorbed in small portion by the son of Captain Amâncio, should drive you crazy in love by the person you Minister. She scraped a portion of root in a language of pirarucu. He took a SIP, filled with the residue obtained, mixed it with sugar and deposited it in a cup of coffee that you brought mom black. Called the boy and said: Here's the coffee. Lawrence. (SHAH, 2005, p. 52).

Lawrence, to have breakfast, poor thing! drank from a glass, felt fire live burn her insides. Lay the run through the streets like a madman. Half an hour later, died in hideous seizures, with black face and opened her wounds. (SHAH, 2005, p. 53).

2. Mythical-residual analysis of Love tale of Mary

There is clearly a social division between the characters in the story in question, the men exercised more power and sent and desmandavam in Vila Bela. As residue present in Amazonian mentality, the men had right to venture, make your choices, and only then think of marriage, women were seen as an acquisition, a product. "I (though (man traveled) have already been in Pará, in Maranhão and Bahia)" (SOUSA, 2005, p. 47). The example we have in Bocaccio, a vision of male identity:

[…] women, are […]most of the time encased in his quarters; remain there without anything to do, sitting, wanting and not wanting to; at a time only, nourish thoughts several, and it is not possible to be always cheerful thoughts. […]. women are much less strong than men, and are in need of support. (BOCACCIO, p.)

Working the story "love of Mary" under a gender perspective, we can analyze the actions, the lines and the role of Sissy in the plot. In the course of the story, Sissy has your lines passed through the Narrator/character that describes pejoratively and your story of sarcastic way, pointing out that the plot could not have a different ending on the events. "Then, with a smile between sardonic and sad, began". (SHAH, 2005, p. 47) The character had gone against the "tradition" rather than wait for Prince charming, wanted to act on their own.

The Narrator/character points out that Sissy is the nicest girl of Vila Bela. In fact, she was very beautiful and knew how to handle people, really nice and kind, like the all. But there is a strong emphasis on physical attributes of the character, "seductive, attractive woman, was a Lady of eighteen years, high and robust, brunette complexion, dark eyes." (SHAH, 2005, p. 47).

Are cited other qualities of Sissy and other girls, Lucinda and Margaret, but this first not unlike the protagonist regarding the vision of women in society, and the second, which took care of Sissy. "Cried, and cried in the Margaret, of your dear mother." (SHAH, 2005, p. 50).

Returning the gender perspective among female and male, there is a Division in society. The men had large positions in government owned properties, travelers, adventurers and so were characterized. While one can see that are highlighted only the physical details of women: sex girl, sweet, your femininity, purity, innocence, fragility and naivete.

"Because Lorenzo de Miranda was one of those guys who think they are all allowed. Accustomed to the easy dating Stop thought in Vila Bela, on narrow village life, could get away with playing with the sentimentality of the girls, without thinking that our girls are not like the city, tired of hearing compliments on the sidewalks and at dances . " (SHAH, 2005, p. 50).

The occupations of women would spend the day in the homes of relatives to look after the home and children and one of the major works would be the distribution of the time so as not to create discontent and be able to finish all the business.

"It rained invitations to spend the day in the homes of friends, and one of the greatest works of the girl was distributing the time so as not to create discontent. So Nice was your company, that the own companions drank the ares the god-daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel! " (SHAH, 2005, p. 48).

That would be sexist vision of the time, the jovem after fourteen years should get married and this should be the solution, the path to the future of a woman, ideal which lasted until the 19th century, having the image of female submission, to live under rules imposed by OS society. "Since I arrived at fourteen, had begun the lady being proposed" (SOUSA, 2005, p. 48).

Finally, coming to the end of the story, Sissy has an unhappy ending because of your choices. The paths made went against usual, opposite the choices that would be considered normal. For her challenge to society and want to trace their own steps, girly boy suffers the punishment. Makes clear that this would be a story that shouldn't be followed, is not the '' social '' appropriate script.

These contradictory ideas to the conservative thoughts of the season–which in practice would be extinguished where the woman was born to the marriage, to be submissive, ideal standard, being a woman/mother/wife, proving the sexist thought and the idea that to have a future or be an adult woman should marry.

The sad end happens to those who try to go against the rules, the paradigm of society. A society that dictates the choices made to his wife, a powerful and evil machine that seems to determine the paths to be traversed, however Sissy goes against and the tale becomes a plot, no happy ending. "Was the witty Wuss, which had seen him for the first time the mass of Christmas, but that poor girl! soon after was punished for freedom with which speak of the man, whose life would be linked to your destiny. " (SHAH, 2005, p. 49).

2.1 Virgin Mary in Sissy

We continue the analysis of Love tale of Mary under the biblical look brings us a thought had for millennia ago. In Sissy, being a woman should be married, the girls had the marriage and the construction of a family as an option for the future. Sissy, to 18 years, should accept one of the marriage proposals offered to her. "Since I arrived at fourteen, had begun the lady being proposed and at eighteen refused nine or ten applicants, admirable thing in a land of few boys singles." (SHAH, 2005, p. 48).

Sissy was a woman and fragile, women would have born to complete the man, to the marriage. That thought exposed shows a placement found in lines that reflect a knowledge of rather conservative world, archaic and in any case, in which a man and a woman come together through marriage bond and consequently to procreation , a confirmation of grow and multiply as quoted in the book of Genesis. There is an explicit power play between male and female beings in Love tale of Mary of masked form and subtle, when the character defies and goes against the usual society. "And the Lord God said: it is not good for the man to be alone; will make him a helper to him. " Genesis 2:18

The institution of marriage registered in Genesis shows that God created man (Adam), and this gave its name to all animals, all these formed a couple and yet was alone, then the woman (Eve).

'' God created man and then made woman your bone bone '' to make the company man, assist, help, form a couple. Comparing with the plot of Sissy and the social context of the time, the thought that the woman was born of man and for man, being submissive and having the Union and perspective for the future.

Maria, quoted in the New Testament Bible, brings the characteristics of structuralism sexist present in Love tale of Mary. The canonical Gospels of São Matheus and Luke describe Mary as a Virgin, spent your childhood serving the Church, according to Jewish custom, and your engagement occurred when she was around 12 years. Got pregnant before the wedding, your son conceived miraculously, remained a Virgin after giving birth. Immaculate Conception, Mary was conceived without original sin (impurity acquired by the first Adam's sin).

Analyzing the Love tale of Mary in comparison with aspects found in biblical Mary in the first place is the social factor, as Maria got engaged when she was approximately 12 years and millennia after the company showed the same conservative structure that stipulated as the paths should be traversed. Already at the age of 14 years, Sissy was seen as a pretender to the marriage by the inhabitants of the village, including received proposals. "Since I arrived at fourteen, had begun the lady being proposed and at eighteen" (SOUSA, 2005, p. 48).

Secondly, her virginity. Mary Immaculate Virgin, pregnant for the rest of his days on Earth. Sissy also remained a Virgin. In many religions the virginity if you hitch the purity of both the soul and the body. Until recently the purity of a woman was your main attribute.

The Crimson dyed her bleached faces. The trunk of the great taperabá protected the first and only Kiss switched those two lovers. The next day, Sissy's morning singing, which surprised everyone from home, less the old Daisy, who during the night heard the story of the ride to Prainha. (SHAH, 2005, p. 51)

The image stand out in both parties is the figure of the woman, femininity, innocence, fragility, and both remained virgins, too. In fact, the character of count inglesiano was innocent even when prepared the coffee flavored with tajá, is it how well each fared the consequences that would unravel the events, didn't know the real effect of this coffee flavored with tajá. "The poor girl, tajá instilled to as infallible loving elixir, is one of the most terrible poisons plants of the Amazon" (SOUSA, 2005, p. 53).

"Poor girl didn't know what love was until their eyes start to open."

2.2 Iara in Sissy

Mermaid is a mythological part woman and part fish (or bird, according to various ancient writers and poets). It is likely that the myth has originated in reports of the existence of animals, with upcoming features of which were later classified as sirenians.

Working the Love tale of Mary in comparison with the mythological story of the sirens, the similarities, starting from the point where the mermaids are mystical beings and in your story rejected by your father or parents (gods), played on Earth in a certain island and the from there begin to delight men. Sissy, also rejected by the father (Colonel/Commander) and living on an island, a town in Vila Bela, also loved men.

In the tale, inglesiano identifies that Wuss, as well as mermaids, was able to attract any man who saw her with the beauty of your young wife. "Impossible to see those perfections all without getting on the floor, Chin charmed and seduced" (SOUSA, 2005, p. 47). As the sirens enchanted with their corners, Sissy fascinated men with your walk and your dance, your beautiful body, hair, eyes, nose well done and delicate hands. Besides the way of dealing with people, it was all well, nobody was able to resist her charms.

Mermaids represent sex and sexuality in contemporary culture. So if features Sissy inside of the tale. Her femininity and sensuality are highlighted in the narrative, the delicacy and your beautiful face. That is, the sensuality and femininity are found both in the myth of mermaids as at work inglesiano, the use of sex (gender) and sensuality (charm).

In examining the charm found in mermaids and charm found in Sissy besides beautiful face, has the siren song, where you would find that corner in love of Mary? Soon the dance of Sissy, who loved men, and the way to deal with people, that captivated everyone with your charisma.

"When in the contradanças the girl cradled soft hips of woman made and túrgidos breasts were shaking her Waltz, a flattering murmur filled the House, it was like a magical charm that ran through the air, trapping with invisible male hearts chain the witch kids steps. Witch, Yes, and not like the Paranamiri, abjection, the amazing power and, excuse me, brother Stephen, inadmissible against good reason and natural logic: but with a real power, a dangerous tonteava and ensandecia elixir, transforming us in without will, by too much will give it. " (SHARMA, 2005 p. 48)

The outcome of the inglesiano tale, Sissy appears trying to do a spell to win the love of Lawrence, as a witch, as well as in the myth of mermaids, men are delighted. In the story of Sissy, Laurent is charming and has a not so happy. What happens with Sissy? This is a riddle. These aspects of spells and witches are highlighted in inglesiana narrative.

Final considerations

The analysis of Sissy in Love tale of Mary, under a gender perspective, found some paradigms and existing stereotypes in society. It is important to refer that analysis as a concern, or questioning the questions found in the narrative.

The preference for doing a reading of genre was attempting to unravel the social assumptions found implicitly in the tale Inglesiano (determine or dictate what the characters should do). In analysis, is in the course of these impasses between the ideal and non-ideal imposed by the social Web together met with criticism the plot at which the woman should be submissive, the vision of woman and man (masculinities and feminilidades), social differences present in the tale.

Identity differences discussed in that time, in the years 1800 are ideologies that we find in the contemporary age. There is no doubt the existence of thoughts passed from generation to generation, a line of thought present in society. It's perfectly possible to make such questioning and it sought to do.

By analyzing the plot of Sissy in love of Mary and to make comparisons with other stories or with other texts. Despite being problematizações present in contemporary society, they are not as unquestioned as they were at the time of Wuss would no longer be acceptable as something indisputable as something not adversarial.

This study focused on the saga of Sissy, under review, don't take the neutrality. Not accepting only the vision of the Narrator/Prosecutor (involved in the plot, a social elite and dominant group, a sarcastic and sexist Attorney, constituting the social division).

The study made it possible to raise a few points, that the character Sissy:

  1. With regard to the marriage, it would be a natural consequence for the girl, the main option for the future, your assumption found in the genre. The eighteen years Wuss wasn't thinking about getting married having already rejected several suitors, which amounts to a transgression to social cultural planning to your current time.
  2. As regards the experience of your affection, community interference, which does not allow Sissy have greater options for living your sexuality, where society dictates paths to be traversed. The woman would be fragile, innocent (femininity), would not have the right to express themselves, live, adventures, dive into passions, exercise great positions. And what can be shown on the objectivity of Sissy was a kiss and your passion for Lawrence, with the outcome the tragedy.

These points highlight the tense relations of power between the sexist discourse of the narrator and the resistance of the character about the marriage, relationships that appear implicitly in inglesiano.

Note-If a power struggle waged through verbal discourse (ideology of '' no hurry '' Wuss), the optics of the Attorney/Narrator of the Amazon of interiority 1800 are impressionable in the extreme; the very title of the narrative that makes a shape hint to the feeling of Wuss for Lourenço. "If concerns about the reason of an unusual procedure to poor girls, Sissy had a lovely smile saying: well, I'm in no hurry. So placid and happy ran that existence. " (SHAH, 2005, p. 48)

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[1] Graduating in literature-Portuguese language and literature at the Federal University of Amazonas

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