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The impositions and transfers of information from the central axis of the universe to the formation of life and climate: theoretical essay

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SANTOS, Irineu de Oliveira[1]

SANTOS, Irineu de Oliveira. The impositions and transfers of information from the central axis of the universe to the formation of life and climate: theoretical essay. Revista Científica Multidisciplinar Núcleo do Conhecimento. Year. 07, Ed. 08, Vol. 07, pp. 80-119. August 2022. ISSN: 2448-0959, Access link:


The theoretical essay intends to draw attention to timeless gravitational electromagnetic forces of unknown speeds and energies that depart from some way and place beyond time, in the forms of classical physics and quantum physics, and like us, using these resources of temporality and anticipated results of reaction of those involved, we will be able to preserve lives. It also deals with the existence of a central axis in the macro universe, which drives from itself, vibrations in types and categories that seem to us to happen in zero time, or temporally retroactive, superior to retrograde waves (HFR), perhaps due to using folds of other dimensions. These “information” received instantly by all galaxies, penetrate the bodies to the core of the largest sun or cosmic hole, releasing information that is then ruminated and regurgitated from the nuclei of the bodies returning to the surface of these stars as a repetitive and modified echo, with times different types of ascent, according to the Super Fluid Waves-Hybrids. The composition of this echo interferes with the forces or energies that these stars have, because force and temporality are always affecting everything that exists, inside, on or around these celestial bodies, changing what intelligence calls life. In this context, the objective is to report the correlation between quantum entanglement and classical physics in matters of transfer of information and energy between the central axis of the universe, galaxies, sun and earth, as well as to demonstrate the influence of this transfer in the forms of life and formation of the climate and the planet. The methodology used is a compilation of geological and geomagnetic studies of the earth, retrograde waves (HFR), astronomical and astrophysical data, physics and observations, in order to raise the issue of cosmic energies that affect everything, so that we become aware and prepare ourselves anticipated for future developments, already active, which result in the extension and adaptation of anomalies. Finally, this theoretical essay links the movements of everything that exists with time, gravity and life, it also establishes, based on galactic temporal studies, that the universe seeks to create adaptive lives to its alterations, modifying what on earth, conveniently, we call of climate.

Keywords: Correlation, Energies, Time, Universal north-south axis, Analogy.


Science is the art of making predictions about reality, based on real data and information from the past and present, creating theoretical probabilities (LIGEIRO, 2015). Within this premise of what science is, the present study aims to collaborate with subsidies that were not contemplated in traditional physical data and in quantum physical data, since the current mathematical vectors do not reveal, in their probabilistic framework, external energies, in addition to the gravity, other than the sun or the moon, which is a crass error.

Therefore, the present theoretical essay is an overview of considerations and conclusions based on scientific studies and based mainly on the article by Oliveira et al. (2018), as it clearly condenses what exists in studies and research on climate and its correlation with galactic movements, also presenting observations on what are frequencies, oscillations, cosmic waves and their relationship with the denomination of terrestrial life, climatic variations and variations in the time of events, as well as the way they happen, why they happen. Emphasizing, finally, the acting forces and other studies of the same theme that deal with the most basic and powerful energies that make up the universe itself.

In this context, recent discoveries, such as the evidence of waves in the Earth’s core, disclosed by Gillet et al. (2021) and Hanson et al. (2022), defiantly point out the deceptive passivity of space-time which, by analogy, will be related, in this essay, to quantum physics and traditional physics, as fundamental energetic elements that move and permeate the interior of galaxies and this planet, as the changes shot from the universal-axis towards the center of galaxies, suns, planets and moons happen in classical and quantum astronomical times. Although it is empirical, because we do not have forms of measurement, nor tools to validate the physical observations that happen extra temporally in the future and we feel in our dimension in the present times, nor do we have a quantum basis of measurement to validate such crossed events, which is theorized in this study move between dimensions, it is argued that they have speed that reach to sweep the entire universe in a single impulse.

Furthermore, it is theorized that around us and throughout the galaxy, energies/frequencies/radiations/waves of categories above extradimensional are at work, with exotic actions and behaviors, where there are reports of external solar anomalies, “sunspots”, and internal planetary changes, “volcanic eruptions”, changes in the behavior of flora and fauna, rates of harvests and production of milk and honey. As an example, the study by Gallep and Robert (2021) is cited, which reports that the gravitational action of the Sun and the Moon has a direct influence on the behavior of animals and plants.

It is within this framework of information that one better understands the possible functions and actions of energies (a word without an exact definition, but which is related to the capacity for movement/action of matter in a perceptible/measurable way) that designate vibrations, waves, temporalities and other forms of movement and force, which we will call here as multidimensional oxy and exa energies, originating from the axis of the macro universe, which are the forerunners of everything that will happen a priori in the galaxies, in the planets and in the lives on them. These energies from different categories of our daily life, when they collide with matter and solar energy, for example, show temporal dyssynchrony, as there are old and new forms of energy to be considered/observed/explored. By describing them, in this study, it is expected to create certain tools for reading these vibrations, so that they can be found in the future by researchers from different areas of study on frequencies, a subject that involves beings and things, as a single be symbiont.

In order to exemplify and recognize some of these associations of anomalies within the galactic movement, as well as some responses to how life responds to these changes, the study described by Arantes (2021) is cited, showing that as we have evolved up to this point, we must start from of scientific and safe indication, in order to identify where these vibrational impositions come from and where they go to, from there, to be able to obtain a control, even if palliative, for the problems that will arise from the imminent global warming.

Throughout this essay, we intend to answer: what are these vibrational elements? How do they behave and act in galactic astrophysical planes? How are they launched from the central axis of the universe, how do they act and how do they project in coronal ejections, in planetary gravitational forces and shields? All materials have forms of energies and frequencies, uni or multidimensional, but how can they always be happening in a way that all terrestrial life and we, in particular, can anticipate with our own body?

Accompanying the universe autonomously, it is clear that these forms of energy are accepted by living organisms as everyday acts that happen involuntarily to our intellect, just feel and observe our body adapting and fighting for the prolongation of material existence. Given this, we can say that there is a struggle for evolutionary life, where and when signs are present in us and in other living beings, as we instinctively and in advance, with our matter, predict the changes in our surroundings, automatically and unconsciously, proving the existence of instantaneous universal classical/quantum entanglement. In this context, the past temporality that remains present when it emerges in volcanic eruptions, in the winds and tides that accompany cycles to affect with more intensity the terrestrial crust and the life on it, as also described in retrograde waves (HFR) (OLIVEIRA et al. 2018).

In view of the above, the present theoretical essay aims to report the correlation between quantum entanglement and classical physics in matters of transfer of information and energy between the central axis of the universe, galaxies, sun and earth, as well as to demonstrate the influence of this transfer in the forms of life and formation of the climate and the planet.


To introduce the theme, real graphic images are presented below, captured by scientists in millions of hours of studies and observations, on the movements of the solar system and the milky way, on the immense “God” and on how here within it, where we are inserted, there is no temporality for cosmic discharges to reach us, but bio astrophysical response and adaptation time.

The first figure, taken from the article by Oliveira et al. (2018), describes the position and oscillation of the solar system traveling within the galaxy in the last 500 million years, being hit by energetic loads of different categories and being influenced by various gravitational attractions, forming and reforming living things in its bulge.

Figure 1. Positions and oscillations of the Solar System in the Galaxy, over the last 500 million years

Posições e oscilações do Sistema Solar na Galáxia, ao longo dos últimos 500 milhões de anos.
Caption: (A) Radial wobble, where R is the distance between the Sun and the center of the Galaxy; (B) Vertical wobble, where Z is the distance from the Sun to the galactic plane; (C) Schematic representation of the spiral structure of the Milky Way (seen from above the plane) and the path of the Solar System. Thick blue lines: cold modes from Frakes et al. (1992); Red circles:  mass extinction events; Green diamonds: positions every 100 million years. Caption: pc = parsec (unit of distance used in astronomy to represent stellar distances). Source: Oliveira et al. (2018).

The second figure depicts cosmic rays and ice ages on earth. The graphic shows the solar system during its journey through the galaxy, which causes the emergence of life, in addition to promoting the dynamics of the sun and the core of planet Earth to remain active.

Figure 2. Cosmic Rays and Ice Ages on Earth

Raios cósmicos e Eras glaciais na Terra
Caption: (A) describes the passages through the spiral arms of the Galaxy; (B) represents the Cosmic Ray Flux (CRF) reaching the Solar System; In (C), the curve denotes the tropical ocean surface temperature relative to present day, and the filled areas express the paleo-latitudinal distribution of debris transported by ice; (D) and (E) qualitatively describe the times during which Earth experienced Ice Ages; (F) Histogram of epochs of exposure to Fe/Ni meteors – epochs of greatest meteor exposure cluster around periods with a smaller cosmic ray flux. Source: Oliveira et al. (2018).

Table 1. Summary of climate cycles, their periods, mechanisms and causes

Síntese dos ciclos do clima, seus períodos, mecanismos e causas
Caption: C. = Cycle; in. = days); The. = years); or. = thousands years; Bad. = millions of years. Source: Oliveira et al. (2018).

The interpretive figures below, created by supercomputers, show the predicted age of the macro galaxy of approximately 13.7 billion years, from the supposed big-bang.

Figure 3. Photograph of the most distant galaxy ever observed

Fotografia da galáxia mais distante já observada
Source: Freitas (2022).

Figure 4. Timeline showing early candidate galaxies and the history of the Universe

Linha do tempo mostrando os primeiros candidatos a galáxias e a história do Universo.
Source: Freitas (2022).

The photos, despite still being analyzed, predict that the galaxies may be 33/4 billion light years away in this intermediate zone, which is not the final distance, yet, where the galaxies have already traveled and moved away from the initial point. An anomaly, what you see in the supercomputer image, is where we may have managed to interpret the expansion, which occurs at speeds many times the speed of light, of theories full of flaws, of limiting flat velocities, which are beyond twice the initially predicted expansion of galaxies, the enigmatic black holes and white holes.


According to Santos (2021),

Falar das propriedades e capacidades interativas de Deus, no sentido científico parece não ter sentido prático no nosso grau de desenvolvimento atual, mas tem, e Deus fica basicamente localizado e reconhecido como autor/coautor/diretor mor, visto que está esclarecido ser o local onde sempre tudo ocorre, mais produtivamente.

The development of this research is based on scientific data taken from the articles mentioned in the references, as well as on observations, which aim to describe where is our relationship from the beginning of the connections, movements, cosmic interweavings of the planet with our incomplete and mistaken perceptions of what time is /space and our automatic intracorporeal solutions of characteristic adaptations, in response to extracorporeal excitations, alluding to what we consider corporeal attacks to pressure variation changes that mess with our fluids in our ears or vary our mood, whether of external cosmic origin. Or, even, a cloudy day, in addition to the quantum anomalies that our body also feels and that our mind and understanding don’t even reach, or have the capacity to calculate.

Such is the speed that we develop all the time through the cosmos, in rotations and translations, being reached by the wanderings of these paths that we follow, by trillions of vibrations and energies that shape our bodies and minds, as well as everything around us, being a function of our part autonomous involuntary material take charge of assembling the adaptive countermeasures for survival. These are also adopted by animals, insects and, mainly, plants, even our smallest biomolecule.

The summarized description of this stage is: from the material walls of the Macro universe, instantaneous vibrations depart and arrive that run along the central axis of space, spreading to where the galaxies are located, vibrations that run in the North/South/North/South direction (like a stomach pierced by a bundle, “a cable” of intertwined neurons in constant Wi-Fi communication, or like a spine in a human being). From this axis, commands depart in some kind of space/time, so instantaneous that they surpass our reason, which influence and, in a certain way, control all existing matter, as well as the discharges of energy that influence and order all matter that is entering or leaving this macro universe/space, where it is presumed to happen by black holes and white holes, which are possible anomalies to be existing, one sucks, the other injects. I even think that we can assume, predict or imagine matter that is still in another dimension or space, that is, it is in the throat of space-time, very distant temporally speaking and that can change everything here in our space/time (figuratively speaking , for example, using a ruminant being as a reference, as if food were getting into the throat and their stomach/biliary/renal neurons, already preventing and preparing mainly their stomachs, with a certain degree of acids, directing muscle spasms, regurgitating, everything alien to their voluntary understanding, being processed by their neurons/neurons of the stomachs and other organs as a measure of acceptance, in instantaneous connection with other neurons, already foreseeing and preparing the entire body, the entire surroundings for this injection of matter/food), as usually happens when these vibrations arrive, transferring information to living beings for future adaptations and always providing storage of surplus energy in the most appropriate form.

Como o segundo cérebro se comunica com o primeiro cérebro.

A equipe fez a descoberta usando uma técnica de rastreamento neuronal desenvolvida por eles mesmos, e ainda não usada em nenhum outro laboratório do mundo, que permite ver as terminações nervosas sensoriais com clareza na parede intestinal.

A técnica permitiu ver que as células enterocromafins liberando substâncias por um processo de difusão, que então atua nos nervos sensoriais que se comunicam com o cérebro.

A equipe não conseguiu identificar nenhuma conexão física direta entre as células enterocromafins e as terminações nervosas sensoriais, ao contrário do que algumas teorias sugeriam.

“O intestino é o único órgão com seu próprio sistema nervoso, conhecido como Sistema Nervoso Entérico, ou segundo cérebro. Agora temos uma melhor compreensão de como o ‘segundo cérebro’ se comunica com o ‘primeiro cérebro’,” disse o professor Spencer (DIÁRIO DA SAÚDE, 2022)

Continuing with this model/form of presentation, focused on our understanding and understanding of why our bodies adapt involuntarily to continue existing and transmitting these adaptations in the genes, it is true that we feel in the skin and evolutionarily adapt to changes, but we lack scientific tool at disposal that can cover galactic velocities.

Today, this form of tracking is not available even by our most powerful telescopes. Therefore, we have to use our imagination in order to be able to look for new physical and mathematical tools, which one day can measure and measure the dimensional frequencial displacement, the size of the connections, speeds/times/gravities and energies involved, so that narrative descriptions can be useful of the galactic sizes comparative to that of our solar system, which I dimension staggered below, as a mental exercise of our size, which despite being so small must have an interesting size for some occult force, since in the universe nothing is without purpose.

Also, to understand the timing and response of our bodies, our sun and planet, as we pass through these stimuli, these energy walls, the approximate values and distances are as follows: our solar system is traveling at 871,781 km/h within the Milky Way, which is one in billions of galaxies and receives all information instantly, like all other galaxies, which together represent just over 3.5% of all existing matter in the ultra universe, even considering all dark matter and antimatter together, where our 5th category sun holds 98.5% of all matter in the solar system. Where our planet is so small, porous and hollow, even considering the oceans, lakes and rivers, which is basically a gas, it does not even deserve to appear as a supporting factor, since it does not exert any gravitational consideration on the sun, however, these are factors that must be considered considered when designing probabilistic calculations of external influences acting on our participation and reactive duress.

Below are merely illustrative authorial drawings of the possible creative origins of active temporal energies, probabilistic, with suggestive titles.

Figure 5 portrays the macro universe traversed by an axis releasing notifying and imposing information.

Figure 5. Macro universe with galaxies, clouds of gas and matter, background wall, oscillations in the background walls, oscillatory frequency multipolar central axis, being the unconscious directing axis of black and white hole discharges, being, also, energy reformer creator of matter and trigger of orders for all existing matter and energy, all in “0” time, by our time count

Macro universo com galáxias, nuvens de gás e matéria, parede de fundo
Source: author.

The figures below depict the multi frequencies and waves hitting everything in Zero time, replicating and later being replicated by galaxies, suns, planets, moons and existing life.

Figure 6. Orders’ way off the primordial axis for galaxies is a warning for everything we understand exists to adapt. This wave goes out and comes back without overlapping, again and again

Maneira de as ordens saírem do eixo primordial para galáxias é um aviso para tudo que entendemos que existe se adaptar. Esta onda sai e volta sem se sobrepor, repetidas vezes
Source: author.

Figure 7. Representation of if the order or vibration of the axis spread uniformly throughout the universal space, where it reaches the center of all galaxies, suns and planets at the same time to, afterwards, be replicated as the vibration of a church’s bell. This vibration is felt by all living bodies more than once and is preparatory for events to come.

Representação de se a ordem ou vibração do eixo se espalhasse uniformemente por todo espaço universal
Source: author.

Figure 8. Represents the circulating multifrequency signature as it occurs later by replication in the nuclei of galaxies, in the suns, in the planets, back to the surface of these stars, when they stop being in tune and emanation shocks may occur

Representa a assinatura multifrequencial circulante
Source: author.

Source: author. Figure 9 represents the back wall of the macro universe, reacting to external excitations and protecting the galaxies.

Figure 9. Back wall of the macro universe suffering influence from other dimensions, dampening these influences, adapting and releasing matrix particles and quantum stamens (Theory of who God is)

Parede de fundo do macro universo sofrendo influência de outras dimensões
Source: author.

Figure 10 demonstrates the conductive axis, crossing the back wall of the macro universe, capturing external information.

Figure 10. Shows the beginning of the conducting axis of the center of the universe, as we have in the center of all galaxies, of all suns and planets, where all have oscillating polarity and the source of magnetic and gravitational fields. Here appears the part that is outside our ultra galaxy, crossing the back wall of the ultra universe and bringing from the impedances the new measurements for acceptance of these new orders

Apresenta o início do eixo condutor do centro do universo
Source: author.

We must, by analogy with the need for understanding, create in our mind the corresponding image, that is, consider that the ultra universe with all its billions of galaxies is the stomach of a very exotic being, where our galaxy, our Milky Way with its thousands of arms, it would be a cell, inside this stomach, which must/have other hundreds of thousands of neurons now active and in other spaces/times, or dimensions.

This magnificent being has, outside the walls of its “stomach”, other hundreds of thousands of neurons, which would be (or are) in other dimensions called by analogy: liver, kidneys, lungs, intestines, heart, where in the end everything circle.

All the neurons inside and outside the stomach of this creature called “God” are acting harmoniously in diverse and specialized dimensions, but communicating, (like a human body) and, we can already prove that this is a very plausible and real probability of being observable and measured, with studies cited above of the interconnections of cosmic rays and life formation, only in this way can we understand certain intercommunication anomalies of the galaxy, although we think, how? Of course we don’t have suns in our stomachs, do we? If we think in terms of the scope of the universe, could our sun be just an atom in another shape? Figuratively it could.

Evidence points out that there are hidden patterns and great uncertainties of what is valid at a moment, both for the classical and for the quantum, even in the galactic moment when we look at our position in the universe we no longer find that position, like two blood cells that cross and run in a vein, and that goes way beyond that we’re all connected.

I think that the speed of our existences is so ephemeral that maybe we are no longer existing while we think we are still in the relative present. Even looking at the images above in terms of billions of years and seeing the pattern of the repetitive movements of the drawings, we know that they are still not definitive assertions, because we are not sure of basically anything about other forces that acted or how this affected the interaction between the Sun and our planet, for example.

Probably, without fully confirming what we can suppose to be true, how we are affecting and are affected by everything we have on our planet during our existence, while we live/run, there is enormous certainty and clear uncertainty that we will disappear without leaving any traces of our passing in the “Milky Way”. It is illogical to see, know and live the truth and not believe in another active example in our daily life and in the interaction between the central command of the universe with the center of our galaxy, and of this with our sun, and of our sun with the nucleus of our planet, and from there back to the earth’s crust/oceans, atmosphere, electromagnetic shield and space. Especially because in physics, it is not uncommon for symmetry to be broken, including in what we understand as time/gravity/directions, these are states of communication and interactions not foreseen in the two physics or daily broken by one of them.

The author’s drawings below do not faithfully correspond to the description made, being expressed only as an example in order to help the reader’s understanding.

Figure 11. The sun receives external excitation from the universe axis and reacts adaptively

O sol recebe excitação externa do eixo universo e reage adaptativamente
Source: author.

The figure above demonstrates that the sun receives external excitation and, as a living form, uses this information and modeling frequency from the main axis of the universe and, with a delay, some time later, also from the center of the universe where it is inserted, regurgitates, but has already had initiated a reaction of preparation for the changes.

Figure 12. The sun expels from the core, in a rotational sense, energies that will be replicated on Earth

O sol expele do núcleo, em sentido rotacional, energias que serão replicadas na Terra (2)
Source: author.

The figure above represents the sun as a very effective form of life that starts issuing orders from the core to the outer layers, from where it receives and issues, in the shape of an onion. The emitted energy rotates until it reaches the edges, where reactions, reactive or aggressive combinatorial frequencies occur. If the other celestial bodies are not in harmonic frequencial tune with the frequencies that are coming in and out of the entire Sun and will come or will reach Earth “Gaia” by reactive imposition of the core of our planet that copies relatively to its internal power, in the frequency received by solar microwaves.

Figure 13. Sun releasing a discharge with random force and temporality

Sol liberando uma descarga com força e temporalidade aleatória.
Source: author.

The above model demonstrates how energy and force fluctuations rise at different times, different frequencies, different wavelengths, up to different dimensions with different time delays.

Figure 14. Earth receives modifying orders/energies from the universe and the sun

Terra recebe do universo e do sol ordensenergias modificadoras.
Source: author.

The planets react exactly like all the other bodies in the galaxy, although ours, because it is GAIA, reacts differently, the reactive orders of the universal, galactic axis and the sun, unconsciously retransmit, to the oldest living beings, orders for preservation, from from the core, from the various dampening layers of incoming microwaves, the output of heat and frequencial emanations until they reach the surface, in the roots of plants and, later, to exclusively superficial living beings.

Figure 15. The planet receives information from the sun and the universe and modulates the release of energies from the core

O planeta recebe do sol e do universo informações e modula liberação de energias a partir do núcleo
Source: author.

Gaia/earth receives energies from the sun that are transformed and distributed from its core, where part of these waves, which enter the green length, are directly in the oldest and most efficient beings that are those of the vegetable kingdom, present, mainly, in oceans and forests. These beings feed themselves, more directly, transforming energy into matter instantly and are peaceful beings who, for millions of years, mark out and cross solar vibrations, with the information that comes from the core of Gaia’s soil and arm their strategies in the cellular and symbiotic community (where fungi play an important role), as well as sharing and setting up strategies with other individuals of different species, to survive and perpetuate their species. All of this occurs non-causally, more than years, more than decades in advance, in a way that we were cellularly learning to develop, but which will be interrupted by extremely accelerated climate change.

Figure 16. Energies are modulated from the core, affecting climate and life, opposing external emanations that undermine harmony

As energias são moduladas a partir do núcleo, afetando o clima e a vida, opondo-se a emanações externas que atentem contra harmonia
Source: author.

The figure demonstrates the holes that the earth has in its shields, which allow emanations and vibrations of different orders to penetrate and act sometimes as a medicine, sometimes as a poison for the maintenance of solar beings dependent on fragile harmonic fluctuations, while they live, inhabit and consume energy transformed from the solar star.

Figure 17. Shields emanating from the planet’s core, react to external excitations involuntarily, protecting life that thrives, while it consumes it

Escudos emanados a partir do núcleo planeta, reagem às excitações externas involuntariamente, protegendo a vida que prospera, enquanto esta o consome
Source: author.

As in the sun, fluctuating circulatory energies rise to the surface of Gaia, where beings who have previously been warned and should be relatively prepared for these emanations, sandwiched between the sun and the core of the earth, are found. But, with the changes caused today within the habitable limit (which comprises air, soil, ocean) it is almost impossible to assertively predict how our intelligent and autonomous cells should act constructively with accuracy, to be aware of what will happen in relation to the magnitude of emanations external, in exchange for emanations from the planetary core, so that we are 100% prepared.


A complementary subtheory is presented, on the transfer of supradimensional microwave charges in the senses: solar core/earth core, and earth core/earth shield response, where I think we are misinterpreting.

It is presented that the proposal about the core of the planet after formation, is that it remains in combustion due to the microwaves of the sun (a category of vibration that we are born adapted to not let ourselves be affected by a certain amount). By analogy, we cite the example of what was proposed by Nikola Tesla on alternating current, in 1892, at the Royal Institute in London. He proposed that the higher the frequency of electricity, the less we are affected (as he demonstrated at the time by grabbing and holding two electrified bars, without any damage to his physical integrity).

In this context, the transfer that the sun forces in the movement from its core to our core, that is, the rotational movement of the sun’s core in interaction with the core of our planet, occurs not only due to its own energy, because, if so if it weren’t, the nuclear force would already have consumed the Earth’s crust billions of years ago, to feed back. This is the basic universal law, to consume matter to generate more energy and not to become extinct, except in our case, if it receives energy from another external source, and the sun is our external and internal propellant, as it is in relation to other radiations outside the solar system. However, it is worth mentioning that confirmation is still lacking if the oceans (mainly) act as an iris in the reception of these waves together with liquids on the surface of our planet, if they filter and amplify the radiations that pass through us, acting as a catalyst to amplify these vibrations, or that is, like a kind of magnifying glass.

Complementing the above, it should be noted that all planetary movements are interactive, interrelated and repetitive, but not equal, energetically speaking.

During their evolutions they are charged with new energies and added with stellar matter which can, by quality and quantity, alter their gravitational weight more than the loss of tons of gas to space. Although, due to general equilibrium, this does not change its temporal evolutions, which, at this existential moment, in particular, are only of interest on a planetary scale because they happen in disarray in these delays of what we see and feel coming from the sun, with how much and when energy comes to the surface at from the core of the planet.

This significant mismatch shows that the rise in vibrations is not happening at the same time as the atmospheric pressure contained in the inner space of planet Earth, being out of balance with the response of the planetary interior heating and with the eruptions from which these emanations should be rising. The earth also doesn’t show synchrony with what should be happening to our sunspots, it seems to us that it doesn’t have instantaneous nucleic interchangeability.

Taking into account how much the sun controls us vibrationally and climatically, these discharge anomalies caused by sunspots (in this case speaking of our sun as an engine, because that is what interests us) are not just the arrivals on the solar surface of force discharges , which are also information that the sun received a long time ago, to behave like this, but also emanations and radiation released in different wavelengths, different frequencies, particles, X-rays, gamma rays and other energies in higher categories not yet detectable. However, for us and for our climate, we are already well-informed to understand that they are decisive in and for our daily lives, like matter.

In this context, geologists have discovered small magnetic waves spreading in the Earth’s core in the “Magnetic oscillations in the core” and believe that they can help explain what is happening in the depths of our planet. As an example, the study presented by Nicolas Gillet and his colleagues at the University of Grenoble Alpes, in France, is cited, where the Earth’s geomagnetic field was observed between 1999 and 2021 using data from satellites and ground observatories. From the analyses, the team found that the magnetic field around the equatorial region of the core fluctuates regularly (GILLET et al., 2021).

It is easy to see and accept that we are in an accelerated process of extinction of species in the sea (plankton, corals) and on land (insects, in particular), which is very serious due to the chain that this implies. This can be observed in trips that cross an entire continent, particularly well preserved by woods and forests, crossed from north to south, in a hot month, where specimens of endemic or not endemic insects should still be mating or initiating migrations. In this observation, we can see absences of up to 80% of flying species, mainly throughout the continent, where we lost more than ¾ of the diversity.

Below are some observations made by the author of this essay, referring to the biological loss of insects in South America, which I was able to make/verify in the year 2022 between the months of March and April of the current year, a period of heat and humidity conducive to the proliferation and migration of huge numbers of flying insects, such as: cicadas, butterflies, flies, ants, ladybugs, bees, beetles, moths, weevils, termites, grasshoppers, mosquitoes and others.

At that time, these insects should have been starting life, feeding, flying to mate and laying eggs. However, it can be seen in the author’s observations, where he passed through a wide variety of reliefs, altitudes, flora and fauna, passing through vast areas of native vegetation, extensive cultivated agricultural areas and in preparation, and extensive areas of livestock pasture, without finding any insects. This occurrence brings great impacts, with the disappearance of insects much higher than expected, regardless of internal climate changes, sunspots or other external and internal storms, which adds to plant/forest biological loss.

This reality without a scientific bent, merely one of observation, in a country of continental proportions and with a humid and hot climate, portrays a state of alert, leading us to question: is it only pesticides and pesticides that are causing the decimation or removal of insects? Are they buried or hidden in the soils and forests? Could it be that solar energy fluctuations also play a large role in larval postures? Could it be that our internal temperature changes, rainfall and winds have influenced this scenario? Nothing is certain, except the realization that the reduction of these pollinating beings will bring unfavorable impacts, in addition to the loss of biological diversity.

Sunspots, through personal observations and conclusions, are creators and destroyers, in a disconcerting ambivalence for our young and groping cosmic/celestial observation, given that it is not possible to have real images of our sun, with the scientific clarity required for accurate studies, nor of frequencies/modulations and radiation levels in full.

We are beginning, at this juncture, to understand the flatulence or belching of external absorption that the suns previously received and, in the exclusive vibrational language of their core, their surface or their solar corona, passed to the planets of the solar system, energies sometimes received years ago, which seem to have gone into hibernation and which we living beings were born ready and adapted to let pass through our body and matter, absorbing just the right amounts for our corporeal physical growth and acquiring another as much from ingestion through the transformation of other beings, who also absorb and grow with these radiations that our body autonomously learned to molecularly break down and absorb when ingesting their materials. Furthermore, we are molded to let pass some of these radiations and to absorb others as matter in the form of food directly through the skin and internal organs, autonomously, physically and quantically. Furthermore, we are prepared to receive, absorb and transform these solar emanations without damage as long as there are not too many.

Everyday we observe changes in the domestic species that accompany us, without relating them to past/present/future solar factors, be it insects on farms and farms becoming more or less active looking for food; dogs and cats gaining or losing hair; and birds changing seasons.

Finally, observing all living beings in their behavior and changes, it is possible to explain, with their previous remarkable adaptation, reactions where changes will happen through messages coming from the ground, before our body consciously takes measures beyond our control and, without our permission, transmit feelings and sensations that can cause panic and unnecessary adrenaline discharges, as these changes are just prior preparation for what is to come to happen on our planet soon.

I think that these observations, with a scientific look at domestic beings, show what will happen long before the fact appears in our climate detectors, in satellite photos or in the lens of astrological observatories. It is observed, mainly, among insects that are fragile and live with their symbionts a short life, in our view, they have adapted more, since they react to fluctuating soil changes to protect their ephemeral lives, with accuracy, hunger and ferocity, since the temporal window to be of short space to procreate and to live.

As for domestic animals and us, other living beings on the planet and the earth itself, we are stronger and more resistant to not having to react so immediately to energetic gravitational changes in space or the sun and, although it is possible to mention other external elements that reach, this study is limited to energies in their most classical forms.

Furthermore, it is interesting that we must approach these events, in order to understand the moment of the anomaly that can extinguish a large part of what we understand as human life, which is the only reason for this theoretical essay, since each lost species affects the entire chain in ways not yet known well understood. In addition, fluctuations are becoming accelerated and inconsistent in the temporalities that were referential, and another anomaly related to gravitational quantum fluctuations is emerging, which interferes with our heart vibration and can trigger arrhythmias, as well as change our diaphragm, which is one of the organs responsible for internal pressure balance. This hurried rhythmic change also harms our ears, more precisely our labyrinth, which is also compressed by extreme environmental changes, which can cause brain blackouts, that is, we can be passing through a place and get dizzy to the point that the brain gives orders to erase everything, exchanging we fainted inexplicably. This phenomenon has been growing as these bubbles of gravitational changes float along the surface of the planet.


The so-called HFR are retrograde, that is, they travel in the opposite direction to the solar attraction and are a kind of vortex or brakes that the universe itself puts on the suns to avoid going beyond the equilibrium point. Also, small magnetic waves spread out from the earth’s core, where a temporality of seven years has been discovered when magnetic fluctuations reach 1,500 km at the equator. Despite this, we no longer have consistent external information, however, this has never prevented us humans and other living beings on our planet from adapting, almost always involuntarily, to future and present changes.

In this context, our body acting differently by region, accompanying changes and, among these changes, that of the plant kingdom, which is the simplest and best adapted, receives information much earlier, reaching months and years of advance preparation, due to fluctuations magnetic in the interior of the earth that are easily received by the roots and amplified in the reception by fungi, mites and insects that watch over their partner and fight for their survival.

Access to this information occurs because it is on earth where they survive and receive help, these living beings being an energy food conversion plant, since it converts sunlight into matter, energy and sugar, in addition to storing energy in the soil directly in the roots or in fungi, in different forms.

It is also worth reflecting on why and for what: the excess of hair in animals, the thickening of their hides and changes in natural serotonins, more or less feathers, a thicker and more rigid exoskeleton, the retention of tree bark, thicker tree leaves and vegetables with a different color, the accumulation of fat by more sensitive beings (envisioning climate change with a lack of future food?) or about how we will vibrate with some kind of energy that we will need, at some time, in the future, and that will be necessary for the corporeal/energetic survival of what we understand as existence.

In view of this, it should be noted that these are enormous differences that living beings use to receive, dribble and adapt to future changes in their environment. These changes are as specialized as the time that exists on the planet for adapting everything that is considered alive. They are not simple lunar or solar alterations, because we are free and independent when we talk about cosmic influences, therefore, there are no boundaries of the solar system, nor of gravitational movement.

So let’s talk about something bigger, something formative. We can further scrutinize the correlations of climate change and the disruption of temporal synchrony of changes simply by looking at behavioral changes in unicellular and cellular. But, to make the narrative more contemporary and give a new foundation to the inquisitorial look, we must go to the more complex ones, recommending a detailed look at the figures above, in the movements and in the interrelationships with the adaptations, which are not even visible or catchable on the radars meteorological nor in computational calculations, being these alterations that occasionally change the gravitational constants and permeate our gaseous shields, being able to alter our glandular and pyknotic behaviors, as if it were a magnet that can prioritize a mass displacement, without a rational reason, as occurs with turtles, lemmings or polar reindeer, and may have occurred with dinosaurs.

As an example, below I list some types of living beings that, possibly, will continue to exist, even if something of great climatic magnitude or gravitational and energetic changes occurs again, accelerated by human intervention, in order to copy formation, modes and ways to our survival.

Among living beings with autonomous movements, I mention the Tardigrade, which is practically immune to atomic radiation, X-rays and Gamma. It exists for more than 1 billion years, lives in space, can go 30 years without food, is totally dehydrated, lives in -270º C or more than 150º C, it, too, makes adaptations to survive climate changes in advance. It is not known how far in advance, but before solar anomalies are detected, it can even hibernate. However, even so, this animal is at risk of not resisting the imminent explosive global warming (BOOTHBY et al., 2017).

I also mention the Pines, as these are living beings that have existed for more than 2 billion years on the planet and have, as a major adaptation, the transformation of energy into the length of green light from the sun (the most abundant) directly into matter, adding millions of tons every year to the earth through the transmutation of energies and reception, mainly from the leaves, but also transforms and transmutes energy from the branches and the trunk.

Its entire reception structure is already green, aiming to avoid wasting this resource of existence and preserving the adaptations that have developed in the last hundreds of millions of years. In addition, the existence of duplicity with the vibrations of the ground, while receiving information from the core of the planet through emanations of quantum fluctuations by its roots and associated collaborative fungi, crossing with information from the sun received in the past and present , are designers used in order to adapt more than 10 years in advance, so that new seeds are released more or less far, more or less leaves, more or less fleshy leaves, more or less thick bark. Also making adjustments to the amount of water they will have available in a decade or more.

In addition, due to the position of the planet in the galactic movement, in its structures, above and below the surface, so much so that evolutionarily today they dispense with displacement movements, they experience and feel solar eruptions, even if they do not see them as we who live only in the present time. These solar emanations do not catch these living beings unprepared, they already have an informative preparation internally, they already know what caused this solar phenomenon, through crossed information, available, including, in the DNA of the seeds. These beings know that information that seems to us to be current anomalies, things from more than a decade ago, and now reaching the surface of the sun, departed from the central axis.

The theory of Hans Eduard Suess (1909-1993), published in the Swedish Magazine Tellus, in 1957, proved with radiocarbon, cyclical solar/climatic variations every 90 years (COSTA, 2007). Furthermore, egocentric and variable orbits returning every 179 years, “Joseph cycle”, were identified, reported that planets by gravitational/magnetic attraction cause sunspots.

Due to the current equipment used, the assertion that some of the planets in the solar system are the cause of the spots is impaired, since 80% of them originate, mainly, from the core of the suns outwards, due to the excitation effects of the universal axis of past times , just now emerging, reaching the solar surface. Except if any planet has temporal decompensatory gravitational energy in the hepta-dimensional order to go to the core of the sun and make the whirlpool of energy called sunspot emerge. Thus, the question arises whether this would be possible, since the sun is basically 99.9% of all mass in the solar system. In this context, it is almost impossible for the remaining matter to have gravitational force to cause spots of such magnitude.

In addition, the results of Scafetta (2010) bring evidence that point to the influences of the 4 largest solar planets on the gravitational and magnetic mechanics of the phenomena of the whole system and not only on gravitational or radioactive forces. Furthermore, studies published in the Physical Review Letters between 2003 and 2008 reported that the existence of high or low frequencies of local eccentricities go far beyond the movements of the sun, planets and their moons, and the fluctuations of events called Dansgaard-Oeschger. Which implies a correlation between the amplified solar activities and the reaction by the planet’s internal system, but I think they are a north to better understand our climate, which has long, medium, current and past external excitation (DANSGAARD et al., 1993).

Also, NASA is cited, which claimed to check if there is solar influence on the core of the planet (NASA 2011) which corroborates this theoretical essay, especially today, when tornadoes never seen or felt before, could only be formed with internal energies of the planet, since there are not enough conditions of atmospheric variations to feed these anomalies in north america, as well as the lack of justification for domestic animals not yet having gotten rid of their “winter clothes”, in the middle of summer in south america, or the absence of pests that migrate from the soil to the plants at this time of year. In the face of this, the question is: what happens? Did our planetary migration ever coincide with these anomalies or are we internally causing it?

As an example, I also mention insects, worms, fungi, pets, felines, birds, which are the ones that we have closest in our culture of pacification and domestication and the easiest to follow in their adaptations. A typical example is fungi. They tend to proliferate when there are favorable climatic changes or that can cause their eradication by unfavorable external factors. For this reason, there is a need to disinfect ourselves, use bleach.

At the same time, we have to keep gardens away from insects (ants, for example) in the eagerness they develop to feed their fungi, when they feel the vibrations of the soil months before the climatic event takes place. We also have to collect the hair/feathers that are shed from domestic animals during the season changes.

But, let us observe that not every year the ants have the same food cravings, in terms of quantities or storage time. Feathers and fur are not the same length, width or thickness and color. These variations are not merely adaptations to changes in the ambient temperature, it is the information that arrives from the sun and the soil, months before, it is the autonomous cellular preparation, which sends the signal for the cells to create defense and preparation mechanisms, which determines the how much we and they are going to be hungry or thirsty to accumulate extra fats or mineral salts for the changes, which are already determined and with what magnitude they will happen and how long they will last. (It was like this before our interference in the release of CO2 in accelerated amounts).

This information is received by wild and domesticated (domesticated) species, or from sites and farms, always in advance, at least annually. The cells of individuals in possession of these indications, in congress, self-determine with cellular indication so that they generate more or less new similar specimens that will already come with future adaptations. Where even we humans, the last to arrive at this climatic seasonal feast (86 thousand years, approximately considering the last three species of Hominids), feel this inner command that generates the desire to accumulate fat and procreate and, although we manage, in part, suppress by imposing the will of the mind on the will of the body, we are not totally immune, because we are dualistic creatures, living in symbiosis, sometimes the body’s collective dominates, sometimes the aggregated spirit does, sometimes the two live together.

Going back to examples of adaptations, among the animals I mention below, I highlight some snow cats that completely change color and remain that way for more or less time. I also mention birds, such as peacocks that change their plumage, depending on the occurrence of more or less incidence of solar frequencies, light, and more or less certain wavelengths, of variations in the hardness of the waves, in order to certainly stay camouflaged longer, have more food and be less food and more predator.

With these changes, they become completely white if they are in the cold hemisphere and this change does not always occur in the same way, nor with the same duration, it can vary from days, weeks or months. The natural clothes they adopt and the reading of the fibers of their wings vary from year to year. In this regard, I affirm that this phenomenon should not occur only because of the age of the bird, that the older the more careful its cells are to lead it to an even greater life. What compels the change is the preparatory command, coming or received in advance from space/sun/planetary core/superficial emanation, separately and together, something that we humans also do, automatically, when, over time, our defenses become more alert , making up for the loss of physical vigor due to more interaction with the surrounding environment and with other forms of life. When we change our antennae, which are in addition to the skin, the hair on the body and on the head, which happens mainly as we age, in aging, when we get more hair on the eyebrows, inside the nose, the hair becomes more clear, usually white and fine. In addition, aiming at greater reception, the growth of the nose and ears is accelerated, in addition to other internal adaptations that also occur, all aimed at preserving and anticipating our existence. Normally, this is alien to our conscious intelligence, which can do little, other than of course advising us to wear clothing suitable for the season, due to feelings of cold or heat.

The great achievement in these examples above, of the adaptations of multicellular living beings, is that the adaptations are made by the collective of cells involuntarily. The collective creates the intelligence of adaptation to survive changes, without the need for reason or rational intelligence to make any decision, quite the contrary, the pondering intelligence we call reason, which is dominated by the collective intelligence of the body, in most cases. times. The reason we go into depression when our bodies feel threatened is the intelligence of the cellular collective kicking in. However, even by variations in atmospheric pressure we can be threatened and this primitive intelligence will also take this as a threat, without knowing the rational cause.

When some change is taking place and being felt by matter, which does not find rational, palpable or informative reasons or in the media anticipating solar or climate changes, many can feel threatened and the body reacts disproportionately. On these occasions, when we feel emanations from the environment without the logical reason being consciously notified, a large door is opened for licit and illicit drugs of all kinds, providing a dampening of these sensations or feelings from the climate or emanations from the center of the earth. This phenomenon happens among the most mentally fragile, among those who have a bodily relationship that is more susceptible to external influences or more permeable and sensitive, causing mental restlessness, who find calm from incomprehensible and excruciating things in drugs and drinks. This happens when there are receptions in the body that the material physical part tries to interpret and cannot.

But, we human beings are not the only ones who suffer in this reaction of planetary changes that comes from the earth’s core. Even the parasites, fungi and symbionts that coexist with humanity make the transition and collaborate so that the host does not die, or is at a disadvantage. Still, most insects obey the impulse of accelerated procreation to these anomalies coming from space, the sun or the earth itself, reacting with incredible food voracity, at the same time trying to distribute their procreation genes or acting to accumulate reserves, attacking our fields of plantation and punishing our agriculture that not always has to face only droughts or floods of these climatic anomalies. We coexist, therefore, with these pests that are just following primitive instincts previously loaded in their DNA, like us, with the difference that these large concentrations of insects, fungi or other parasites can get out of control if we create too much imbalance, atmospheric heat, or CO2 internally , for example, and if they do not receive the energy balance, they can unbalance all the flora and fauna, whether as predators or prey, otherwise let’s see, for example: there was supposed to be a swarm of locusts and there were already predators (birds) ready to counterattack, but it did not occur as adjusted in the DNA of both parties. Therefore, in the near future there may be a lack of predators that compensate for the excess of insects in another location, for example: we would have fewer migrating swallows, which would not eat mosquitoes, which would cause a large spread of yellow fever.

It seems that the correlation was a big reason for the lack of relationship between the tripod of the formation of the climate that is = core of the universe + core of the sun + core of the earth, and the understanding of the adaptation of the species so far in advance for what was to come, so long before it happened it was understood as a science and not as an anomaly.

Issues such as: the sprouting of plants or procreation, depending on what will happen in certain places, are palpable by the amount of deposited larvae, grasshoppers, swarms of flies that are born, mosquitoes, ants (they are the champions, they arrive to gather food with two years in advance, and go up and close the mouth of the anthills months before the rains, and know where the water level will reach).

Insects, perhaps due to their exoskeletons and quantity and proximity to the soil, feel more and better the vibrations of the soil, the planet and the sun, as well as the fluctuations of energies within or under the soil, making very assertive interpretations of upcoming events. They also have different relationships to the climate at that time, because they are always under the stigma of the tripod of energies that make up the kaleidoscope of the universe. Shrubs and other plants are also a showcase, if we look at the species of what we call it, we find that weeds or opportunistic plants emerge very quickly, are dominant, expansive and grow at least six months before the climatic fluctuation appears.

Although in some cases I cite the observations scientifically collected above and referenced, I cite my experience with cellular and symbiotic adaptive climate changes, under my analysis and conscious study, where my body, alien to my will, modifies and adapts. Explaining: it happens with the creation of layers of skin more than normal. There is an overlapping of up to 5 layers of dead skin on my skin that form, mainly, before cold spells, for example, and do not come off, creating a protective and sensitive barrier, in addition to having a pronounced nose, which safeguards the dimensions.

I would say that this phenomenon is similar to what happens to elephants who feel the warnings of where to go from the ground, emanations from the magnetic poles, where it is raining or is going to rain, where there is water on the ground. Other thick-skinned beings, such as rhinos and other mammals, also feel it. I lived a good part of my life like them, feeling betrayed by feeling bad in abrupt changes weeks before climate change and, sometimes, feeling the emanations of other nearby living beings in conditions that were not understood at that time. For years, there was no knowledge that these changes are a gift that our bodies use to ensure survival and early adaptation. However, there is a price to pay for having early protection, by the way, they are cracks that hurt and burn when exposed.

Thickening of hair, hair and an increase in its quantity, more layers of skin, waves of cold or heat due to adaptations of our glands, variations in heartbeats, as well as in venal pressure, are related to the events warned in the past for our neurons, atoms and cells, and in our quantum universe, but that look like they’re current, but they’re not current. They were generated a long time ago, for our current galactic positioning, and only when we consciously feel, in the present time, do we wake up and agree that there was advance preparation, because external climate changes are emerging, as a corporeal personal climate forecast, in such a palpable way that we have already they can and are starting to be detected by our satellites, sensors, and be analyzed by our probabilistic mathematical supercomputers.


Everything emanates from the existence of this primordial force God, everything is energy traveling and intercommunicating as if distances did not exist, where the Hybrid-Waves (OH) are matter, frequency, dimension, and are the direction of movements, the aggregating gravity, the latticework and the glue of the tangle, the place where the balance between attraction and distance is maintained, enabling harmonious existence, forms of energy, communication between all existing things, including multi and extradimensional, of variable and intelligent frequencies.

Much because, in several respects, we agree with Júnior’s Theory of Functional Convenience (2019) and with Rovelli (2017), where it is deduced that we create reality from the creation of the thought of what is feasible to be reality, which then give rise to reality. Water’s anomaly in changing as we observe, touch and handle it is the greatest proof of our participation in the everything of the universe and our interference in everything by simple observations and thoughts. If we alter this material, this stellar element H2O, by the simple act of taking it in our hands and putting it in our mouth, as is proven, and where this altered element ends up interfering in our entire bodily, physical and chemical structure, what our mind can reach? Can we shape future reality by thinking about the aggregation of matrix particles? What about climate control based on understanding how it can work within the intermediate space of the atmosphere? Since the future is already projected by thought and the climate of yesterday already exists in the core of the sun and the planet, is what we are going to find in space what our imagination created or is it what we came subconsciously in the formation of fundamental creative energies? The behavior of these Hybrid-Waves (OH) is neither clear nor defined, moving in a Super Fluid (SFs) way, which are theoretically recognized as Muons, a wave so ethereal that they permeate and cross everything, all the time, also serving to detection of any anomaly coming or happening from space or from the earth’s core, since they are primary elements, also forming life on earth.

This is the primary reason why this study, in the practical functional aspect, immediately aimed to show that we are in a larger body where we interconnect with events regardless of our conscious participation, where speeds occur in temporalities that until now we have not been able to measure , nor identifying, but using our body by analogy as a dictionary and temporal tool, will help.

Also so that we can break with the chains of submission of understanding that only what reached the surface of the sun, is visible or detectable, will affect our climate or give us total predictability, since we had not understood the internal triggers that communicate with the core sun/earth core, earth core/surface, earth and atmosphere, nor how these undulations move from the nuclei to the surfaces, which is very similar to the arms of the Milky Way touching the surface of the sun from the inside and by mirroring in a rotational circulatory movement depart from the earth’s core to the earth’s crust (author’s drawings 5, 6 and 7).

There is much to learn and study, as we are shaken by a myriad of circumstances beyond our galactic temporal control and understanding, leaving us to study the plasma discharge discrepancies and solar flares that shake our shields today. However, we can understand that these were emitted in the past from the magnetic axis of the macro universe and are only now emerging in a cosmic déjà vu.

It is along this path that we should seek a theoretical probabilistic understanding of how we should prepare ourselves economically and physically for a future climate that is not yet detectable by the most advanced probabilistic mathematical computational equipment.

The time-space ripples that permeate everything and everyone can cause damage to the species, without being evil, being exempt, will react to the cracks that we create in our shields, that’s all, and our bioelectricities can succumb to these fluctuations of energies from the cosmic background, due to the fragility of the gravitational and polar magnetic shields, suddenly with striations, which are like tears in a sheet, happening, then, even before the climate harms our materialistic and food productive evolution, which will never find defense for emanations from from solar or coronal flares if it is too thin.

With this prior knowledge, which nature has given us by placing it within the reach of a human, to distribute the knowledge of how waves are experienced by older and surviving specimens and this new way of looking at the physics of life around us , I think we are capable of causing controlled favorable interference, such as reflecting more sunlight, reflecting or attracting it, using its properties and anomalies that would reach the oceans and continents, heating or cooling areas of interest. I also think that we can develop almost inexhaustible sources of non-polluting energy, controlling the entry of solar rays, placing a meaning in the consumption of planetary riches, such as: water, air, soil and sun, mainly. All through a new climatic arrangement, which I envision achieving, especially at this moment in development, knowing and recognizing the mode of climate, to be temporally constituted, when we unveil the hidden external cause, at the same time that we must find time to justify our existence and understand better now who we are in this spirit-body duality. We must also accept climate anomalies as an opportunity to take measures that we would not naturally take without provoking such a destructive and modificational creationist challenge.

Citing the human species, for example, we can, by observing the autonomous cellular collectivity, see how in an instinct of perpetuation certain individuals are distinguished more favorably than others, with life creating in these particular individuals harmonic vibrations, internal or external, in addition to of body symmetry, facilitating its presentation to attract a partner through ultra vibrations inaudible to the ears but not to the internal or hormonal organs, since our body can exchange information with other individuals of our species or even species different from ours, such as: dogs, horses, cats or birds, in what we call loving synchrony or empathy, but which is a vibrational mode alien to our perceptible intelligence. It could also be a rhythmic vibration of the heart, a communication between the female egg and the male spermatozoon, from someone close to her that causes the release of pheromones, in short, just like the transfer of impressions and vibratory energies between the entire galaxy, everything is always replicated in different ways in a way, and by knowing our bodies better, with this new scientific understanding, along with the advancement of communications and new centers of management and control, we can survive better.

Still in time, I mention how we should be careful not to be eliminated by the “AI” artificial/mechanical intelligence (OLIVEIRA, 2019). The latest mathematical data indicate that we act erroneously with other species, with our fellow creatures and with the planet, opening perspectives for us to be eliminated if a judge totally devoid of “feelings” or this interaction and knowledge of cause, and without the internal balance that oscillates between matter and spirit present in most beings, comes to judge us by the lack of control and destruction of the bioclimate and climate-biology.

Through the latest experiments with “AI”, without giving voice to the existence of our particular deities, we are making room for us to be judged by the logic that cannot recognize our mistakes without eliminating us for what we have done and continue to do and practice. We have to go deeper into what makes up our pre-birth knowledge imposed by DNA, our actions and limitations, unravel where our barriers are, seeking understanding and scientific knowledge, new paths and other plans of logic. Without mathematical plans for forecasting, using climate tools and managing our wealth, we open the flank of restriction logic to “AI”, in addition to the 4 laws of Issac Asimov, which may seem illogical to “AI”, in the face of destruction around the world, and from the world, for example.

I repeat, therefore, below, part of another study authored by the author, “WHO IS GOD”, which complements and gives reasons for this understanding of the interactions and connections of these natural forces of energies and the nothingness that is almost absolute, except for the insignificance of the 2 or 3% of scattered matter.

Within God, therefore, is where we are as intelligence, where I exemplify various universes, interacting with other various universes, adjacent inside and outside a greater being. Where a cell or a globule is a galaxy and where the macro universes, by rubbing against its walls, create the cosmic ripples that are relayed in ripples into all space in our understanding in zero time. These waves are replicated countless times in the temporal decay that can then be found and felt by the matter where we are inserted, and where is our planet that, comparatively speaking, is a part of an integrated system in the cell, which is, for example, transiting within of a kidney, or liver, or stomach, or in the spinal cord, that is, within a greater being, which would act and react as a part of a cell when this greater being ingests, is hit by something external, or is still burning energies. When at the speed of thought we would be warned, exactly as it happens in a human organism, those discharges of a body shock at the speed of thought, when the neurons closest to each part of the set provided measures of action and early preparation, where physically new materials enter the space of the cell in question or in another nearby location, which later affect its existence.

In this context, subsequent waves at the speed of displacement of thoughts would arrive in the form of energies, new preparations would now be dictated by closer neurons, although already in that first impulse of alert, everyone within the cell understood the changes and, in a context, there was a preparation of even the smallest particle inside the cell, adaptations to fight for existence, even if the host with spiritual consciousness has little interaction with the quantum arrangements or is unaware of the giga-relationships involved, still, everything and everyone around the particle inside the cell cell are already due to that warning and other warnings that always arrive in succession, all enter the cell’s system and prepare it, along with everything inside it, for new clashes. Everything within that permeable space under study, in the cosmos[2].

Corroborating the above, there are two studies that partially agree with what was described above.

The first refers to how Dr. Prof. Elcio Abdalla, for containing a face of the prism and his vision of multiple dimensions, which touches on relevant aspects of what is described in the Theory of Who is God, but with another reading, interpretation and results, dimensional, physical and philosophical.[3]

The second study, by Professor Dr. João E. Steiner, indicates a difference in the conclusion of internalizing the universe and its formation, which is placed in this essay. Although they are putting it precisely, what is discussed today and that seems to us, has the same weight as the flat earth and the heliocentric or galactocentric, seen by the conclusions presented, observations, studies and results disagree and clash vehemently, including against the Big Bang theory, because for this effect to have occurred, the mega universe could not have a central energy axis, north-south or stellar magnetic axis, nor extrapolate the expansion of the universe to 44 billion light years from the inflationary center[4].

Colleagues fail to ignore that only by gravity do cosmic clouds coalesce and by the compression of basic elements they enter into atomic combustion. It is illogical, without a cosmic spark coming from the excitation waves external to the conglomerate of compressed gases, that an atomic furnace should start, in this case, even because such an event would be disruptive due to the resulting explosion, only due to the initial and continuous ultra-frequency spark, it is understood how the outer temperatures can be higher than the inner ones constantly hypothetically measured in the suns, reason why only putting the views above, of how supposedly the gravitational climatic physical laws of the universe and galaxies work, that is, through a new vision of why men think and behave, in the face of the inexplicable and partially mathematical/physical/religious universe, I think, the way will begin to open up to approaches without moral, realistic reservations.


Proposals can and should be used, along with survival initiatives, this premonition or first warning, which the demanded life gives us directly from the axis of the universe, using it to understand how energy and life pulsate, why they react in this way prior to the palpable climate and because we are advised in advance to act in synchronicity with the cosmos, with our physical bodies. To relate sunspots and coronal ejections to climate change, with what emerges from the earth’s core, which may have been vibrationally pre-levelled, solar core/Earth core. They can also be oriented to include our human nuclear reaction with the circulatory movements that we experience, as we move at hundreds of thousands of kilometers per hour through the galaxy and we hope that we are beings more intelligent than an earthworm, that using its collective cellular knowledge , transmitted by matrix DNA, weeks before some equipment predicts rain, drought or cold in that exact location, rises or falls on the ground to survive, using only the vibrations of the ground as a cellular orientation. Remembering that we have just over 100,000 years, compared to millions of years of experience of other beings.

Another proposal would be to control the climate, because there is no more time to retroact. The curve is in a position of downward change, this is what nature and science inform, these are facts that we are no longer in sync, as demonstrated by the “Schumann” pulsation measured in Hz, which reached the three digits, when the balance would be the two digits below 30Hz. The planetary internal heat lags behind the circulation of the winds, which act and move the oceans, emanations from the inner core with the solar core are dissociated from the heating and melting of the polar ice caps, gases reactive to specific wavelengths that stimulate by plants and plankton to absorb CO2, are triggered earlier than expected, increasing the distance from the warming equilibrium.

However, human physical/mental and food health must be preserved by controlling the climate, forcing cooling with controlled precipitation, as the shifting of the magnetic poles along with frequency changes will be disastrous for living creatures, as much as extreme climate changes, and everything on the verge of magnetic inversion, when statistically everything will be amplified.

The proposal, finally, is that we can preserve our conscious intellectual intelligence, because the corporeal one is fighting in inequality and, in the context of an abrupt climate change, it will be difficult to win, due to our corporeal fragility that even tries to carry out the necessary physical adaptations together with mental perception. For this reason, we must understanding and preparations, in the study of cosmic waves and vibrations, while being exposed to these frequencies.


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2. And who is God outside of theological dogmas? Who can God be by coldly studying the known frequencies and projecting them as a creative force for the formation and aggregation of matter? What could be the interest of something so powerful in tiny beings like us, for example? What can be the reason for our existence for such a creature, or such creatures, where probabilistically speaking, we are 8 zeros after a comma? We must think that there can only be one reason, our bio-ionic, physical and quantum energies, which seem few even though they emanate from billions of human beings and, perhaps, to a lesser extent from other animal living beings, since plants lose little bioenergy quantum spiritual, where perhaps gravity itself and magnetic energies are a universal plan to maintain grounding to release the right biocellular energy, are non-excluding possibilities to justify our size, since we have already proven that there are others with other laws of physics at work, without these ties.

Therefore, being the first alternative correct, then, we can deduce that there is a superior God (let’s assume, by analogy, that it is a being like a complete human, in its two versions, the material physical being and the spiritual physical being, of cognitive actions conscious and unconscious, with adaptive strategic information, which uses information received or radiated, or radially received, and which is processed by two independent processors, which act with independent but harmonious strategies) and within it several universes each with its central Own neurons to command and communicate with the Father God. In its center, there is the stomach or spinal cord, which inserts into the father all energies in the most varied formats, transforms and redirects them to other dimensions and, within this vast complex, there is an element that is our planet (of course seen as energy , we are not matter for this being, but perhaps we are matter for a group of closer energetic neurons, which would be our personal Gods, those who look at us as food, who interfere in our progression of development by voracity, beings who live in temporal spaces unimaginable, with timeless creation plans, like some Gods for each cluster, that is, for each layer of the stomach or for each dimension, and all wanting to be more powerful or representative neurons before the body of the FATHER/GOD, and some depending on our bio-ionic fluctuating energies, which are sometimes positive, sometimes negative, when they are good they feed positive beings and, if negative, dark beings, positive or negative).

The fact is that we are all the result of transformation, of energy in narrow dimensional movement. Our existence is in itself an act of violence, we are consumers of matter, which hurts the universe. We can never be exonerated because we cause imbalance in our own existence. Our thoughts and vibration are negative factors, although part of a larger plan of these timeless intelligences, for whom our existential questions are irrelevant and illogical, since we are within the system and exist with a purpose that we prefer to ignore for reasons of mental health.

3. We finally arrive at the point where science and philosophy merge into man’s atavistic concerns. We have moved from practical, technical and useful concerns in our daily lives posed by physics and realized by technology, to increasingly theoretical and speculative concerns. First, the origin and structure of space-time geometry is mysterious. A quantum geometry no longer has simple functions representing space, but quantum operators, and their interpretation is no longer so simple. Moreover, at the heart of quantum gravity, in black holes and at very high temperatures, it is essential that we consider all the particles and interactions, which are generated in infinite numbers in string theories. Above all, the extra dimensions of string theories, or even others of M theories, may intervene, raising the complexity of the problem to even higher levels. Some predict that the extra dimensions are already in regions close to the observations. In any case, its presence has become quite likely in the context of general theories of quantized fields, and the old idea of Kaluza and Klein from the 1920s becomes part of an almost everyday set of ideas, where other dimensions become ubiquitous. We pass to a much more speculative zone, in which the observer is not only part of the object of study, but much more than that: the object of study transcends the observer, for being not only much bigger, as our universe is in fact, but for containing the observer in such a way that the latter is not able, even in principle, to observe his object of study, since there is no causal connection between one universe and another. This is quantum mechanics seen in a new dimension, in which the measurement, essential for the very interpretation of the theory, becomes impossible to perform. It unveils a new set of ideas based on superstring theory, with new dimensions of space, and transcendent time, as well as multiple creations of universes. (ABDALLA, 2004)

4. THE VARIOUS cosmological MODELS throughout history are briefly described. The evolution of ideas can be understood as a succession of models, such as the flat Earth, the geocentric models, the heliocentric and the galactocentric. In the last hundred years, a theory has been developed, that of the Big Bang, which describes the most sophisticated observations that we have today and which shows that the universe had an origin that can be scientifically researched. In recent decades, this model has been refined into a new concept, that of the inflationary Big Bang. At the turn of the millennium, new discoveries showed that all known matter is just the tip of the iceberg in a universe dominated by dark energy and dark matter whose natures remain mysterious. (STEINER, 2006)

[1] Experimental physicist. Economist.

Submitted: November, 2021.

Approved: August, 2022.

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